KR> ignition coil failure

2008-10-12 Thread phil brookman
hi all i have a 1834 vw with hapi conversion and have a coil gone down looking in the log book its the 3-4 coil its had 130 hrs its a blue coil with 2 outlets - ht cables and one lt feed into it i am told they are harly davidson coils question can i stick any coil on ,thats siutable for 12v

Réf. : KR> ignition coil failure

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL 2005-06-20 02:21 Veuillez répondre à KRnet Remis le : 2005-06-20 09:07 Pour : cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM) Objet : KR> ignition coil failure hi all i have a 1834 vw with hapi conversion and have a coil gone down looking in the log book its the 3-