KR> fuel timer

2008-10-12 Thread Ed Jeffko
Mark L, Would you elaborate a little on your fuel pump timer system? Thanks in advance. Ed Jeffko

Fw: KR> fuel timer

2008-10-12 Thread Ron Hoskins
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KR> fuel timer

2008-10-12 Thread Mark Langford
Ed Jeffko wrote: > Would you elaborate a little on your fuel pump timer system? I just updated to explain, although I don't have a picture of the timer. The update is about midway down the page. The timer is about 2"x2"x.75" and weighs just about nothing

KR> fuel timer

2008-10-12 Thread Mark Langford
Ron Hoskins wrote: >> I was wondering what would happen if electrical or mechanical failure >> were to happen??? Would some sort of manual pump in the fuel system be >> worth considering??? Maybe im thinking of a problem that would never >> happen. Just my thoughts...<< Yes, I could also

KR> fuel timer

2008-10-12 Thread Ronald R.Eason
I have a time "ON" delay alternating relay that will fill the header tank from my two wing tanks using facet pumps, has a manual override if it fails. It is on my web site at click hanger and my project. I demo'ed it a few years back at a KR fly-in. Ronald R. Eason Sr.[Krro