KR> Wings Dings and Things!

2014-09-16 Thread peter
I'm guessing the bellyboard is like the control line models I made out of cardboard. Pull a flat sheet through the air at high speed, and a positive angle of attack, and it will produce lift (fly). (In this case vortex lift.) Equal and opposite reaction to the air mass accelerated downward is a

KR> Wings Dings and Things!

2014-09-15 Thread Larry H
Many years ago I did a lot of research on, lift, drag & aerodynamics in general trying to figure out what good cool stuff to do to a airplane design. I've always been interested in fast, cheap to fly efficient airplanes. I looked into the lift thing, boy oh boy are there differing opinions on th

KR> Wings Dings and Things!

2014-09-15 Thread Carl Dow
Both are correct, one controls the "quality" of the lift e.g. Bernoulli, and the other is just plain lift from angle of incidence. The both work together in an infinite amount of variations. Heck one can work without the other. The "quality"/"stability" will be less than desirable for sure. c