KR> Composite Material

2009-04-18 Thread
The Carbon Fibre he is using is prepreg. Unless you have an autoclave, vacuum press, or a large oven to cure in while vacuum molding, it's not going to do you any good. Jeff Scott Los Alamos, NM On Sat, 18 Apr 2009 18:25:10 -0700 (PDT) Kurt Clement writes: > I love meeting new people and tell

KR> Composite Material

2009-04-18 Thread Kurt Clement
I love meeting new people and tell them I am building a plane. Every once in awhile I get a surprise. I was at my niece's wedding in Seattle WA and I found out an old friend was a composite engineer at Boeing. I had no idea. We talked about materials for a couple of hours. I am going to hound hi