KR> Canopy Frame

2012-02-20 Thread
uskegee Airport and Museum) -Original Message- From: Phil Matheson To: 'KRnet' Sent: Sun, Feb 19, 2012 9:27 pm Subject: RE: KR> Canopy Frame What type is best and should I rough the plexiglass up to get it to stick? - I used west system, but I'm told

KR> Canopy Frame

2012-02-19 Thread Phil Matheson
What type is best and should I rough the plexiglass up to get it to stick? -- I used west system, but I'm told any Epoxy will work. BUT since I did mine, a friend who makes canopies told the Polyester resin sticks much better to the plexi then epoxy, then you could use the epo

KR> Canopy Frame

2012-02-19 Thread Mark Langford
Peter Drake wrote: >>I am planning on doing my canopy frame and hinges in a similar way to Mark >>L . I noticed he attached the frame to the plexiglass with epoxy. What >>type is best and should I rough the plexiglass up to get it to stick?<< Yep, you'd definitely want to rough up the edges of

KR> Canopy Frame

2012-02-19 Thread Dan Heath
Peter, Isn't the 3300 a better fit for the KR as the weight is much closer to the VW 2180 which was the engine most used in that plane I am thinking you are going to have much more W&B issues with the 2200. Just use a good epoxy and definitely rough it up very rough. Nothing will stick real

KR> Canopy Frame

2012-02-19 Thread Peter Drake
Hi I am planning on doing my canopy frame and hinges in a similar way to Mark L . I noticed he attached the frame to the plexiglass with epoxy. What type is best and should I rough the plexiglass up to get it to stick? Because of all the problems we have encountered with using a Jabiru 3300 eng

KR> Canopy Frame

2012-02-19 Thread Peter Drake
Hi I am planning on doing my canopy frame and hinges in a similar way to Mark L . I noticed he attached the frame to the plexiglass with epoxy. What type is best and should I rough the plexiglass up to get it to stick? Because of all the problems we have encountered with using a Jabiru 3300 engi

KR> Canopy frame weight

2011-08-17 Thread
Onderwerp: KR> Canopy frame weight KR - Friends. We are almost finished with de canopy frame for the dragonfly canopy. Made it from CF. Knows some body wat a reasoneble weight is for the frame. I am just interested what we made is it not to heavy or is it very light. I think we are about 9 pou

KR> Canopy frame weight

2011-08-17 Thread
KR - Friends. We are almost finished with de canopy frame for the dragonfly canopy. Made it from CF. Knows some body wat a reasoneble weight is for the frame. I am just interested what we made is it not to heavy or is it very light. I think we are about 9 pounds. This is inclusief the locking me

KR> Canopy frame wanted

2011-05-23 Thread Margaret Davis
Would anyone have a canopy frame for a plans built KR2 for sale. Thanks Brad

KR> Canopy frame

2008-10-12 Thread Chris Johnston
I need to make a canopy frame, what I am intending to do is mount the canopy, make a frame from foam and fit while the canopy is in place, and glass over with carbon fibre cloth. Bi directional Carbon cloth is about $60 -$70 per metre, so I was going to use some unidirectional cloth for abo

KR> Canopy frame

2008-10-12 Thread
t" Subject: KR> Canopy frame I need to make a canopy frame, what I am intending to do is mount the canopy, make a frame from foam and fit while the canopy is in place, and glass over with carbon fibre cloth. Bi directional Carbon cloth is about $60 -$70 per metre, so I was going to

KR> Canopy frame

2008-10-12 Thread Larry H.
Chris, if you decide to use the carbon, laying multiple layers at 90 degrees to one another is fine. If you were laying up this way over a wing for example, it would be stronger than using bidirectional cloth. When fibers are woven in and out to form bidirectional cloth, the fibers are actually

KR> Canopy frame

2008-10-12 Thread Chris Johnston
- Original Message - From: To: "KRnet" Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 8:49 AM Subject: Re: KR> Canopy frame > Just remember that radio waves do not travel through carbon fiber. > Regular cloth works very well for that purpose and costs 5 times less and > you

KR> Canopy frame

2008-10-12 Thread Ron Smith
om: To: "KRnet" Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 8:49 AM Subject: Re: KR> Canopy frame > Just remember that radio waves do not travel through carbon fiber. > Regular cloth works very well for that purpose and costs 5 times less and > you only have to use one layer. > >

KR> Canopy frame / radios

2008-10-12 Thread Larry&Sallie Flesner
> >Chris Johnston wrote:> Just remember that >radio waves do not travel through carbon fiber. >Regular cloth works very well for that purpose and costs 5 times less and >you only have to use one layer > > > People that say this crack me up! Do radio wave

KR> Canopy frame

2008-10-12 Thread Joe H Horton
t a thought though. > > > > Subject: KR> Canopy frame > > > > I need to make a canopy frame, what I am intending to do is mount > the > > canopy, make a frame from foam and fit while the canopy is in > place, and > > glass over with carbon fibre cloth. Bi dir