2010-11-09 Thread ttcse/Tom
Damn Steve that's one nice looking KR1.   I have a set of plans from long ago but they're such a mess it never got moved to a front burner.   I'll have to seriously consider doing it anyway.   Tom --- On Tue, 11/9/10, I FLY KRs wrote: From: I FLY KRs Subject: RE: KR> What happened to the

KR> KR-2 project for sale - reskinning

2010-11-06 Thread ttcse/Tom
What would be a good procedure for removing existing fuselage skin and leave surfaces good for applying new skin?     > The Bad - > > 2.      The builder did really nice work on the spruce.  Something was lost > in translation on the fuselage skin and it was not installed correctly.  It > should

KR> composite kr, Very sorry - meant to be private mail

2010-10-26 Thread ttcse/Tom

KR> Composite KR

2010-10-25 Thread ttcse/Tom
Hi Charles,   Morphing a Dragonfly toward a KR2 is also what I have in mind.I haven't decided on a header tank but I would have hollow wings with fuel-tanks in the inboard leading edge.   The LongEz and Cozy have fuel-tanks in the strakes and use a different foam in that area which doesn't

KR> Flying last-night with the full-moon

2010-10-24 Thread ttcse/Tom
I went up last night to take log some full-moon time.   I haven't done night flying in many years and can't remember ever flying with a full-moon (in a civilian aircraft).  I tried a couple nights ago but between the time I started my preflight and was ready to climb in for the start the weathe

KR> KR2 World Tour II

2010-10-14 Thread ttcse/Tom
The KR2 involved in the 2002 UK - Australia trip is being prepared for a 2 year flight around the globe starting in May 2011.

KR> GPS Verification

2010-09-27 Thread ttcse/Tom
" Take the difference between these GPS groundspeeds to get your windspeed."   Correction " Take the difference between these GPS groundspeeds and your IAS to get your (close approx) windspeed." --- On Mon, 9/27/10, ttcse/Tom wrote: From: ttcse/Tom Subject: Re: KR&

KR> GPS Verification

2010-09-27 Thread ttcse/Tom
--- On Mon, 9/27/10, Mark Langford wrote: From: Mark Langford Subject: Re: KR> GPS Verification To: "KRnet" List-Post: Date: Monday, September 27, 2010, 8:33 AM Todd Thelin > Can someone walk me through how to get accurate wind > information  at 7500' with only a GPS?

KR> KR2 crash, June 23rd, Richfield Utah

2010-08-07 Thread ttcse/Tom
While de-hoarding in my storage unit today I saw an old stack of printed KR crash reports.  (I always found flight and crash reports interesting)    I was just now google-ing for more and saw this recent one, I don't recall hearing of it on the list ...   Tom    

KR> KR (half) World Tour

2010-07-24 Thread ttcse/Tom
Some of you are aware, some are not.  In 2001 into 2002 a Jabaru-powered KR2 made an interesting 10-month trip from England to Australia, crossing parts of  Europe to Italy, Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia?,  Iran, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Myamar, Indonesia, across Australia to the southeas

KR> Oshkosh Weather

2010-07-22 Thread ttcse/Tom
I've been reading that it'll be wet and soggy this year.            

KR> Dihedral

2010-07-01 Thread ttcse/Tom
Mark wrote: "Actually, the dihedral isn't measured from the bottom of the spar, generally speaking.  It's more of a centerline angle thing,"   That's what I was thinking too, it's based on the 'spar-centerline'.    Also I believe another way to determine that value is to take the average of: "t

KR> Firewall Stainless and Insulation

2010-06-27 Thread ttcse/Tom
Seems the tendency to deform might depend on the difference in thickness  between compressed fiberfrax to the cut-out area without fiberfrax.  I've never seen the stuff so I wouldn't know.    If it's much perhaps substitute the cut-out with a thin washer of the cut-out size?   --- On Sun, 6/27/

KR> Firewall Stainless and Insulation

2010-06-27 Thread ttcse/Tom
Dan,   Let me share this chatter and general concensus from another composite homebuilt community.  (I can't recall which one anymore ;)   Just sharing what I read and I'm not smart enough to comment on it myself. One poster   " I have thought about the use of SS for firewall protection and

KR> Wanted: KR flight reports

2010-02-21 Thread ttcse/Tom
It sure is nice to read about adventures in KR.  Wish we could see them more regularily.  No such thing as a mundane story.   Tom 

KR> Elt, 406, APRS, etc

2010-02-20 Thread ttcse/Tom
The important other half of any emergency-locating system is what the emergency responders use to detect a crash and universally use in their vehicles to find the potential survivors in a very timely manner.For the pilot, having a system which helps finding your remains if you don't survive

KR> Let's get back to building and flying KRs!

2010-02-17 Thread ttcse/Tom
Thank you Mark ! --- On Wed, 2/17/10, Mark Langford wrote: From: Mark Langford Subject: KR> Let's get back to building and flying KRs! To: "KRnet" List-Post: Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2010, 5:45 AM Let's not forget that KRnet is a forum for building and flying KRs.

KR> another vid inside the cockpit

2010-02-13 Thread ttcse/Tom
Thank you Phil for sharing that.  It definitely scoots along faster than my current set of wings.    --- On Sat, 2/13/10, phil brookman wrote: From: phil brookman Subject: KR> another vid inside the cockpit To: "KRnet" List-Post: Date: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 11:58

KR> today's flight

2010-02-05 Thread ttcse/Tom
Holy stuff Mark!  Nice photography.  Especially thru a canopy.  Very impressive.  I've spent a little time in Alabama so I really enjoy seeing those views.  On appears to be on the route to the caverns in North Alabama.    I've always had a problem flying alone, drove me crazy because I wanted to

KR> KR-2 Plans

2010-02-02 Thread ttcse/Tom
Darn, if only the your plans were KR-2S.  I'm looking to get an unappreciated set of that. --- On Mon, 2/1/10, Johnny Cradduck wrote: From: Johnny Cradduck Subject: KR> KR-2 Plans To: "KR" List-Post: Date: Monday, February 1, 2010, 7:45 PM Several years ago I bought a

KR> KR2 For sale Barnstormers

2010-01-06 Thread ttcse/Tom
I saw no comments regarding the condition of the motor or if it has flown regularly, recently.   Seems it would be a bit risky to expect to scramble across the country, give your new purchase a quick checkout, and then fly back across the country.     Seems prudent to think of a trailer and bette

KR> Aeropoxy

2009-12-17 Thread ttcse/Tom
Hi John,  Let Me try it.   Let me try it.  I've been a member of composite airplane forums for years and have hundreds of dollar$ of Aeropoxy in a storage unit.  At least one contributing member of those forums has substantial work in the epoxy manufacturing and evaluating field.   If low temp

KR> compression check, service ceiling

2009-11-26 Thread ttcse/Tom
17,000' is impressive.  I wonder if it's the very first time a corvair motor has ever operated at that altitude.   "I decided to go all the way to 17,000' and get a climb rate number (and yes, I did have oxygen).  For the last 500' (16,500 to 17,000), the average was 230 ft/min, so the service c

KR> I'm home

2009-11-26 Thread ttcse/Tom
That's good to hear Dan.   --- On Thu, 11/26/09, Myron (Dan) Freeman wrote: From: Myron (Dan) Freeman Subject: KR> I'm home To: "KRnet" List-Post: Date: Thursday, November 26, 2009, 6:06 AM Hi guys and girls; I'm home for good now. I got to sleep in my own bed las

KR> wing design question

2009-11-23 Thread ttcse/Tom
  If I may... --- Fred: "(if) a barn door no taper wing doesn't require washout,"   Old Piper Hershey-bar wings I've looked at have washout.   Which ones are you referring to that don't 'need' washout? Washout is one strategy to helping the root stall befor

KR> Progress Update

2009-11-17 Thread ttcse/Tom
Hi Paul,   I like your cowl.  Is it photography distortion making your prop spinner appear to reflect downthrust?   Regards Tom   --- On Tue, 11/17/09, Paul & Karen Smith wrote: From: Paul & Karen Smith Subject: KR> Progress Update To: List-Post: Date:

KR> Progress Update

2009-11-17 Thread ttcse/Tom
Hi Paul,   I like your cowl.  Is it photography distortion making your prop spinner appear to reflect downthrust?   Regards Tom   --- On Tue, 11/17/09, Paul & Karen Smith wrote: From: Paul & Karen Smith Subject: KR> Progress Update To: List-Post: Date:

KR> Harness attachments.

2009-11-10 Thread ttcse/Tom
Hi guys,   I too have always really liked Alan's KR styling.  I'm sure I have a copy of every copyright-free image to be found on the net.   If you're going to have retracts, I can see that having a crushable foam block below the fanny would be a very good move to take some of the cushioning whi

KR> Harness attach failure, Not necessarily bad

2009-11-09 Thread ttcse/Tom
Hello Guys,   I want to suggest it may be VERY GOOD that the harness attach in Bob's KR took only part of the pilot's momentum and then failed.   Bob and his test pilot may want to be extremely happy over it.   You might recall how NASCAR driver Dale Erndhart was killed.  His car hit the wall a