Re: KR> awkward question

2019-04-18 Thread rbaalman--- via KRnet
Being the typical KR takes 10 years or more, It's a pay as you go project. As Jeff stated, the spouse excuse does help to downplay and then quickly change the subject to how fast the plane flies. Roger > On April 17, 2019 at 10:45 PM Mike Sylvester via KRnet > wrote: > > > Mildly KR relate

Re: KR> Roger Baalmans plane

2019-04-12 Thread rbaalman--- via KRnet
Chris, My plane wingspan is 24.5'. I used the AS45048 airfoil at the root, and the 5045 at the tip. The H/S and V/S airfoils came with the wing airfoil download. The H/S is 12 inches wider than stock. I kept the elevator area the same which effectively creates a larger H/S. I added an extra ba


2019-03-05 Thread rbaalman--- via KRnet
I installed the Uavionix Echo with Safefly200 GPS package. Easy install. The unit is mounted behind the pilot. With the Echo, another antenna is added for the ADSb in/out data. The traffic and weather info is wired to my EFIS and also transmits data via wifi to a portable device. No flight

Re: KR> airport selection.

2019-02-21 Thread rbaalman--- via KRnet
Stef, I did the first 60 hours in 738EM on a grass field. If it wasn't so far away from my house, I would prefer to keep it there. Grass strips also take the edge off of not so good landings. 1000 meters is plenty for rollout and high speed taxiing. Its good to see another KR heading for the

Re: KR> Heat shielding the cowl

2018-07-24 Thread rbaalman--- via KRnet
John, I used the fibrefrax and stainless foil (.002")to create heat shields on the cowling. You can get the foil in 12" or 24" wide rolls. I sealed the perimeter with red rtv. So far so good. Roger Baalman OK > On July 24, 2018 at 12:34 AM John Bouyea via KRnet > wrote: > > > I have some

KR> Matco wheels and brakes

2011-02-14 Thread
I have been browsing the Matco wheel site and I am not sure of the pros/cons of going with the internal caliper brake assy. Is there anybody who has used the internal caliper brakes and are you happy with that decision? I would like some input before purchasing. I am have around the McCauley

KR> Remote compass locations

2010-01-23 Thread
Has anybody mounted the remote compass in the aft section of their KR2? My KR entire wing section is removable and would require a splice where the wing joins the fuselage. The tail section installation would eliminate that splice. Thanks, Roger Baalman

KR> Peel ply

2009-09-05 Thread
If using deck cloth, is peel ply necessary, as far as using in areas where another layup will probably not be laid? I understand the benefit of using peel ply where another part will be glued on, but out on the open areas of the wing for example, I plan on using deck cloth over theCF. Thanks Ro

KR> One piece wing

2008-10-16 Thread
Does anyone know the name (and or email) of the Kr2 builder with the one piece main spar? I forgot to get the name while at Gathering. He had pictures in a binder at a table in the terminal. Thanks, Roger