KR> Engine mount.

2012-12-20 Thread
I didn't have to bend my mount at all using my specs, 28" top spread, 26" bottom spread and 14-1/2" top to bottom spread. I'll send you a picture of it. Mike Sylvester wrote: > > For those of you that have built an o-200 mount, How much do you have to bend > or bow the crossover tube to

KR> retract removal

2012-11-28 Thread
Why yes I have and I have them here on my floor where you can put them on a scale and weigh them, the springbar alone is very heavy. I did weigh them a while back just to compare and it was sizeable. Phillip Hill wrote: > Really? Has anyone weighed a set of each and compared? I'll bet

KR> retract removal

2012-11-28 Thread
(QUOTE)Why remove them?(/QUOTE) Because they are very heavy. Lee Van Dyke wrote: > Why remove them? > > Lee Van Dyke > > On Nov 28, 2012, at 10:04 AM, "Clayton" wrote: > > > I have been searching the net, maybe I missed something. > > > > What is the least invasive way to remove the sp

KR> Backup instruments

2012-11-23 Thread

KR> Backup instruments link

2012-11-18 Thread

KR> Backup instruments link

2012-11-18 Thread

KR> Backup instruments link

2012-11-18 Thread

KR> Back instruments??? links to follow

2012-11-18 Thread
OK this just got REAL! X-Vision and Xavion are at the App-Store now! X-Vision is just $49.99, and gives a GPS/gyro-based backup of every instrument in the standard-six panel in a REAL airplane! As well, it gives you a perfectly-funtional synthetic vision system. SO, if you want a simple app for

KR> Fwd: [xplane-news] OK this just got REAL!

2012-11-18 Thread
This may be of interest to some of you, it's for "REAL" airplanes and is not a toy.

KR> Engine mount

2012-11-17 Thread
would probably shorten >the mount about an inch. I expect this mount is probably a bit longer than the >one that was on your plane before. > >  -Jeff Scott >  Los Alamos, NM > > - Original Message - > From: > Sent: 06/22/12 04:55 PM > To:

KR> Engine mount

2012-11-17 Thread
n what your plane weighs and how it's distributed. But > if you plan to use the standard O-200 mount bushings, I would probably > shorten the mount about an inch. I expect this mount is probably a bit longer > than the one that was on your plane before. > > -Jeff Scott > Lo

KR> Fuel sight gauge

2012-10-17 Thread
Looks like for $5.00 you can just buy the extra floats and put one in your tube maybe. Doug Steen wrote: > > The Long EZ folks have used this with great success for 25 years > ___ > Search the KRnet Archives at http://tuga

KR> fuel tank sight gauge tubing?

2012-10-15 Thread
You know those little balls in the cheap little anti-freeze and battery testers. Mark Langford wrote: > KRnetHeads, > > It's been kind of quiet today, so let me throw this one out there. When I > bought N891JF, the sight tube was discolored due to age to the point that I > could barely

KR> Steve Glover's Plane Rebuild

2012-10-14 Thread
I know how you feel. Marc Baca wrote: > Hello All; > > In case any of you were wondering how the rebuild of N6155X is coming along, > ... here is a slideshow. We trucked it back to Chino, took the wings off, > and > began tearing away the fiberglass and broken wood and fiberglass.


2012-10-14 Thread
The reason there is not a good KR or KR2S for Microsoft Flight Simulator is because of the way the program itself works. In Microsoft, the programmer tells the aircraft how it should fly, but of course the programmer does not really know how it will really fly, only how he wants it to fly and th

KR> KRNetiquette?

2012-10-11 Thread
Post a link. Rudi Venter wrote: > Hi Everyone! > > Just a quick question > > I know we are not supposed to send attachments with mails destined for > KRNet and I can understand why. What about small, imbedded images in > messages, lets say I write a trip report and I have a photo o


2012-10-09 Thread
I just got on to it. Patrick Driscoll wrote: > I just tried to get on the gathering website and got a message that the site > could not be found. I even tried thru KR net link and got the same message. > Patrick Driscoll > Saint Paul, MN > > > If y

KR> Unpainted iron on fabric

2012-10-06 Thread
This will work. wrote: > There was a guy looking for the USA distributor website for the iron on > fabric that don't require paint. I couldn't find it to start with, but > found > it in the online "Experimenter" magazine article.

KR> Driving is the pitts - KR Gathering was great

2012-10-01 Thread
I knew Dan Heath had misspelled that (maybe on purpose) but it was a quote so I didn't change it. Besides you probably had the shortest driving time of all. Eric James Pitts wrote: > "Driving is the pitts", Thou shall not use my name in vain!! > > > Eric Pitts > Terre Haute, Ind. > > "

KR> Driving is the pitts - KR Gathering was great

2012-10-01 Thread
"Driving is the pitts", yes it is. When I drive to the Gathering it takes about 3-1/2 hours of Interstate driving and seems like it will never end, "ARE WE THERE YET?" but when I flew down it only took 1-1/4 hours and was over all to soon. Keep building guys. Dan Heath wrote: > KR Gatheri

KR> Home from Gathering

2012-09-30 Thread
Hi again everybody; It was great seeing everyone again. It was a great weekend for the Gathering and I'm glad everyone got home safe and sound. Dan Freeman Mark Jones wrote: > Just wanted to let everyone know that N886MJ delivered me home safely. I > arrived in Stevens Point, WI at 11:0

KR> KR Gathering 2012

2012-09-29 Thread
Hi guys; Well I'm here in town , I'll be out to the airport after while. Dan Freeman. wrote: > I posted to KRBuilder, a slideshow of some pics I took yesterday at the > Gathering. > > > > Scroll to near the bottom of the page. > Click on

KR> Videos

2012-08-15 Thread
Cool videos Mark, nice landing. Ain't life good? YEE H! Mark Jones wrote: > This link is of a high speed pass on runway 30 at KSTE. > > > This link is a landing on runway 21 at KSTE. Note how smooth the wheel is on > landing. I always wondered what it did

KR> KR2 crash in Tehachapi. And David Robbins is OK!

2012-08-15 Thread
Looks almost like my crash. I wonder if it was wind shear that got him too? He's hurt but I hope he's not hurt badly. Been there, done that. Craig Williams wrote: > Found this: > > > > Crai

KR> O200 prop

2012-07-16 Thread
What were all of the specs? Jeff Scott wrote: > I've flown and tested a lot of props on the O-200 on my KR. The best > performer I've used has been from Prince Propellors. > > Jeff Scott > Los Alamos, NM > ___ > Search the KRnet Archives at http://tu

KR> O200 prop

2012-07-16 Thread
I was using a 58x72x3-1/2" from Ed Sterba and pulling 150mph (GPS) @2400rpm. I don't know if there is a better one or not. Charles Babb wrote: > Just purchased an O200 for my KR2S and would like to know what propeller is > most in use with this engine. > __

KR> Engine mount

2012-07-03 Thread
Jeff Scott sent me a couple of drawings for a engine mount. I understand it is from Rand/Robinson and it is labled for use with the KR-2S and the Continental O-200A engine with the caveat (warning) that if you use a alternator on the bottom/rear of the engine it might/wi

KR> New App and hardware for Ipad

2012-06-26 Thread
I thought someone might be interested in this for it's value in the real world too.

KR> Engine mount

2012-06-22 Thread
I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here but looking at the plan sheet for the KR-2S engine mount and the Cont. O-200 engine that Jeff sent me, I noticed that the spacing from the firewall to the O-200 engine mount casting (11-1/2") is just that, it does not show any isolator bushings which in

KR> Engine mount

2012-06-21 Thread
ginal Message- > From: [] On Behalf > Of > Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 2:30 PM > To: KRnet > Subject: Re: KR> Engine mount > > I've got the mount jig built and ready to start fitting the 413

KR> Engine mount

2012-06-21 Thread
ould have required a > rebuild of the cowl. > > -Jeff Scott > Los Alamos, NM > > - Original Message - > From: > Sent: 06/21/12 01:30 PM > To: KRnet > Subject: Re: KR> Engine mount > > I've got the mount jig built and read

KR> Engine mount

2012-06-21 Thread
I've got the mount jig built and ready to start fitting the 4130 steel that I got from Wicks Aircraft. The original mount was so close to the firewall that you had to undue the mount bolts and slide the engine forward to pull the starter off and that was with a 3/8ths" aluminum spacer. The batte

KR> Engine mount

2012-06-19 Thread
Ok I finally had some success with the KRnet search engine. It seems like Rand Robinson recommended the crank centerline be 1-1/2" below the top of the longeron. But I'm still open to other suggestions. I couldn't find anything on my plans, maybe I wasn't looking hard enough.

KR> Engine mount

2012-06-19 Thread
Hi Larry; I haven't been able to find Larry Flesners current email address, anyone have it? Do you recall where the crankshaft centerline of your Cont. O-200 is in relation to the top of the top longeron of your KR-2? For example, 1" or 2" below the top of the top longeron? I seem to remem

KR> 2600cc VW/Porsche Type 4 for sale

2009-12-11 Thread
Hi Ron; Thanks for the performance numbers, I've got a brand new GP 2600cc VW type 4 myself that I intend to use on my other KR-2 after I get healed up. It seems to be a great engine. Myron D. Freeman Ronald Piekaar wrote: > Hi everyone in KR land, > It's Ron and I have a never used, zer

KR> The knife mystery

2009-11-03 Thread
(quote)Someone from this list took Dan's mention of the EMT's remark over to the AOPA forums and posted it there and wouldn't you know . . . it's turned into a screaming thread over there too. Mike - KSEE Oh Lord help us all. This has got to stop somewhere. Myron D. Freeman

KR> Careful what you carry with you

2009-11-02 Thread
No! no! no! no! guys, let's don't get this blown clear out of proportion over nothing. The knife means nothing to me, after all they were there to save my life. My only intention in bringing the subject up was to point out what this country is coming too. Please, let's just drop it. I'm not ups

KR> Careful what you carry with you

2009-11-02 Thread
Hi Lee; Well in my case I certinly wouldn't pursue it and besides it might still be laying around MVN somewhere where it could have been misplaced. Have a great week everybody. Myron D. Freeman Lee Parker wrote: > I spent 31 years in a public safety career.  Any item that was in a private

KR> Careful what you carry with you

2009-10-31 Thread
Hi Randy; Yes, I'm sure he was just joking. Randy Smith wrote: > Could it be he was just trying to make a joke. I have a friend that is a > captain at DFW airport fire dept and they believe a lot of the rules are > stupid to. > > --- On Fri, 10/30/09, mfreem..

KR> Careful what you carry with you

2009-10-31 Thread
Hi JC; Yeah, I suppose I could be in danger of hi-jacking myself couldn't I? Or taking over an airport from the inside after landing. Oh well, anyway I `sort of think that the EMT was mocking the condition of this country now a days, like a tounge in cheek joke. Years ago I flew myself from Ind

KR> Careful what you carry with you

2009-10-31 Thread
JC Marais wrote: > Dear Mr. Freeman, > > We all know that there are strict rules about carrying dangerous items on > planes. You are NOT allowed to take any knives, firing arms or explosives on > an aircraft, since you could use it to hijack the plane, or even blow it up. > > ... I'm not

KR> Careful what you carry with you

2009-10-30 Thread
Hi guys and girls; (Quote)I think that I would contact the EMT's boss and ask him (Her?) what happened to the knife. Want to bet that it was never turned in? Oh no, that old, well worn knife is the least of my concerns, besides my wife bought me a brand new one, they only cost $10 and the old

KR> Careful what you carry with you

2009-10-30 Thread
Hi guys and girls; My eye surgery went perfect and took less than an hour, oh I'm so glad that's all over with. Hey, a word of warning. Watch what you carry with you while you are flying! If your not already aware. As they were cutting my clothes off of me on the runway, one of the EMT's was

KR> Thanks to all

2009-10-29 Thread
Hi guys and girls; I had my final surgery today, it was on my eye socket. All went very well and they expect no further problems. I can now transfer and pivot on my right foot with full weight which opens up a whole new range of mobility options, so things are looking up in a big way and my doc

KR> My personal items

2009-10-24 Thread
Hi guys and girls; Some good news, I just recieved a box from Chris Collins at MVN airport with all of my personal items in it and believe it or not nothing was damaged or missing except for the rubber duck antenna on my hand held radio but that's OK because I have a spare anyway. Even my glass

KR> It's not over yet.

2009-10-23 Thread
Thanks everybody for your best wishes, I appriciate them very much. I was wrong about the package that was coming, it was somethin else. So I'm still looking for my personal items to show up one of these days. Have a great week everybody. Myron D. Freeman. wrote:

KR> It's not over yet.

2009-10-21 Thread
Hi guys and girls; I had hoped it was all over and I could just lay back and heal but I got a phone call this afternoon and was told that I am being scheduled for facial surgery for fractures around my right eye. I was hoping it just needed to heal on it's own but I guess not. I got a package,

KR> Thanks Guys & Girls

2009-10-04 Thread
Thanks JC Dan. JC Marais wrote: > Hi Dan, > > Good to see that you are back on the net and talking again. > I really hope for a speedy recovery. > > Regards. > > JC > > JC Marais > Centurion > South Africa > 082-401-5259 > > -Original Message- > > No virus found in this outgoi

KR> Thanks Guys & Girls

2009-10-03 Thread
Hi Guys & Girls; My wife just called me here at the rehab center to tell me that she found a package at the front door when she got home this evening. It was from Larry Fleshner and had a 2009 Gathering hat in it. Thanks to Larry and all who were involved, I really appreciate it. I'm really sorr

KR> new airfoil wing skins

2008-10-12 Thread
Since Dan Diehl already is equipped to do it and that's his trade why not see if he will do it for a price. - Original Message - From: Mark Langford List-Post: Date: Thursday, February 16, 2006 2:10 pm Subject: KR> new airfoil wing skins > >I believe I smell a goo

KR> angle of incidence, AS504x

2008-10-12 Thread
Try them in X-Plane, It's fun to experiment with. - Original Message - From: Mark Langford List-Post: Date: Thursday, February 2, 2006 8:29 pm Subject: Re: KR> angle of incidence, AS504x > Russ Bell wrote: > > > What is current thought on AOI for the AS504x > > airf

KR> angle of incidence, AS504x

2008-10-12 Thread
I have tried them all in X-Plane and unless someone can provide better models of the airfoils, ie. RAF48, AS-5045, AS-5046 and AS-5048, I have found that the RAF48 and AS-5045 work well. I have also settled on +1.0 degree incidence for the main wing and -1.0 degree for the horz. stab.. It seems

KR> KR Plans

2008-10-12 Thread
There's more on the net than there is in the plans. - Original Message - From: VIRGIL N SALISBURY List-Post: Date: Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:48 am Subject: Re: KR> KR Plans >Copyrights last a looonngg time, Virg > > On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 11:32:59 + airg

KR> buying KR plans

2008-10-12 Thread
You know, when I used to build and fly R/C models there was a magazine called R/C Modeler and they used to sell the best and easiest to use plans that I ever saw and I often wondered why someone didn't do the same for home built because a lot of pilots came from the model plane world and it wou

KR> KR2 Simulator Is Very Much Appreciated!

2008-10-12 Thread
Hi Phil; Phil said, >I appreciate the programming "bug" >with the retractable tail-wheel; >It's never down when you need it, >forcing the pilot to fly a tail-skid >aircraft without rear-wheel steering, >It's not a tail-wheel, exactly. Which plane are you flying? The one I put on the net does n

KR> Engine investigation so far

2008-10-12 Thread
Looks like your going to be flying your X-Plane model for a while, Well, at least you have one now. - Original Message - From: Dan Heath List-Post: Date: Monday, January 2, 2006 6:07 pm Subject: KR> Engine investigation so far > The initial finding is that it is not

KR> Engine investigation so far

2008-10-12 Thread
is OVER. > Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC > ---Original Message--- > > From: > Date: 01/02/06 19:00:50 > To: KRnet > Subject: Re: KR> Engine investigation so far > > Looks like your going to be flying your X-Plane model for a while, &g

KR> A Christmas gift to all KR builders, fliers and hopefuls

2008-10-12 Thread Thanks and Happy New > Year! > Henry > > -Original Message- > From: [] On > Behalf Of > Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 10:50 AM > To: > Subject: KR> A Christmas

KR> A Christmas gift to all KR builders, fliers and hopefuls

2008-10-12 Thread
liers and > hopefuls > > > Please send me a copy to Thanks and Happy New > > Year! > > Henry > > > > -Original Message- > > From: [] On > > Behalf Of mfreem...@indy.rr.

KR> Bad day

2008-10-12 Thread
Well I am qualified but I'm retired now let me know what you find, by the way Steve Bennett at Great Plains Aircraft Co. would be a great choice if you want an expert to do it. - Original Message - From: Dan Heath List-Post: Date: Saturday, December 31, 2005 9:26 pm

KR> A Christmas gift to all KR builders, fliers and hopefuls

2008-10-12 Thread
Michael in Indy. > > wrote: > I have a completed, flying model of the KR-2 for the X-Plane, > flight > simulation program. If you would like a copy of it, let me know. > > I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas and

KR> A Christmas gift to all KR builders, fliers and hopefuls

2008-10-12 Thread
I have a completed, flying model of the KR-2 for the X-Plane, flight simulation program. If you would like a copy of it, let me know. I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year.

KR> Prop choice - power requirements

2008-10-12 Thread
It say the "page cannot be displayed". it's either gone for good or the server is down. - Original Message - From: Peter Diffey List-Post: Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 6:25 pm Subject: KR> Prop choice - power requirements > Hi, > > Has anybody ever published

KR> Prop choice - power requirements

2008-10-12 Thread
The aerotools/airfoils web site still isn't working. It says "the page cannot be displayed". - Original Message - From: Peter Diffey List-Post: Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 6:25 pm Subject: KR> Prop choice - power requirements > Hi, > > Has anybody ever pub

KR> Looking for a KR2 project for sale

2008-10-12 Thread
Hi; Sorry about the delay. What kind of $ are you thinking of? I don't know yet if I'll be wanting to part mine out. I don't know if you fly X-Plane on your computer or not but I have built a couple of KR-2 models for X-Plane to post for down load as a free-ware on the Internet and I would l

KR>Kr-2 for X-Plane

2008-10-12 Thread
As Soon as I get them posted to a down load site I'll let everyone know. - Original Message - From: "G. Harris (Pumpkin Man)" List-Post: Date: Sunday, December 18, 2005 4:04 pm Subject: Re: KR>Kr-2 for X-Plane > I'd be interested in those X-Plane files! :) > > > T

Fw: KR> kr2 for sale

2008-10-12 Thread
If anyone is wanting to find complete and new type-4 cylinder kits for the 2000 cc V W engine, I have them and a good extra case also. - Original Message - From: roy root List-Post: Date: Sunday, December 18, 2005 5:32 pm Subject: Fw: KR> kr2 for sale > > - Ori

KR> Looking for a KR2 project for sale

2008-10-12 Thread
I've got a KR-2 in boat stage with wing spars and a Dragonfly canopy with a finished Great Plains type 4 VW engine at about 94 hp that has been run tested. - Original Message - From: Tim Brown List-Post: Date: Thursday, December 8, 2005 1:40 am Subject: Re: KR> Look

KR>X-Plane SIM of the KR

2008-10-12 Thread
I may be speaking out of turn or even about something that I know nothing about but if I'm not mistaken you would need those spec's for MSFS 2004 to build a true flying model. But in X-Plane you build the plane model and the sim tells you how it will fly. That's the big selling point of X-Plane

KR>X-Plane SIM of the KR

2008-10-12 Thread
g. > > Scott > > --- wrote: > > > I may be speaking out of turn or even about > > something that I know > > nothing about but if I'm not mistaken you would need > > those spec's for > > MSFS 2004 to build a true flying model. Bu

KR>X-Plane SIM of the KR

2008-10-12 Thread
Hey, that's great, it will save me the trouble of trying to build it myself this winter. I've got those versions of the KR-2 for X-plane version 7x from Ameet but now I've got version 8.21 so it needed to be upgraded. In all the years that I've been involved with the KR's, I've seen few that

KR> Type 4 V W engine

2008-10-12 Thread
There was a guy named Darrel Haas who requested some info about the type 4 V W engine this morning. He requested that it be e-mailed directly to him but it came back as undeliverable and I no longer have his original e-mail. Try contacting me directly.