KR> aluminum

2008-10-12 Thread
Did you try Eastern Metals? web site is _ ( Their stock and catalog items are in PDF but they are listing the 6063-T5 Unequal Leg Stock Code Size in Inches (E x M x S) Wt/Lin ft. 11-63-3952 x 4 x 1/8

KR> a little autocad advice

2008-10-12 Thread
Jeff, You can print them and tape together, per the grid Idea presented, I place tick marks on the border myself, pick your sections by windo and make sure your scale is "full" or "1:1" , or take a copy of the file to kinkos, they can use Voloview to print it full size. You might check the

KR> "fly-off" period after engine change

2008-10-12 Thread
Mark and Netters, The nutshell version he gave you sounds about right. Just swapping out a 'vair for a 'vair shouldn't have much impact on the flight characteristics you established during your testing period. There are a few more chapters and verse that apply, depending if the aircraft was

KR> "fly-off" period after engine change

2008-10-12 Thread
In a message dated 3/2/2007 7:59:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: has been made; (b) doesn't apply to expiremental --- Netters, Sorry, I just put "doesn't apply to expiremental" because the a

KR> "fly-off" period after engine change

2008-10-12 Thread
Netters, True statement Dave. And it make a good case for CYA. Whenever I'm dealing with he "administrator" I like to follow-up with a e-mail confirming the conversation and print off both the my letter and the answer and I tuck them in the file cabnet. The idea being make sure you have f

KR> Question about airworthy certificate

2008-10-12 Thread
Don't forget to notify the insurance company of the upgrades and return to phase 1 testing either, if something does go afoul they won't cover you for the mishap. Ed Larsen

KR> Question about airworthy certificate

2008-10-12 Thread writes: I would still ask myself the same question. If this was a certified plane, would the FAA require a 337. > That is probably the best statement for decision making I've heard. As far as the FSDO and the insurance companies are concerned, it's jus

KR> 51% stuff, EAA certification package

2008-10-12 Thread
The EAA offers a great package of information, checklists and documents for completing the registration of your aircraft. Well worth the couple bucks spent to get it. Some years ago I picked up an AC at an FAA seminar on the requirements for building and registering homebuilt aircrafts, at o

KR> Weight and Balance

2008-10-12 Thread
In a message dated 12/13/2004 8:45:23 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: before I rent the scales. Jim, Before you rent scales, check at the local auto parts/speed shops and find a guy that drives circle track, most likely he has a nice digital set and would be more th

KR> ref: H.R. 5035

2008-10-12 Thread
This bill was recently reported in the AOPA online newsletter and the following is from the AOPA website; AOPA working the Hill to defeat ridiculous GA security bill The moment word first leaked out that Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) wanted to impose security restrictions on general aviation that

KR> KR Sport pilot eligible???

2008-10-12 Thread
The EAA is already compiling a list of aircraft that are eliable and can be found at this link which by the way lists the Loehle 5151with FIXED gear only. There is also a listing for certified aircraft. my 2 cents Ed Larsen Ypsi, MI


2008-10-12 Thread
You can get the TFFN & THHN wire in different colors through Hi-Line (Hi- Ed Larsen Ypsi, MI


2008-10-12 Thread
Virus hoax involving jdbgmgr.exe file. A new hoax hit the streets in mid-April. It comes in a form of an e-mail urging the recipient ... In a message dated 9/1/2003 11:04:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << Is anyone receiving an e-mail from john and elaine roffey claimin

KR>chemical corrosion coating for 4130 steel?

2008-10-12 Thread
Mark, You could use a self etching wash primer like the PPG DP 701, it's a two equal part mix. By asking at the local jobber store (Auto Value here) you could find who is using it locally and get a pint. I think the smallest they sell is quart and you won't need a half gallon of the stuff. Swa

KR>vert. card compass

2008-10-12 Thread
Chief has a good unit for $186, non-TSO'd. Ed Larsen Ypsi, MI

KR>vert. card compass

2008-10-12 Thread

KR>vert. card compass

2008-10-12 Thread
Tim, I'm building a Sonerai (project collecting dust) and joined the KR list some time back to gether information on the VW conversion, nice bunch of folks, so I stayed. I can be found most days at the home field, Larsen Airpark (43G). Ed Larsen Ypsi, MI

KR>vert. card compass

2008-10-12 Thread
Tim, Appreciate the offer, the project is backburner so I can concentrate on running our family airport. After being downsized after 14 years in my previous employ, wife leaving, divorce, ect. (typical of airplane nuts?), I've come full circle back to working on planes full time. I can be f

KR>Terra tx720 comm

2008-10-12 Thread
Do you just need the schematic? Ed Larsen Ypsi, MI Luscombe SL-8-115