The EAA offers a great package of information, checklists and  documents for 
completing the registration of your aircraft. Well worth  the couple bucks 
spent to get it.
 Some years ago I picked up an AC at an FAA seminar on the  requirements for 
building and registering homebuilt aircrafts, at one point I  lent it out and 
it never came home, but it was a good reference. It is  still available online 
at _http://rgl.faa.gov_ (  as well as lots of  others.
 Short list I grabbed before I started reading and forgot I was  writing mail;

AC 20-27F Certification and Operation of Amateur-Built  Aircraft
AC 20-139 Commercial Assistance During Construction of Amateur-Built  Aircraft
AC 90-89A Amateur-Built Aircraft and Ultralight Flight Testing  Handbook

 Most of the AC's are in PDF format and can be saved or printed, there  are a 
few old ones that are still microfiche.
 My 2 cents,
 Ed Larsen
 Larsen Airpark (43G)

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