Re: KRnet> Landing at Idle Re: Landing at Idle

2024-11-03 Thread Todd Thelin via KRnet
iPhoneOn 3 Nov 2024, at 4:00 PM, Mark Langford wrote: Todd Thelin wrote: "I often wonder though if we are training ourselves for an unrealistic feel for how to set up for an engine failure.  I imagine that the engine produces a different amount of drag

Re: KRnet> Landing at Idle - was Converting to tri-gear(maybe?)

2024-11-03 Thread Todd Thelin via KRnet
Mark, I also use the same technique in my KR2S of throttling back to idle, once I feel the airport is made I and landing without touching the throttle.  This seems very natural to me as I learned to fly in gliders, where we didn't have a throttle to distract us, and also developed slipping skil

Re: KRnet> She needs a bath. My hangar gets so dusty, I have to give it a bucket bath almost every week.

2024-09-07 Thread Todd Thelin via KRnet
I picked up a set of King size flannel sheets at a GoodWill Thrift store for a couple bucks years ago. Keeps my plane nice and clean, except for the bugs on the leading edges after flying.Todd ThelinSpanaway WAN825MWSent from my iPhoneOn 6 Sep 2024, at 12:45 PM, Randy Smith via KRnet wrote:

Re: KRnet> Recommended viewing

2024-08-29 Thread Todd Thelin via KRnet
All that nitpicking, and not a one of you bothered to post a link so the rest of us out here enjoying the comments could actually go see what you all were bickering about. Cheers, Todd Thelin N825MW KR2S Sent from my iPhone > On 29 Aug 2024, at 5:51 PM, Larry Flesner via KRnet >

Re: KRnet> Mystery motor

2024-04-25 Thread Todd Thelin via KRnet
Looks like a two cylinder air cooled airplane engine. But maybe it’s one of those giant fans that get erected on a stand in grape fields to blow the fog away. Sent from my iPhone > On 22/04/2024, at 8:08 PM, MS wrote: > >  > In prowling the internet recently, on a non-aviation related site I

Re: KRnet> what's this noise????

2024-02-25 Thread Todd Thelin via KRnet
That sounds scary.Sent from my iPhoneOn 25/02/2024, at 1:24 PM, Mark Langford wrote: My last flight in KR2 N891JF was back home from the KR Gathering at KMVN.  When I got back, I dumped the hot oil for an oil change, and the next day I adjusted the valves.  I try t

Re: KRnet> Hello KR

2024-01-16 Thread Todd Thelin via KRnet
Congratulations on a successful business Brian. On Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 01:48:09 PM PST, brian.kraut wrote: I was just clearing out a bunch of old mail from this email address that I almost never check anymore and thought I would say hello to all my old (y

Re: KRnet> Robert Pesak's KR2S is for sale!

2022-10-03 Thread Todd Thelin via KRnet
I would love to buy it, but Robert says it is already spoken for. Todd Thelin Sent from my iPhone > On Sep 28, 2022, at 12:03 PM, Myron Freeman via KRnet > wrote: > >  > I would buy it but with my health I couldn't fly it anyway but it's beautiful > to look

KRnet> What are KR2 owners using for ADS-B equipment

2022-07-09 Thread Todd Thelin via KRnet
I am hoping to get my KR2S back in the air this year, but live inside the 30 mile veil around Seattle's Class B airspace.  I will need to install something in my airplane to make it legal for me to even take off. I am looking for an inexpensive and easy to install set up and would like to know w

Re: KR> KRnet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 232

2017-10-05 Thread Todd Thelin via KRnet
I highly recommend the 6" semi-pneumatic tailwheel from Aviation products. You will see several tailwheel photos if you look at the KR Gathering pictures Mark Langford posted last week.? The 6" Semi-pneumatic tailwheel on my KR has over 110

Re: KR> Brake cylinders

2017-06-05 Thread Todd Thelin via KRnet
nice panel Larry, boy wera you able to cram a lot of instruments in it. Beats the heck out of mine barely fitting an altimeter, airspeed indicator and wet compass, and a few engine instruments. Todd Spanaway, WA Click on the link

KR> aileron controls

2013-04-27 Thread Todd Thelin
gt;> >>The control junction between the stubby wings and the aileron appears >to be >> making a slight elliptical pattern when the ailerons are moved, as >if the >>bottom half of the bracket supporting the bell crank was

KR> Insurance question...

2012-03-17 Thread Todd Thelin
I have had life insurance for so long that I don't even remember what kind of caomparisons I got when purchasing it. I have been a pilot and a motorcycle racer my entire adult life though, and that didn't seem to be a factor in purchasing it though. It definately does not carry any exclusions

KR> Dirty Belly

2012-03-07 Thread Todd Thelin
This should have been "I have been told that a . . . ." I have been tod that a . -Original Message----- From: Todd Thelin To: krnet Sent: Wed, Mar 7, 2012 4:33 pm Subject: Re: KR> Dirty Belly have been tod that a large percentage of dirty belly problems are t

KR> Dirty Belly

2012-03-07 Thread Todd Thelin
I have been tod that a large percentage of dirty belly problems are traced to over filling of the crankcase (on VW conversions anyway) often attributed to the dipstick not calibrated correctly, which causes excess oil to be blown out the vent tube, and that once the oil level is adjusted to the