Re: KRnet> Shirley KR lives !!

2022-08-08 Thread RB via KRnet
KR1s are a rare sight at the gatherings. I guess you will just have to fly it to MVN next month. Roger Baalman OK Sent from Mail for Windows From: Marc Baca via KRnet Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2022 6:25 PM To: KRnet Cc: Marc Baca Subject: KRnet> Shirley KR lives !! Ready to roll at Chino CA !!

Re: KR> Auto Pilot comment

2021-02-07 Thread RB via KRnet
Ron, I fly behind an early version GRT efis. I added AP servos after flying off the 40 hours. It makes X country flying so much better being able to relax and enjoy the view outside. I also fly behind P mags. I have no regrets. My KR is a heavy pig with an O 235, but I get 140 kts @ 5.5 -6

Re: KR> PNW Mini FlyIn #2

2020-09-02 Thread RB via KRnet
I agree with Jeff. I was fortunate to have access to a Citabria to get a bunch of taildragger landings in and learn to stay on my toes while the wheels are spinning. The KR handles on the ground a lot better than the old high wingers, so transitioning to the KR was a non issue. Within a few w

KR> Terry's BBQ

2020-09-02 Thread RB via KRnet
Those of us fortunate enough to attend the BBQ at Marion Saturday had a nice day to enjoy airplanes and conversation. Getting there and going home presented some challenges, but with some patience, the scud cleared out. We were given a tour of the Chizek airport still under construction. I

Re: KR> Uavionics

2020-06-28 Thread RB via KRnet
I agree with Mark. I installed a kissing cousin version Echo w/ GRT gps. Easy install, and the price is favorable. My old efis just does not want to display the available data. I use Foreflight on my I pad mini and it gives me that info. It is nice to have weather available when at altitude

Re: KR> today's flight, and Jim Hill's KR2 to KR2S stretch

2020-04-21 Thread RB via KRnet
The Rotec TBI does not care for ram air either. I had a few situations where it ran up fine to takeoff power, but sputtered going down the runway. Pulling the power back say .5 inches MAP worth corrected it. I fly with the filter access panel off, a nd have no problems. I can cruise with ra

Re: KR> anybody doing anything ?

2019-09-29 Thread RB via KRnet
I get to do an annual and avionics upgrade on my dad’s skylane. ADS b, nav, autopilot, fun stuff. And a new headliner for the 53 yr old 182. Of course the misses is not all thrilled about a radio stack sitting on the kitchen table. But wires need snipped and crimped. Roger Weather here in K

Re: KR> KR Landing in Tacoma Washington

2019-08-05 Thread RB via KRnet
That would make for some good root beer conversation. That’s when the truth comes out😊 Roger Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Flesner via KRnet Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2019 5:27 PM To: Cc: Flesner Subject: Re: KR> KR Landing in Tacoma Washington On 8/3/2019 3:20 PM, Cr

Re: KR> Flash KR Flyin, 10AM at Bolivar, TN

2019-02-03 Thread RB via KRnet
So, while you all are flying around, I am repairing the set of wheel pants off my Dad’s 65 C182 (sanding, glassing, sanding, etc.). I sent the tbi off my KR back to Rotec to update it and correct its flaws. Too rich at idle and too lean at full throttle. While down, I plan to add the GRT auto

Re: KR> Electric Artificial Horizon

2018-11-19 Thread RB via KRnet
How does that KR fly with the 62x68 prop? I took the spinner off this past week end to check the torque on my prop. There wasn’t much torque left since it was installed it. Obviously new to the wood prop scene. Life goes on. I am getting better at 3 point landings. A Murphy Rebel, and C140

KR> O200 propeller

2018-09-09 Thread RB via KRnet
I have a 62 x 68 Ed Sterba propeller that can be used as a loaner. Heck I might even sell it. If there is any interest, I will bring it with me to the Gathering. It has around 36 hrs on it TT. Roger Baalman OK Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Mike Sylvester via KRnet I'll have to jump i

Re: KR> Bi-annual Flight Check

2018-06-08 Thread RB via KRnet
Sid, Excuses (reasons) caused me over a month getting my plane in the air. Well, you know, in the spring it is windy. So easy to blow off for another day. Now it is stinken hot out; in Oklahoma at least. Monday I topped 8EM off and went for a 3 hr cruise around NE OK. I eventually made it

Re: KR> A successful first flight for another KR2S

2018-05-19 Thread RB via KRnet
Scott via KRnet Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2018 10:46 AM To: Cc: Jeff Scott Subject: Re: KR> A successful first flight for another KR2S     Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2018 at 8:12 AM From: "RB via KRnet" To: KRnet Cc: RB Subject: KR> A successful first flight for

KR> A successful first flight for another KR2S

2018-05-19 Thread RB via KRnet
All, I logged .5 hrs yesterday in 738EM. Flys great, I think. I planned on running another h/speed taxi since some time has passed from previous run. Well, I just kept the throttle in and pulled back on the stick and off it went. Typical KR touches required on pitch and roll. Heading out

Re: KR> cht upgrade kit?

2018-02-28 Thread RB via KRnet
Type in westach selector in the search box. You will see a 4 cyl add on kit in the results. Roger Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Flesner via KRnet Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 5:32 PM To: Cc: Flesner Subject: Re: KR> cht upgrade kit? On 2/28/2018 4:22 PM, Jeff Sc