KR> "TYP" on drawing

2012-06-28 Thread Paolo Cavazzuti
to the radius, but I can't understand what it stays for. Someone can help? What does "TYP" mean exactly? you already have understood, I'm not an English speaking person: actually, I'm Italian :)   Thank you very much for your help, Paolo Cavazzuti, Modena, Italy


2012-04-14 Thread Paolo Cavazzuti
this is interesting

KR>Rand/Robinson Engineering

2008-10-12 Thread Paolo Cavazzuti
of the stuff, so that at least it will remain as future memory for those looking for info on Krnet! Hope this mail has not bored you and look for your answers. Regards, Paolo Cavazzuti Modena, Italy e-mail:

KR>Re: Advertising

2008-10-12 Thread Paolo Cavazzuti
nk fees directly to you... well, I know, it's not a lot of money, but why should you pay for nothing? Paolo Cavazzuti Modena, Italy sapiddomannaro "at" __ Yahoo! Mail: 6MB di spazio gratuito, 30MB per

KR>Aluminum list posted!

2008-10-12 Thread Paolo Cavazzuti
Thanks a lot to Steven and Mark and to the ones who answered the aluminum question! Paolo Cavazzuti Modena, Italy. e-mail: >From Mark Langford: Steven's aluminum list for the KR2 and KR2S has been posts. The html fi

KR>Aluminum Kit/WOOPS

2008-10-12 Thread Paolo Cavazzuti
living Italian means to buy things at the other part of the world... not cheap, not easy, not fast! :) I wrote RR to have some info last week, hope to have some. I'll turn them to you, if I've success. Please, could you make the same if you've a list? Thanks a lot and regarards, Paolo

KR>Aluminum kit

2008-10-12 Thread Paolo Cavazzuti
...well... it seems I wrot not exactly out of net... ;) Hope nobody's feeling hurt by my words, 'cause there's nothing personal in what I said. At least, hope this could help to have some info :) Paolo Cavazzuti Modena, Italy e-mail: sapiddom

KR>Oggetto: RR Aluminum Kit for KR-2S � what�s in it?

2008-10-12 Thread Paolo Cavazzuti
need it. Sorry if I’m asking about aluminum kit again, but last time has been in 1998 (see Mark Langford’s question in the archives)! ;) Regards, Paolo Cavazzuti Modena, Italy e-mail: __ Yahoo! Mail