Hi everybody,
just my thought about this:

Dan Heath wrote "It may very well be, that it has very
little to do with material wealth..."

And Peter Waijenberg wrote "In the one hand I agree with you but in
the other I say the best is to let the company go bankrupt..."

First of all a word of respect for a woman who continued KR business
after the tragic death of her husband: it's so far in time for many
of us, but it's surely yesterday in her heart.

In this situation I think the best way to go could be that IF there's
someone who can have a true, sincere and friendly contact with Rand
family (i.e. Janette and Susan), he should talk with them and make
them understand the importance to put just a little more care when
they have to do with their customers: many KR builders feel the need
of this, and many more will make orders to RR without the doubt RR
won't answer. I know, it's an "IF" hypothesis, but it could be the
best in this situation.

Or, alternatively, to make them feel the vitality of our community...
I don't know their character, but why not a massive "ordinary mail"
from us all to let them know that we care about the continuity of
their business and the need for more?

If there's no perspective to have a total different administration
from another customer, why surrender to the actual situation?

All this said, I should say that I had no problems with RR till now. 
Simply I learned that:
- Do not ansk RR more than what is still indicated on brochures and
internet site
- Do not telephone call to RR
- It' strongly suggested to write a letter, in second chance write a
FAX... better to send a letter AND send a FAX
- PAY and you'll have what you've ordered (and this, said the above,
is just paying to have the thriller to wait with no answers, no
contact, no confirmations... and to discover what you've bought only
when you've pieces in your hands )...

I made a 2.617 US$ order at the end of february, it's not a little
money; I can perfectly understand people who won't place an order
like mine to a company that is not able to give you an idea not only
of an average shipping price (to Italy, in my situation), but also to
give you an idea of weight and size of packages to make you do your
own research (note that, for far and "under developed" that my
country could seem, there are more than 10 KR flying and others under
construction... surely RR has a previous history about volumes,
weights and shipping to Italy...).

This is why I hope to receive all the stuff I’ve ordered and to have
the time and ability to make a complete list of  the stuff, so that
at least it will remain as future memory for those looking for info
on Krnet!

Hope this mail has not bored you and look for your answers.


Paolo Cavazzuti
Modena, Italy
e-mail: sapiddomann...@yahoo.it

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