KR> ELT antenna location

2010-09-17 Thread PETER KAREN GAUTHIER
I just acquired an ACK model E-01 ELT. I went with this because it is the most inexpensive way to be legal, I'll upgrade when I begin to do some serious flying out of the valley. My problem is the installation instructions say to mount the antenna 1.6 meters (5') from the comm antenna. My com

KR> Re: KR Wheels

2010-04-14 Thread PETER KAREN GAUTHIER
I have a KR2 that I purchased, the Matco wheels were still in the box with an extra set of tubes. One of the wheels had been out of the box and one of the tubes had been pinched, explaining the other set. I tried every trick on the Matco site, and some of my own, to assemble the wheels without

KR> circuit current

2009-11-22 Thread PETER KAREN GAUTHIER
Hi All, I purchased a project that was almost ready to fly about 3 years ago. I have replaced the retractable with RR fixed gear, added wing stub tanks, replaced the firewall, built a new header tank and made it integral with the removable forward deck, reworked all the controls, added 2.5" of

KR> Fuel residue

2009-03-09 Thread PETER KAREN GAUTHIER
Thanks for the input. The naphtha didn't touch it. I called Steve, the former owner/builder. He said that he had noticed the stuff, couldn't remove it and decided it was a problem for another day. I think the problem is for today so I cut the tank apart. It looks like some sort of slosh/sea

KR> Feul residue

2009-03-08 Thread PETER KAREN GAUTHIER
Netters, I have a KR with a Rand header tank. there is a reddish brown tar like residue in the tank. It is thick in the sump, the valve was plugged and it has run in random patterns around the inside of the tank. The tank was empty when I got the plane and has been empty for the 2 1/2 years

KR> Tap Plastics resin

2008-10-12 Thread PETER KAREN GAUTHIER
Has anyone ever used or have opinion on Tap Plastics brand resin for there skins? Fred Johnson Reno, NV I have used Tap's resin, I think the "General purpose" is the same as what they called "Workhorse" resin in the 80's. I have used both and can't tell the difference. I got good re

KR> Re: Diehl Aeronautical

2008-10-12 Thread PETER KAREN GAUTHIER
I talked to Dan on the phone a few months ago. The address is right, but the link on his site does not work and sends you to another address that doesn't work. use the address on Dan's post and I think you'll get results. Pete G. Hey Guy's; Has Dan Diehl changed his e-mail address or web

KR> Re: KRnet Digest, Vol 348, Issue 560

2008-10-12 Thread PETER KAREN GAUTHIER
I found it on the Dow Chemical site someplace in the Styrofoam section. It took some time wading thru all the information. As I recall, the strength is given in kPa or KN/m^2 or kg/mms^2 (they are all the same). 1 Pa = 0.000145 psi so 1 kPa = 0.145 psi. It's been a long time but for some rea

KR> 2lb. Foam

2008-10-12 Thread PETER KAREN GAUTHIER
Foams are not all the same. The Owens Corning "Foamular" (pink) polyethylene and Dow Chemical "Styrofoam" (blue) are extruded polyethylene foam boards that come in several grades. Owens Corning's Foamular 150 and 250, the grade found at most building suppliers, are 15 and 25 psi compressive str

KR> (no subject)

2008-10-12 Thread PETER KAREN GAUTHIER
Netters, I have been monitoring the chatter for some time and I have gotten a lot of great ideas from netters. Now I have a question that I think some of you may be able to help me with. I am not a newbie to the KR. I have #5671, book 56 KR2 plans that I bought in 1980 or 81, I've been build