KR> Original plans fuselage layout sheet

2016-01-08 Thread Stephen Hubbert
Ok, old timers, I have misplaced the fuselage layout sheet provided in the original plans for the KR-2. I purchased my plans in 1978. Would one of you be able to scan in the sheet and send it to me? I certainly would appreciate it. I have already built the airframe, but would like to have the sh

KR> Fuselage layout sheet

2016-01-08 Thread Steve
Ok old timers...I have misplaced the fuselage layout sheet from my original plans purchased in 1978. If one of you has the sheet would you mind scanning it and sending it to me?? I have already built the airframe...just want the layout sheet so I will have the complete plans. Thanks Steve Sevent

KR> X Carv parts maker

2016-01-08 Thread Jeff Scott
From:?"brian.kraut--- via KRnet" Subject:?Re: KR> X Carv parts maker Having a CNC router, a Bridgeport milling machine converted to CNC, and a 40W CNC laser I hardly ever make a part without using one of them anymore and they are tremendously useful, but I design and build things as a big part of