KR> Composite Material

2009-04-18 Thread
The Carbon Fibre he is using is prepreg. Unless you have an autoclave, vacuum press, or a large oven to cure in while vacuum molding, it's not going to do you any good. Jeff Scott Los Alamos, NM On Sat, 18 Apr 2009 18:25:10 -0700 (PDT) Kurt Clement writes: > I love meeting new people and tell

KR> lean of peak operation

2009-04-18 Thread Mark Langford
VairHeads, We recently had a discussion on running lean of peak EGTs on CorvAircraft, and the conversation went from "don't you dare do it", to "I do it all the time" (that was me). Today I was flying back from Jack Cooper's place and almost fell asleep an hour into the flight. I figured so

KR> visit

2009-04-18 Thread Mark Langford
Jack Cooper wrote: > It was my pleasure to welcome Mark Langford and Joe Horton at my new home > and hangar today. We had a few hours together and toured the home and > hangar, enjoyed the sunshine of a beautiful spring Tennessee day, the view > of the mountains, and had a good meal. The pleas

KR> Composite Material

2009-04-18 Thread Kurt Clement
I love meeting new people and tell them I am building a plane. Every once in awhile I get a surprise. I was at my niece's wedding in Seattle WA and I found out an old friend was a composite engineer at Boeing. I had no idea. We talked about materials for a couple of hours. I am going to hound hi

KR> visit

2009-04-18 Thread ROBERT (Jack) COOPER
It was my pleasue to welcome Mark Langford and Joe Horton at my new home and hangar today. We had a few hours together and toured the home and hangar, enjoyed the sunshine of a beautiful spring Tennessee day, the view of the mountains, and had a good meal. Some residents and construction worker

KR> Tri Gear Conversion

2009-04-18 Thread Phillip Matheson
Dan Diehl's web page has the instruction and photo's of concerting to Tri gear Open the link at the bottom of his page. Tri gear instructions Phil Matheson SAAA Ch. 20 VH-PKR Australia EMAIL: KR Web Pa

KR> Tri Gear Conversion

2009-04-18 Thread
Has anyone ever converted the gear to tri-gear. I am guessing that I will have to move the main spring gear backward and fabricate a front wheel? Larry Husky In a message dated 4/18/2009 6:05:24 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes: At 07:11 AM 4/18/2009, you wrote: >

KR> Tri Gear Conversion

2009-04-18 Thread
H In a message dated 4/18/2009 6:05:24 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes: At 07:11 AM 4/18/2009, you wrote: >Doesn't the Porkopolis Pig have an 0200? It is a nosewheel KR2. + I think the "Pig" had an A-65 Continenta

KR> ram air cabin vents.

2009-04-18 Thread HAROLD WOODS
Hi Netters, A friend installed an extremely effective cabin vent on his Jodel D-11. You may recall on the old cars of the 1020s and 30s there was a ram air vent in front of the windshield that opened forward to scoop air into the inside of the car. He got one and mounted it at the top of the w

KR> Tri Gear Conversion

2009-04-18 Thread Larry&Sallie Flesner
At 07:11 AM 4/18/2009, you wrote: >Doesn't the Porkopolis Pig have an 0200? It is a nosewheel KR2. + I think the "Pig" had an A-65 Continental but that's close. I'm "guessing" the 0-200 with accessories would be 30 pounds heaver, give or take.

KR> Tri Gear Conversion

2009-04-18 Thread Phillip Matheson
We have a standard KR2 in Australia with a 0-200, Rego is VH-XXS, he says it stands for extra extra small. Owner Graham Schott. Phil Matheson SAAA Ch. 20 VH-PKR Australia EMAIL: KR Web Page: --

KR> Tri Gear Conversion

2009-04-18 Thread Dan Heath
Doesn't the Porkopolis Pig have an 0200? It is a nosewheel KR2. I often wish I had put an 0200 on mine, so if you find a good one, maybe you should get it while you can. See N64KR at - Then click on the picsĀ  See you at the 2009 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Ill There is a