How to pass a class instance in a jenkins pipeline script?

2019-04-09 Thread touseef
I have a pipeline compliant test a @databoundConstructor i have to pass an instance of another class *Input (*consisting of n number of variables to be taken as input*)* @Symbol("forget") @Extension public class ForgetBuilder extends Builder implements SimpleBuildStep { private

Re: How to pass a class instance in a jenkins pipeline script?

2019-04-09 Thread touseef
On Wednesday, 10 April 2019 09:44:31 UTC+5:30, touseef wrote: > > I have a pipeline compliant test a @databoundConstructor i > have to pass an instance of another class *Input (*consisting of n number > of variables to be taken as input*)* > > > @Symbol(&

Integrating jira issue creator in jenkins pipeline

2019-11-10 Thread touseef
I want to Create Jira Issue on Build Failure through *Jenkins pipeline*.I am able to achive this help in freestyle projects. Can anyone help me in integrating the create jira issue in jira automatically via pipeline syntax when jenkins build fails. -- You received this message because you are

Re: Integrating jira issue creator in jenkins pipeline

2019-11-11 Thread touseef
issuetype: [id: '3']]] response = jiraNewIssue issue: NewJiraIssue, site: 'THAT CAN BE SET IN JENKINS CONFIGURATION OR CAN DIRECTLY WRITE HERE' echo response.successful.toString() echo } } } On Monday, 11 November 2019 21:27:33 UTC+5:30, An

Perform actual hardware tests using jenkins pipeline and kubernetes

2020-01-19 Thread touseef
Can anyone point me in right direction, I have a use case as follow: Kubernetes master running the jenkins and i have n number of physical machine connected with different hardwares,So what i want to achieve is when a specific job is triggered in jenkins to execute a test on hardware , k8's(ku

Re: Perform actual hardware tests using jenkins pipeline and kubernetes

2020-01-26 Thread touseef
#x27;maven:3.3.9-jdk-8-alpine', > ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat', > > ) > ]) { > > node(POD_LABEL) { > stage('Tests on hardware type 1') { > git '' > container('m

hardware tests using jenkins pipeline without using typical labels for nodes

2020-02-03 Thread touseef
Can anyone help how Can i run the tests on actual hardware by making use of jenkins pipeline and docker.Traditionaly i am aware we can label the slaves connected to hardware and the tests will be executed accordingly. Any help in of running the tests using docker and the pipeline will be apprec

How to automate the versioning of images in jenkins pipeline using semantic versioning

2020-02-06 Thread touseef
I would like to have the deployed image and versions automatically managed.Help would be appreciated. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to jenkinsci

Is it possible to change the service IP range of an already initialized kubernetes cluster?

2020-06-22 Thread touseef
I want to change the CIDR of services ( replace the kubeadm ip alloc range) i.e cluster ip.I have the cluster already up and running. Is it possible to switch teh cluster to different cluster ip rangfe without re initializing it from scratch? -- You received this message because you are subscri

How do i get logs of docker containers in Kubernetes running in jenkins?

2020-10-28 Thread touseef
Can anyone provide me point me, on how do i get the logs of the containers running in kubernetes without using Kubectl because i dont have an access to the kubernetes cluster. Is there any loging mechanism by which i can get the logs or stdout in the container to jenkins ? Help would be greatl

How to get container logs in kubernetes if user has no admin access to execute kubectl commands

2020-10-28 Thread touseef
Can anyone provide pointer on how do i get the logs of the containers running in kubernetes without using Kubectl because i dont have an access to the kubernetes cluster. Is there any loging mechanism by which i can get the logs or stdout in the container to jenkins ? Help would be greatly appr

Re: How to get container logs in kubernetes if user has no admin access to execute kubectl commands

2020-10-30 Thread touseef
a persistent log that won't just go away if I remove and restart the >> container. >> >> example: >> -v /path/to/server/log/directory:/path/from/container/logs/directory >> >> >> On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 11:43 PM touseef wrote: >> >>> Can anyone p

Re: How to get container logs in kubernetes if user has no admin access to execute kubectl commands

2020-10-30 Thread touseef
won't just go away if I remove and restart the >> container. >> >> example: >> -v /path/to/server/log/directory:/path/from/container/logs/directory >> >> >> On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 11:43 PM touseef wrote: >> >>> Can anyone provi

Making the jenkins scm checkout smart

2018-10-29 Thread touseef
x27;t want multiple jobs. What i am looking is having a single intelligent job to do the context switching between jobs. Any idea or help will be appreciated. Thanks, Touseef -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group. To unsubs

Re: moving jenkins_home

2016-10-06 Thread touseef
Install the Jenkins at the new place and just *copy the jobs folder *from previously installed jenkins folder to the new installation folder.This way u will retain all your previously created jobs. The other thing you can use is *Job Import plugin.*May be that will suffice your requirement. On

store jenkins configuration of jenkins in git via script

2016-10-18 Thread touseef
i want to schedule a task in windows task scheduler that will take the backup of job config.xml and store it in git repo..Any idea how to do it -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving

Re: Accessing jenkins.model.Jenkins class from Custom Jars in Jenkins env.

2016-10-19 Thread touseef
import hudson.model.* It worked fine for me in my groovy scripts and i was able to able use access jenkins classes.Can i know which version of jenkins are you using.As far i now in jewnkins 2.7.4 ,there are some security updates On Tuesday, 18 October 2016 01:10:01 UTC+5:30, ZT wrote: > > Hello

Re: emailext jelly template access changetSet

2016-10-19 Thread touseef
May be this code might helped u as i had similar requirement but i implemented it in groovy script <% changeSet = build.changeSet if (changeSet != null) { hadChanges = false %> Changes <% changeSet.each { cs -> hadChanges = true aUser = %> Commit ${cs.revision} by <%= aUser != null

Re: gitlab-plugin causing freestyle job configuration to crash

2016-10-19 Thread touseef
Can u install the one version less than the current installed version of *GITLAB,*to check whether the problem still exists for u. On Wednesday, 19 October 2016 15:17:53 UTC+5:30, Eddard wrote: > > -gitlab Version: 8.12 > -jenkins version: 2.16 > -gitlab-plugin version: 1.4.2 > > > > Everytime we

Re: Jenkins Master Goes to 100% (at random?)

2016-10-19 Thread touseef
you can increase the heap size in the jenkins config.xml file, that will increase the availability of heap size for jenkins ,this might help u.Other thing is u can ugrade to 2.7.4 latest stable version of jenkins On Tuesday, 18 October 2016 01:59:10 UTC+5:30, Eric Crahen wrote: > > Hi, > > W

Re: Loosing All jobs after upgrade

2016-10-19 Thread touseef
In job folder ,are the config.xml files present? if so take a back of the config files first and then try to install the previous version of the jenkins you were using. On Thursday, 20 October 2016 06:08:51 UTC+5:30, slide wrote: > > You probably want to look at the Jenkins logs and see why they

Moving jenkins from http to https on windows

2016-10-23 Thread touseef
May I know, how to perform below task: Step 4: Use the contents of the 'certreq.csr' file to generate a certificate from your certificate provider. Request a SHA-1 certificate (SHA-2 is untested but will likely work). If using DigiCert, download the resulting certificate as Other format "a .p7

Moving from http://localhost:port to https://localhost:port on windows

2016-10-24 Thread touseef
May I know, how to perform below task: Step 4: Use the contents of the 'certreq.csr' file to generate a certificate from your certificate provider. Request a SHA-1 certificate (SHA-2 is untested but will likely work). If using DigiCert, download the resulting certificate as Other format "a .p7

usage of log4j in jenkins plugin

2016-11-13 Thread touseef
i want to use the log 4j for logging in my jenkins plugins.However my plugin is unable to find the properties file even when i placeit in resource folder of plugin. However when i do it using simple java program it creates log file as expected. Following is the content of properties file # Roo

Using label field while declaring Kubernetes agent gives a deprecation warning even when using yaml format

2021-02-25 Thread touseef
[WARNING] label option is deprecated. To use a static pod template, use the 'inheritFrom' option. Is there a workaround or different way to specify the agent labels Below is the pipeline script ``` pipeline { agent { kubernetes { * label 'sample-label' * * yaml** '''* apiVersion: v1

Re: Non-lightweight git checkout of Jenkinsfile fails if node parameter is provided

2021-02-26 Thread touseef
not sure if it helps There is a known issue with the integration of Jenkins and Bitbucket v7 that if the PR is not having any changes to the Jenkinsfile, the Jenkins will fall back to heavyweight checkout. On Wednesday, 24 February 2021 at 21:55:10 UTC+5:30 Martin Schmude wrote: > Hello all,

Trigger a job for every Jenkins update automatically

2021-09-13 Thread touseef
I am trying to run a job in Jenkins automatically every time my Jenkins restarts or update my Jenkins instance. Any insight of how to do would be appreciated. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and

Config.xml of the job gets lost/deleted randomnly on jenkins restart or saving the configuration after changing it

2016-10-05 Thread touseef yousuf
Im currently facing an issue where the config.xml of my created jobs gets deleted randomly on Jenkins restart and the job is no longer available on the view,even the job folder is present on file system *but without config.xml *.I have no idea what leads to this randomn disappearance of the con

Re: Config.xml of the job gets lost/deleted randomnly on jenkins restart or saving the configuration after changing it

2016-10-26 Thread touseef yousuf
Even in some cases jenkins doesnot allow me to change the name of already existing job? On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 11:04 AM, touseef yousuf wrote: > Im currently facing an issue where the config.xml of my created jobs gets > deleted randomly on Jenkins restart and the job is no longer availa