May be this code might helped u as i had similar requirement but i implemented 
it in groovy script

<!-- CHANGE SET -->
<% changeSet = build.changeSet
if (changeSet != null) {
hadChanges = false %>
<% changeSet.each { cs ->
hadChanges = true
aUser = %>
<li>Commit <b>${cs.revision}</b> by <b><%= aUser != null ? aUser.displayName : %>:</b> (${cs.msg})
<% cs.affectedFiles.each { %>
<li class="change-${}"><b>${}</b>: ${it.path}   
                           </li> <%  } %> </ul>   </li> <%  }

 if (!hadChanges) { %>  
  <li>No Changes !!</li>
 <%  } %>   </ul> <% } %>

*And regarding the count u cant use this*

*def size= build.changeSet.items.length*

On Monday, 17 October 2016 20:36:33 UTC+5:30, wrote:
> Hi,
> I have use the Jelly template to re enable most of our email content, 
> except 2 things I still cannot do, the revision change set and the warnings 
> counts (the later is not too bad, we are moving to warnings as errors 
> anyway).
> Any body have a way to access the scm changeSet into the pipeline emailext 
> template?
> I tried without any luck:
>    - ${build.changeSet}
>    - ${build.changeSets}
>    - ${currentBuild.changeSets}
>    - ${}
>    - ${}
> the console log are accessible with ${build.getLog()}
> the artifacts are with ${build.artifacts}
> The warning were:
> but now if used they generate a jelly parsing error.
> if any body have any tips or info on this I would be glad,
> Thanks
> Jerome

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