migration hudson 2.2.0 to jenkins

2012-04-25 Thread Marcel Schutte
Hi, Does anyone have experience migrating from hudson 2.2.0 to jenkins (current version, 1.461) ? The format of the hudson config files has changed and migration isn't as easy as it used to be: - some settings aren't picked up (for instance a project specific jdk and the schedule for 'build pe

Triggering builds remotely with enabled ("quick and simple") security

2012-04-25 Thread Stephan Fortelny
Hey, I want to trigger a build remotely with the command JENKINS_URL/job/ prestaging/build?token=TOKEN_NAME or /buildWithParameters? token=TOKEN_NAME as described in http://LOCALHOST:8080/job/prestaging/configure - Build Triggers - Triggers builds remotely (e.g. from scripts). This works when I ha

Use E-Mail address as username

2012-04-25 Thread Andreas
I'm using git as SCM and with it I have a list of users with their e- mail-addresses. But when it comes to Jenkins users, only the usernames are used, not the whole address. For example: when user "first.l...@company.com" pushes to git, Jenkins recognizes the user as "first.last". What happens with

Re: Increasing Hudson job time [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2012-04-25 Thread Maven User
Next step may be increasing the debugging/logging. Are there any other test stanzas? What happens if you run all the same steps locally? On Tuesday, April 24, 2012 6:32:30 PM UTC-4, RatedAbstract wrote: > > Hi Andrew, > > That plugin was indeed installed. I disabled this plugin, restarted > Hu

Re: Is it possible to parameterize a Subversion "Repository URL" location in a Jenkins build job configuration?

2012-04-25 Thread Maven User
Have you tried global environment variables? Jenkins has so much intelligence built into polling, seems like a shame to ditch that for some quicky hand-rolled script :-/ On Tuesday, April 24, 2012 9:46:27 AM UTC-4, Linley wrote: > > Hi, > > We have a SVN structure that consists of a main "paren

Re: Mercurial plugin NOT picking up merges back to the default branch

2012-04-25 Thread Maven User
This likely won't be released until it's tested/proven. If anyone has a spare jenkins instance and can run this for a week or so (and provide it some merges to consume).. On Monday, April 23, 2012 6:49:17 PM UTC-4, Rodney Stanton wrote: > > We have hit the same issue. Also waiting, patientl

Re: Issue when performing a maven release and skipping Sonar

2012-04-25 Thread Maven User
Just out of curiosity - you run a sonar check with ever build? If you agree that is overkill, set up a @midnight sonar job for everything you want a health check on. Are you doing this in order to leverage the build breaker plugin? On Monday, April 23, 2012 8:37:48 AM UTC-4, Mark Kiami wrote:

Re: Maven 3 & modules

2012-04-25 Thread Maven User
What's the full use case? Also - if you're doing that - why not break them into individual repositories or modules and just rely on dependencies? Jenkins also has an option to "build just what's changed". Maybe that'd be a good compromise? On Monday, April 23, 2012 11:55:31 AM UTC-4, Rajwin

Re: Jenkins master

2012-04-25 Thread Maven User
You may seem some fun tho as the logs for jobs are streamed back to the master (so disk io/memory may pick up). In another life, someone opted for some slow disk for the master. Quickly became a pain point. How many slaves can you have per master specs? No idea :-/ On Thursday, April 19, 201

Error running groovysh via jenkins-cli due to anonymous missing the Administrator permission

2012-04-25 Thread Carlton Brown
Steps to reproduce: 1: set up an SSH key under my username 2: verified that I am authenticated: java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://myserver/jenkins who-am-i Authenticated as: myuser Authorities: authenticated 3: tried to run a trivial script via groovysh and got an error ja

Re: Maven does not fail builds whit test failures.

2012-04-25 Thread Maven User
This is actually pretty normal. Generally Hudson/Jenkins OOTB mark builds unstable if the tests fail. Try adding -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true to your maven command line - but be forewarned - there will likely be other parts of the job that won't run and I wonder how many artifacts will be a

Re: how to build a specific git branch with jenkins

2012-04-25 Thread dwalling
I've attached the config file. I did edit it in 2 spots prior to posting - where it has "internalgithubserver" is normally an actual hostname for an internal server. To answer your questions: 1. No, we don't currently use the delete workspace plugin. I have manually deleted the workspace while t

Pom parsing and incremental builds: erroneously rebuilding world?

2012-04-25 Thread Laird Nelson
I'm seeing occasional cases where a change to a single .java file in a single Maven module is causing Jenkins to believe that it needs to rebuild the entire world (well, rather, it is detecting incorrectly that the root pom.xml has changed, thus causing a rebuild of the world). I obviously have in

Re: how to build a specific git branch with jenkins

2012-04-25 Thread dwalling
Two more bits of information that might be relevant: 1. Git 1.7.10 was installed into C:\Git 2. In the Jenkins system configuration page, the path to Git is specified as C:\Git\cmd\git.cmd. I tried specifying the path as C:\Git\bin\git.exe, but in that case git.exe spawns ssh.exe which hangs. I c

Re: Is it possible to parameterize a Subversion "Repository URL" location in a Jenkins build job configuration?

2012-04-25 Thread mark_kendzior
Linley, Yes, you can do exactly what you said. I am doing that exact thing. Add a String pramater to the build job. In my case I use branch as the parameter name. In the SVN URL put something like this: https://my-svn.com/branches/${branch} The SVN plugin will expand the ${branch} parameter fo

Re: Maven 3 & modules

2012-04-25 Thread Rajwinder Makkar
Scenario is this : Lets say one maven projects has 5 modules. Developer changed only one module and committed it to Version control. Here i was looking for an option where developer and trigger build for only this particular module. As Jenkins surely understand root pom and modules in it and it e

Notification plugin not including job parameters in notification messages

2012-04-25 Thread giuliano
I’m using the notification plugin. Mostly works great. Except that I’m getting no job parameters. And my job does have parameters. Any thoughts on why not and what I can do to get them sent in the notification message? Some bits and pieces I’ve found that may (or may not) help: Looking at the plu

Re: Maven 3 & modules

2012-04-25 Thread Maven User
Nope - expand the maven config in your project - look for the "Incremental build - only build changed modules" option. On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 1:48:56 PM UTC-4, Rajwinder Makkar wrote: > > Scenario is this : > > Lets say one maven projects has 5 modules. > Developer changed only one mo

Re: Is it possible to parameterize a Subversion "Repository URL" location in a Jenkins build job configuration?

2012-04-25 Thread Maven User
Problem becomes - what happens if there are 30 jobs that need that same property? Parameters are great if you want to click build, not so hot for polling based things (or use default value I guess).

Jenkins Permission

2012-04-25 Thread b_alves
Hi there. I have instaled Jenkins on red hat. I have one job that is chekingout to jenkins workspace. Then I'm perrforming rsync -aC . desteni_folder so I can build/modify the files. The destination_folder is howned by another user that not jenkins. I receive:rsync: ERROR: cannot stat destinatio

Re: Jenkins Permission

2012-04-25 Thread Maven User
I'm sorta reading between the lines here - but first order of business might be to make sure the files you're planning on editing (programattically) exist in some "resources" location in your source tree then the build should process them into their final destination. If this is a non-standard

Re: Error running groovysh via jenkins-cli due to anonymous missing the Administrator permission

2012-04-25 Thread Daniel PETISME
Hi Carlton, Jenkins-cli seems to have some issues concerning authentication. Groovysh allows you to interact directly with the Jenkins JVM using the goovy language. If you don't need this "interaction" prefer the groovy command as a possible workaround For instance. $ java -jar jenkins-cli

Re: Jenkins Permission

2012-04-25 Thread Bruno Neves Alves
Thanks for you response. I'm using ant to build this. I have change a little bit things and now I'm building over the checkout repository/workspace. The problem now is when I ant is invoking an ant target defined in a file outside the workspace it cannot access to it... I believe that I'm havin

jvm arguments not making it to application and unit tests

2012-04-25 Thread Billy Bacon
We are running Jenkins ver. 1.447.1 and was hoping the latest upgrade would resolve this but the outcome is the same. The jvm arguments we are configuring in the Goals and options field are not making it into the application and unit tests when the Jenkins job executes. We are seeing the following

Exe file through jenkins

2012-04-25 Thread Suri
Hi My Jenkins Version is 1.424.6 I have a query, I have one exe file in my Linux build environment. If i run exe file, the exe file gets some values from user end . The values are not constant. Every time the value change based on user build requirements. Currently exe file is running manually by

Re: Exe file through jenkins

2012-04-25 Thread Simon Wiest
Hi Suri, you may look into the https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Parameterized+Build features. Cheers, Simon. -- Suri (26.04.2012 07:04): Hi My Jenkins Version is 1.424.6 I have a query, I have one exe file in my Linux build environment. If i run exe file, the exe file gets some v

Re: jvm arguments not making it to application and unit tests

2012-04-25 Thread Stephen Connolly
Surefire does it's best to provide the forked test cases with a clean environment. Thus it will not pass through system properties unless explicitly told to. Your solution is to configure the Pom to tell Surefire to pass those properties through. Most likely this will be one of the very few cases