This is actually pretty normal.

Generally Hudson/Jenkins OOTB mark builds unstable if the tests fail.

Try adding -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true to your maven command line - 
but be forewarned - there will likely be other parts of the job that won't 
run and I wonder how many artifacts will be archived/brought back to the 
master if you do this...

On Tuesday, April 17, 2012 4:16:17 PM UTC-4, edovale wrote:
> Folks,
> I am seeing the maven plugin is acting weirdly when there are test 
> failures. I have some post build steps defined with the option to run only 
> when build succeeds checked and they still run. 
> Has any one experience this problem? I am running jenkins 1.459.
> Thanks.
> Erick.

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