Gracias Victor!
El viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020 a las 19:48:15 UTC+1, escribió:
> triggeredBy within the stage context should help you:
> pipeline {
>triggers {
> cron 'H H22 * * 1-5'
triggeredBy within the stage context should help you:
pipeline {
triggers {
cron 'H H22 * * 1-5'
stages {
stage('deploy') {
when { triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger' }
I have a declarative pipeline with 3 stages and it is using poll SCM every
10 minutes (checkout, build and deploy), but I need the last step (deploy)
to be executed just once everyday (i.e. 22 o´clock) so it keeps checking
out and building everytime a change is submitted but it only deploys onc