triggeredBy within the stage context should help you:

pipeline {
   triggers {
     cron 'H H22 * * 1-5'
   stages {
        stage('deploy') {
           when { triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger' }
On Saturday, 26 September 2020 at 10:55:14 UTC+1 

> I have a declarative pipeline with 3 stages and it is using poll SCM every 
> 10 minutes (checkout, build and deploy), but I need the last step (deploy) 
> to be executed just once everyday (i.e. 22 o´clock)  so it keeps checking 
> out and building everytime a change is submitted but it only deploys once a 
> day. I have tried to use triggers cron directive within the stage but it 
> does not work. I have thought to use the when directive but as I am new to 
> groove I do not see how to tell jenkins "when time is 22 o´clock"
> Thanks

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