I'm using firefox developer edition and I'm seeing that behavior on all
pages that have those buttons.
As a newbie, I didn't even realize they could or would ever be rendered
any other way. Lol.
On 20150115 12:47, KARR, DAVID wrote:
> Jenkins ver. 1.596 on Windows 7.
> I don't know how
d saw two jobs stuck in the build queue. Both waiting
for 15min. First was starving, (had the clock icon). The second
didn't, but wasn't running either.
After reset, the second seems to be running, but the first has disappeared.
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 2:46 PM, K Ric
Hey. I'm a newbie jenkins admin with a problem.
I currently have 4 jobs in my queue all starving with "waiting for an
executor". I'm only using the master as executor. I've configured it
for 7 executors and "use this node as much as possible" and nothing is
running on any of them. All idle.