Re: How can i call global function defined in Jenkinsfile from inside the external groovy script loaded with 'load' step ?

2017-09-18 Thread Michael Pailloncy
IIC, this is a scope problem. To strictly answer to your question, you could convert the global function into a Closure and then pass it as parameter of *functionB*. I think something like that should work : externalScrip

Re: Help with SCM Polling a development branch and triggering a build job if there are changes

2017-09-18 Thread tderbyshire . slco
That was it, thank you. I was thought that Team Services made the name all UCase like it did with the Repository name. Looks like I was wrong about that, thanks again for your input. Troy D. On Monday, September 18, 2017 at 1:17:24 PM UTC-6, Mark Waite wrote: > > Did you really name the bra

Re: Help with SCM Polling a development branch and triggering a build job if there are changes

2017-09-18 Thread Mark Waite
Did you really name the branch in all upper case letters? Git branch names are case sensitive as far as I know, though that is likely complicated by those file systems which are case preserving but case insensitive (Windows). Mark Waite On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 1:00 PM wrote: > I have a Jenkins

Help with SCM Polling a development branch and triggering a build job if there are changes

2017-09-18 Thread tderbyshire . slco
I have a Jenkins job that that uses the plugin "Multiple SCMs". We access 2 repositories, one is the main project (Named Sandbox) and the other is a reference project (named Reference). Because there are multiple SCMs, I have found that using the "Poll SCM" plugin will not work in within the

build job "wait" not available for pipeline jobs

2017-09-18 Thread red 888
I'm calling a pipeline from another pipeline like this: steps { build job: '/mypipelines/mypipeline01/master', parameters: [string(name: 'passMeIn', value: "sdfsfsd")], wait: false } I have to do "wait: false" because otherwise I can't an error saying this is not supported. Is there a work a

Confused by Git Plugin Reference repo and dealing with a large repo

2017-09-18 Thread Glen Edwards
Hi We are moving from Subversion to Git and I am trying to update our Jenkins jobs to run from Git I have a done a lot of searching and there are quite a few tips out there ( in particular) I am running into a few issues on which I

Re: Multibranch jobs and webhooks

2017-09-18 Thread Steven Foster
Figured out the issue. In order to manage Webhooks, the branch job must have: a. run at least once b. contain at least one scm checkout In my simple testing neither of those cases were true, leading me to go round in circles for awhile :) I suspect the request to manage from the branch source pl

Is there a way to detect the URL for a project?

2017-09-18 Thread Raketemensch
Many of the Jenkinsfile examples that I see have people declaring the github repository itself: def projectRepoURL = '[hidden email]:[some_user]/jenkins-test.git' It seems to me that this value should be inherently available. I'm working with a python script in which I pass in a full url like

Re: blueocean SonarQube Quality gate not working

2017-09-18 Thread Michal Propílek
Hi, you must using {} as wrapper. stage ('SonarQube Scan'){ steps { withSonarQubeEnv('SonarQube') { withMaven ( maven: 'maven 3.3.9', mavenSettingsConfig: 'cc86690e-095d-4714-92b2-b61861241c7a'){

Re: One github repo, two pipelines, two distinct checks in github?

2017-09-18 Thread 'Ian Smith' via Jenkins Users
Hi Richard, Thank you for that suggestion. Checked that we did have those plugins installed and then came across withCredentials in the pipeline syntax. After adding that I'm now able to pull out the access token from the Jenkins credentials without it appearing in plain text. Regarding the se

Re: Derative Pipeline: unstable build / best practices

2017-09-18 Thread Andrew Bayer
What's the output of your tests? If they're generating either junit output or another format that can be read by, and you're using junit or xunit to add those test results to your build, any test failure will result in the build being set to unst

Re: I am stuck here, could you please help me ?

2017-09-18 Thread Michael Pailloncy
By defaut, Jenkins JUnit plugin fails the build if no test are executed (or the report is not found). You need to either enable *Allow empty results* option on you job configuration, remove the "Publish JUnit report .." step, or execute tests on your project and generate report associated. What typ

Derative Pipeline: unstable build / best practices

2017-09-18 Thread zoc
Hello, I'm still quite new to Jenkins, so please forgive my ignorance and these stupid questions: I have a *declarative pipeline* for which I want to add a new test stage. This test result is interesting, but not overly important. Question 1: Would this be a use case for an *unstable *build r

Github Enterprise support in Blue Ocean

2017-09-18 Thread Sangeetha Guhan
Hi, I installed Jenkins in my local and successfully installed all the plugins required for Blue Ocean support. Unfortunately, when I try to create a new pipeline using Blue Ocean using “Github Enterprise”, my Github Server is not recognized and I’m getting this error “Server URL

I am stuck here, could you please help me ?

2017-09-18 Thread Pradep Paudel
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