I have a Jenkins job that that uses the plugin "Multiple SCMs".  We access 
2 repositories, one is the main project (Named Sandbox) and the other is a 
reference project (named Reference).  

Because there are multiple SCMs, I have found that using the "Poll SCM" 
plugin will not work in within the job.  To remedy this we have created a 
triggering job that will poll the "Development" branch on the main 
project's repository, and if there have been any changes it  should trigger 
the main job mentioned above.

I can see from the Git Polling Log that it is polling the "Sandbox" 
repository (See Below)

Started on Sep 18, 2017 11:10:10 AM
Using strategy: Default
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials 
 > E:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe ls-remote -h 
https://<URL_TO_GIT>/_git/SANDBOX # timeout=10
Found 2 remote heads on https://<URL_TO_GIT>/_git/SANDBOX
Done. Took 2.9 sec
No changes

I am not entirely sure that it is polling the "Development" branch though, 
and if it isn't I am not sure how I can make it poll that branch.  Here is 
what the settings for the triggering job looks like:

Source Code Management:
    Repository URL:  *https://<URL_TO_GIT>/_git/SANDBOX*
    Branch Specifier (Blank for 'any'): **/DEVELOPMENT*
Build Triggers:
  Poll SCM:
    Schedule:  *H/5 * * * **
  Build Triggers:
    Projects to build: *sandBox* <-- The name of my Jenkins build job

Logically this should work as intended but I never see it run the build as 
it should. (other than when I first set up the trigger)  

Is this trigger set up correctly?  Why does it appear from the log that it 
is only checking the master branch and not the one specified?  Is there 
another plugin that will perform the desired task more efficiently? 

Any help that anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated

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