[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-18032) "Delete Project" link fails with 403 Exception: No valid crumb was included in the request

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-18032) "Delete Project" link fails with 403 Exception: No valid crumb was included in the request

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [maven-plugin] (JENKINS-24788) Cannot run program "/bin/java" on maven 3 projects

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23543) Launchctl does not load Jenkins on OS X 10.10 Yosemite

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
  Daniel Beck edited a co

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23543) Launchctl does not load Jenkins on OS X 10.10 Yosemite

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-25353) Git returned status code 128

2014-10-29 Thread p.a.baranchi...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Pavel Bar

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-25353) Git returned status code 128

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-25353) Git returned status code 128

2014-10-29 Thread p.a.baranchi...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Pavel Baranchikov

[JIRA] [p4] (JENKINS-25335) Support for variables when specifying stream

2014-10-29 Thread morne.joub...@u-blox.com (JIRA)
Morne Joubert

[JIRA] [p4] (JENKINS-25341) Improve reconcile by using -m option

2014-10-29 Thread morne.joub...@u-blox.com (JIRA)
Morne Joubert

[JIRA] [files-found-trigger] (JENKINS-25354) Directory not found

2014-10-29 Thread xiao....@zte.com.cn (JIRA)
afra wh

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-18032) "Delete Project" link fails with 403 Exception: No valid crumb was included in the request

2014-10-29 Thread mire...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Miroslav Zaťko

[JIRA] [groovy] (JENKINS-6508) Updating TimerTriggers using Groovy script stops job from triggering

2014-10-29 Thread colinsmcint...@googlemail.com (JIRA)
Colin McIntyre

[JIRA] [scm-sync-configuration] (JENKINS-24775) SCM Sync configuration plugin can not work~

2014-10-29 Thread xiao....@zte.com.cn (JIRA)
afra wh upda

[JIRA] [scm-sync-configuration] (JENKINS-24775) SCM Sync configuration plugin can not work~

2014-10-29 Thread xiao....@zte.com.cn (JIRA)
afra wh reop

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-14771) NPE when adding/changing a TimerTrigger via groovy

2014-10-29 Thread colinsmcint...@googlemail.com (JIRA)
Colin McIntyre

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23543) Launchctl does not load Jenkins on OS X 10.10 Yosemite

2014-10-29 Thread callow.m...@artspark.co.jp (JIRA)
Mark Callow

[JIRA] [files-found-trigger] (JENKINS-25354) Directory not found

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23543) Launchctl does not load Jenkins on OS X 10.10 Yosemite

2014-10-29 Thread callow.m...@artspark.co.jp (JIRA)
  Mark Callow edited a co

[JIRA] [remoting] (JENKINS-16393) "Unable to call join" build failures

2014-10-29 Thread em...@jonasbang.dk (JIRA)
Jonas Bang Christ

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-24934) Git clone with merging tries to checkout non-existing revision since force-push

2014-10-29 Thread langui...@semipol.de (JIRA)
Johannes Wienke

[JIRA] [maven-plugin] (JENKINS-751) hudson.tasks.junit.AbortException thrown on some maven2 projects

2014-10-29 Thread fmuel...@sapient.com (JIRA)
Frank Mueller

[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-25355) Inject Environment not injecting correctly in post build step

2014-10-29 Thread sion.ocon...@pace.com (JIRA)
Sion O'Co

[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-25355) Inject Environment not injecting correctly in post build step

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [maven-plugin] (JENKINS-25356) hudson.tasks.junit.AbortException while using maven.test.skiü

2014-10-29 Thread fmuel...@sapient.com (JIRA)
Frank Mue

[JIRA] [maven-plugin] (JENKINS-25356) hudson.tasks.junit.AbortException while using maven.test.skiü

2014-10-29 Thread fmuel...@sapient.com (JIRA)
  Frank Mueller edited a

[JIRA] [maven-plugin] (JENKINS-751) hudson.tasks.junit.AbortException thrown on some maven2 projects

2014-10-29 Thread fmuel...@sapient.com (JIRA)
Frank Mu

[JIRA] [maven-plugin] (JENKINS-25356) hudson.tasks.junit.AbortException while using maven.test.skip

2014-10-29 Thread fmuel...@sapient.com (JIRA)
Frank Mueller

[JIRA] [maven-plugin] (JENKINS-751) hudson.tasks.junit.AbortException thrown on some maven2 projects

2014-10-29 Thread fmuel...@sapient.com (JIRA)
Frank Mu

[JIRA] [build-failure-analyzer] (JENKINS-25115) Recognize failures indicated by JUnit test result file

2014-10-29 Thread patrickdeping...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Thomas De Schamph

[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-25355) Inject Environment not injecting correctly in post build step

2014-10-29 Thread sion.ocon...@pace.com (JIRA)
Sion O'Connor

[JIRA] [build-publisher] (JENKINS-16041) Build publisher should support to sync data to multiple sites

2014-10-29 Thread ogon...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Oliver G

[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-25355) Inject Environment not injecting correctly in post build step

2014-10-29 Thread sion.ocon...@pace.com (JIRA)
  Sion O'Connor edited a

[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-25355) Inject Environment not injecting correctly in post build step

2014-10-29 Thread sion.ocon...@pace.com (JIRA)
  Sion O'Connor edited a

[JIRA] [build-publisher] (JENKINS-25357) Remove job triggers from published jobs

2014-10-29 Thread ogon...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Oliver Go

[JIRA] [build-publisher] (JENKINS-25357) Remove job triggers from published jobs

2014-10-29 Thread ogon...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Oliver Gondža

[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-25355) Inject Environment not injecting correctly in post build step

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-25355) Inject Environment not injecting correctly in post build step

2014-10-29 Thread sion.ocon...@pace.com (JIRA)
Sion O'Connor

[JIRA] [build-failure-analyzer] (JENKINS-25115) Recognize failures indicated by JUnit test result file

2014-10-29 Thread tomas.westl...@sonymobile.com (JIRA)
Tomas Westling

[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-25355) Inject Environment not injecting correctly in post build step

2014-10-29 Thread sion.ocon...@pace.com (JIRA)
Sion O'Connor

[JIRA] [deploy-plugin] (JENKINS-22403) allow deploy plugin to accept parametrized variables like %parameter% or $parameter

2014-10-29 Thread nils.k...@iteratec.de (JIRA)
Nils Kuhn co

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-25358) Issues when trying to Install Windows Server

2014-10-29 Thread ty...@monkeypox.org (JIRA)
R. Tyler Croy

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-25358) Issues when trying to Install Windows Server

2014-10-29 Thread ty...@monkeypox.org (JIRA)
R. Tyler Croy

[JIRA] [multijob-plugin] (JENKINS-22292) Canceling multijob should cancel all children

2014-10-29 Thread dirk.heinri...@recommind.com (JIRA)
Dirk Heinrichs

[JIRA] [deploy-plugin] (JENKINS-22403) allow deploy plugin to accept parametrized variables like %parameter% or $parameter

2014-10-29 Thread sbre...@hotmail.com (JIRA)
First Name Last N

[JIRA] [matrix-project] (JENKINS-13004) Add an option to remove nonsense configurations in matrix projects

2014-10-29 Thread j...@langevin.me (JIRA)
Jonathan Langevin

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-25358) Issues when trying to Install Windows Server

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [ircbot] (JENKINS-25349) Leaking ircbot OutputThreads

2014-10-29 Thread lrfurt...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Luciano Furtado

[JIRA] [ircbot] (JENKINS-25349) Leaking ircbot OutputThreads

2014-10-29 Thread lrfurt...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Luciano Furtado

[JIRA] [appaloosa] (JENKINS-24137) Bad help blocks displayed on description and groups fields

2014-10-29 Thread rs...@octo.com (JIRA)
Robin Sf

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-25345) Git publisher; Tag message needs quote to create a tag

2014-10-29 Thread adou...@viaccess-orca.com (JIRA)

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-25345) Git publisher; Tag message needs quote to create a tag

2014-10-29 Thread adou...@viaccess-orca.com (JIRA)
adoudev viaccess-

[JIRA] [maven-plugin] (JENKINS-25356) hudson.tasks.junit.AbortException while using maven.test.skip

2014-10-29 Thread fmuel...@sapient.com (JIRA)
Frank Mueller

[JIRA] [p4] (JENKINS-24055) Matrix Job Unable To Sync

2014-10-29 Thread naveen.gogin...@viasat.com (JIRA)
Naveen Gogineni

[JIRA] [monitoring] (JENKINS-24838) Monitoring Plugin links from slaves are incorrect when Jenkins deployed with a context

2014-10-29 Thread ever...@free.fr (JIRA)
evernat comm

[JIRA] [parameterized-remote-trigger] (JENKINS-24872) Job fails when using a blocking parameterized remote trigger with a job name containing a token

2014-10-29 Thread wilco.gre...@ibridge.nl (JIRA)
Wilco Greven

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-25353) Git returned status code 128

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [throttle-concurrent-builds-plugin] (JENKINS-25326) Throttle Concurrent Builds doesn't work when builds are in cloudbees folders

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
  Daniel Beck edited a co

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-25353) Git returned status code 128

2014-10-29 Thread p.a.baranchi...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Pavel Baranchikov

[JIRA] [svn-tag] (JENKINS-25359) Give Option to prevent deletion of old svn tags

2014-10-29 Thread tim-christian.bl...@elaxy.de (JIRA)

[JIRA] [svn-tag] (JENKINS-25359) old svn tags get deleted / please give option to prevent deletion of old svn tags

2014-10-29 Thread tim-christian.bl...@elaxy.de (JIRA)
Tim-Christian Blo

[JIRA] [cloudtest-plugin] (JENKINS-18412) Unable to execute SOASTA CloudTest compositions in CentOS

2014-10-29 Thread msol...@soasta.com (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clang-scanbuild] (JENKINS-15987) Allow scan-build to use environment variables for Target and XCode project sub-path (or any other parameter)

2014-10-29 Thread dick.gi...@perkinelmer.com (JIRA)
Dick Ginga c

[JIRA] [throttle-concurrent-builds-plugin] (JENKINS-25326) Throttle Concurrent Builds doesn't work when builds are in cloudbees folders

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [p4] (JENKINS-24055) Matrix Job Unable To Sync

2014-10-29 Thread pal...@perforce.com (JIRA)
Paul Allen c

[JIRA] [p4] (JENKINS-24055) Matrix Job Unable To Sync

2014-10-29 Thread pal...@perforce.com (JIRA)
Paul All

[JIRA] [throttle-concurrent-builds-plugin] (JENKINS-25326) Throttle Concurrent Builds doesn't work when builds are in cloudbees folders

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
  Daniel Beck edited a co

[JIRA] [emma] (JENKINS-25352) Caught exception evaluating: it.getLineCoverage(job) in /. Reason: java.lang.NullPointerException

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [delivery-pipeline] (JENKINS-25361) Manual triggered reexecuting jobs which has failed dont show up as status queued

2014-10-29 Thread pat...@diabol.se (JIRA)
Patrik Bo

[JIRA] [workflow] (JENKINS-25362) Cannot start parametrized freestyle job from workflow plugin

2014-10-29 Thread marcin.gawe...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Marcin Ga

[JIRA] [analysis-collector] (JENKINS-24940) New Warnings link in Static Analysis results shows all warnings

2014-10-29 Thread kevin.form...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kevin Formsma

[JIRA] [sitemonitor] (JENKINS-25363) SiteMonitor plugin doesn't seem to honor proxy settings

2014-10-29 Thread marc.es...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Marc Eshe

[JIRA] [emma] (JENKINS-25352) Caught exception evaluating: it.getLineCoverage(job) in /. Reason: java.lang.NullPointerException

2014-10-29 Thread momo_s...@hotmail.com (JIRA)
Jin Wong com

[JIRA] [perforce-plugin] (JENKINS-25364) Unable to update workspace error

2014-10-29 Thread naveen.gogin...@viasat.com (JIRA)
Naveen Go

[JIRA] [p4] (JENKINS-25364) Unable to update workspace error

2014-10-29 Thread rob.pe...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Rob Petti up

[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-23660) Attached log in Jenkins email incomplete

2014-10-29 Thread crash_zer...@hotmail.com (JIRA)

[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-23660) Attached log in Jenkins email incomplete

2014-10-29 Thread crash_zer...@hotmail.com (JIRA)

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20531) Retry count not working in Git plugin 2.0

2014-10-29 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Glick

[JIRA] [github-oauth] (JENKINS-17539) Swarm clients fail to connect if GitHub for authentication

2014-10-29 Thread atish.narla...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Atish Narlawar

[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-23660) Attached log in Jenkins email incomplete

2014-10-29 Thread slide.o....@gmail.com (JIRA)
Alex Ear

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20531) Retry count not working in Git plugin 2.0

2014-10-29 Thread mark.earl.wa...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Mark Waite c

[JIRA] [analysis-core] (JENKINS-24940) New Warnings link in Static Analysis results shows all warnings

2014-10-29 Thread ullrich.haf...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Ulli Hafner

[JIRA] [analysis-core] (JENKINS-24940) New Warnings link in Static Analysis results shows all warnings

2014-10-29 Thread ullrich.haf...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Ulli Hafner

[JIRA] [analysis-core] (JENKINS-24940) New Warnings link in Static Analysis results shows all warnings

2014-10-29 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [junit-plugin] (JENKINS-25340) lost trend history after skipping build

2014-10-29 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Glick

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-25026) Console output stops populating after several seconds

2014-10-29 Thread jenk...@mockies.de (JIRA)
Christoph Vogtlän

[JIRA] [junit-plugin] (JENKINS-25340) lost trend history after skipping build

2014-10-29 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Glick

[JIRA] [matrix-project] (JENKINS-25263) Multi Config Project broken "Custom Workspace"

2014-10-29 Thread dana.goye...@nominum.com (JIRA)
Dana Goyette

[JIRA] [perforce-plugin] (JENKINS-25226) Perforce Plugin Substitutes default Parameter Value instead of actual Parameter Value for client name

2014-10-29 Thread o.v.nenas...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Oleg Nen

[JIRA] [perforce-plugin] (JENKINS-25365) [VariablesSubstitutionHelper] - Multi-line strings with variables are not being substituted

2014-10-29 Thread o.v.nenas...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Oleg Nena

[JIRA] [perforce-plugin] (JENKINS-25365) [VariablesSubstitutionHelper] - Multi-line strings with variables are not being substituted

2014-10-29 Thread o.v.nenas...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Oleg Nen

[JIRA] [perforce-plugin] (JENKINS-25365) [VariablesSubstitutionHelper] - Multi-line strings with variables are not being substituted

2014-10-29 Thread o.v.nenas...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Oleg Nenashev

[JIRA] [perforce-plugin] (JENKINS-25226) Perforce Plugin Substitutes default Parameter Value instead of actual Parameter Value for client name

2014-10-29 Thread o.v.nenas...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Oleg Nenashev

[JIRA] [perforce-plugin] (JENKINS-23467) Streamline the variables handling

2014-10-29 Thread o.v.nenas...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Oleg Nenashev

[JIRA] [perforce-plugin] (JENKINS-23467) Streamline the variables handling

2014-10-29 Thread o.v.nenas...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Oleg Nenashev

[JIRA] [perforce-plugin] (JENKINS-19579) Add support of workspace variables during the workspace cleanup

2014-10-29 Thread o.v.nenas...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Oleg Nen

[JIRA] [perforce-plugin] (JENKINS-25226) Perforce Plugin Substitutes default Parameter Value instead of actual Parameter Value for client name

2014-10-29 Thread o.v.nenas...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Oleg Nenashev

[JIRA] [junit-plugin] (JENKINS-25340) lost trend history after skipping build

2014-10-29 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kanstantsin Shaut

[JIRA] [junit-plugin] (JENKINS-25340) lost trend history after skipping build

2014-10-29 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
  Kanstantsin Shautsou ed

[JIRA] [svn-tag] (JENKINS-25359) old svn tags get deleted / please give option to prevent deletion of old svn tags

2014-10-29 Thread k2nakam...@java.net (JIRA)

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