[JIRA] [matrix] (JENKINS-7825) Cannot restrict a matrix build job to one node/label
Oleg Nenashev
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23457) User without read permission can overwrite a job
Daniel Beck
[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-23458) NullPointerException if Before Build reciepients is empty
Jan Hoppe
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23436) Jenkins Web UI Hanging Often
Jordan Breeding
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23456) I'm getting 23456!!!
Eran Chetzroni
[JIRA] [matrix] (JENKINS-7825) Cannot restrict a matrix build job to one node/label
Gilad Judes
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23457) User without read permission can overwrite a job
Kohsuke K
[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-22460) Support artifacts permission
ikedam comme
[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-20940) Project source of a multi-config project inside a folder not working
ikedam comme
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23456) I'm getting 23456!!!
Idan Bidani
[JIRA] [testlink] (JENKINS-17608) Test Link plugin, show the test results in the category "notes"
Bruno P. Kinoshit
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23456) I'm getting 23456!!!
Dean Yu comm
[JIRA] [testlink] (JENKINS-17608) Test Link plugin, show the test results in the category "notes"
Ravid Te com
[JIRA] [m2release] (JENKINS-11466) reenable "ability to let maven decide the versioning"
Cuong Tran c
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23456) I'm getting 23456!!!
Kohsuke K
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23455) Deadlock during startup
Kohsuke K
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-18534) Jobs from same project are combined when different branches selected for each job
Shannon Kerr
[JIRA] [jclouds-jenkins] (JENKINS-23454) JClouds plugin needs a way to enable configDrives
Andrew Gr
[JIRA] [publish-over-cifs] (JENKINS-12433) Publish Over CIFS Plugin - Interactive Help Not Displayed - "ERROR: Failed to load help file: Not Found"
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [publish-over-cifs] (JENKINS-12433) Publish Over CIFS Plugin - Interactive Help Not Displayed - "ERROR: Failed to load help file: Not Found"
[JIRA] [publish-over-cifs] (JENKINS-12433) Publish Over CIFS Plugin - Interactive Help Not Displayed - "ERROR: Failed to load help file: Not Found"
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20607) GIT Plugin 2.0: Polling ignores commit from certain users not working
Karla Jacobsen edited a
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20607) GIT Plugin 2.0: Polling ignores commit from certain users not working
Karla Jacobsen
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-18534) Jobs from same project are combined when different branches selected for each job
Daniel Beck
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-18534) Jobs from same project are combined when different branches selected for each job
Daniel Beck
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-18534) Jobs from same project are combined when different branches selected for each job
Daniel Beck
[JIRA] [monitoring] (JENKINS-21902) Add Waiting / Blocked on information in textual thread dump
evernat comm
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-12636) Job configuration for various plugins lost when upgrading core
b2jrock comm
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-18534) Jobs from same project are combined when different branches selected for each job
Shannon Kerr
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-18534) Jobs from same project are combined when different branches selected for each job
Shannon Kerr
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-18534) Jobs from same project are combined when different branches selected for each job
Shannon Kerr
[JIRA] [publish-over-cifs] (JENKINS-12433) Publish Over CIFS Plugin - Interactive Help Not Displayed - "ERROR: Failed to load help file: Not Found"
Steven Christou
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-18534) Cannot add new build to queue from same project with different parameters
Shannon Kerr
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-12313) Duplicate plugin options in project config.
Daniel Beck
[JIRA] [build-monitor] (JENKINS-23453) Splunk analysis for build and slave logs
[JIRA] [ec2] (JENKINS-5867) Allow Amazon EC2 Plugin to not require root access
Mauricio Walters edited
[JIRA] [rebuild] (JENKINS-20288) The rebuild plugin doesn't support custom parameter types
[JIRA] [rebuild] (JENKINS-20288) The rebuild plugin doesn't support custom parameter types
William Bernardet
[JIRA] [maven] (JENKINS-23452) Prevent downstream targets from building
Sean Hark
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23365) Allow SCM to work with non-AbstractProject
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [multiple-scms] (JENKINS-14537) Template SCMs + Multiple SCMs results in failure parsing change log
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23365) Allow SCM to work with non-AbstractProject
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [ssh-slaves] (JENKINS-7641) Slaves hang when archiving artifacts
Ian Norton c
[JIRA] [mansion-cloud] (JENKINS-23451) Impossible to discard snapshots if VM is running
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [mansion-cloud] (JENKINS-23451) Impossible to discard snapshots if VM is running
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23436) Jenkins Web UI Hanging Often
Donald Morton
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23365) Allow SCM to work with non-AbstractProject
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23191) ReverseBuildTrigger.threshold not consistently saved
dogfood comm
Re: Timeouts doing cvs update from matrix job
p.p.p.s. Jenkins 1.551, CVS plugin version 2.11, CVS itself is whatever the latest is (which isn't saying much) -- View this message in context: http://jenkins-ci.361315.n4.nabble.com/Timeouts-doing-cvs-update-from-matrix-job-tp4706951p4706953.html Sent from the Jenkins issues mailing list arch
Timeouts doing cvs update from matrix job
I've got a matrix job that is building my application in 12 configurations (3 machines * debug/release * c++11 yes/no) and just about every time I run this job I get at least one configuration failing with "ERROR: CVS Authentication failed: Timeout, no response from server." I am guessing that cvs
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23436) Jenkins Web UI Hanging Often
Donald Morton
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-12636) Job configuration for various plugins lost when upgrading core
Daniel Beck
[JIRA] [ec2] (JENKINS-5867) Allow Amazon EC2 Plugin to not require root access
Mauricio Walters edited
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-12313) Duplicate plugin options in project config.
Rob Petti co
[JIRA] [ec2] (JENKINS-5867) Allow Amazon EC2 Plugin to not require root access
Mauricio Walters
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-23450) Initial checkout doesn't create directory listed in "Check out to a sub-directory"
j potter
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-12636) Job configuration for various plugins lost when upgrading core
b2jrock comm
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23191) ReverseBuildTrigger.threshold not consistently saved
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23191) ReverseBuildTrigger.threshold not consistently saved
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23191) ReverseBuildTrigger.threshold not consistently saved
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-12313) Duplicate plugin options in project config.
Daniel Beck edited a co
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-12313) Duplicate plugin options in project config.
Daniel Beck
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-12313) Duplicate plugin options in project config.
Rob Petti co
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-12610) Util.deleteRecursive fails for files using unmappable characters
Daniel Beck
[JIRA] [github] (JENKINS-19775) Github plugin - Set build status on github commit - No result
Basil Peace
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23191) ReverseBuildTrigger.threshold not consistently saved
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-18935) Make Subversion plugin support Subversion 1.8
Steve Carter
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-12313) Duplicate plugin options in project config.
Daniel Beck
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23191) ReverseBuildTrigger.threshold not consistently saved
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23191) NPE in downstream jobs
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23191) ReverseBuildTrigger.threshold not consistently saved
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23191) NPE in downstream jobs
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23191) NPE in downstream jobs
Jesse Gl
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23361) Add CLI commands to add jobs to and remove jobs from views
dogfood comm
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23094) HTTP error 405 when trying to restart ssh host
dogfood comm
[JIRA] [integrity-plugin] (JENKINS-23448) java.lang.Exception: Invalid file path during checkout on slave node
Cletus D'Souza
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-12610) Util.deleteRecursive fails for files using unmappable characters
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-14392) Optional Extensions are reloaded when dependencies are dynamically loaded
Jesse Gl
[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-22460) Support artifacts permission
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-12610) Util.deleteRecursive fails for files using unmappable characters
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-12610) java.io.IOException: Unable to delete - Deleting Project
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [matrix-auth] (JENKINS-23304) hudson.util.HudsonFailedToLoad: org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.ReactorException: java.io.IOException: Unable to read /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml
Jesse Gl
[JIRA] [matrix-project] (JENKINS-22863) All matrix jobs disappeared after upgrade to 1.562
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [envinject] (JENKINS-23447) Sensitive build variables recorded in EnvInjectSavable and displayed in EnvInjectAction
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23437) NPE when binding JSON form data without 'properties' field
Daniel Beck
[JIRA] [gerrit-trigger] (JENKINS-23421) Parameter value should be always displayed as human-readable
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-19385) IOException while archiving a file from remote workspace
robsimon com
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23434) "None" option should be first in "Source Code Management" dropdown
Daniel B
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23434) "None" option should be first in "Source Code Management" dropdown
Daniel Beck
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-22685) Jenkins cannot restart Windows service
Oleg Nenashev
[JIRA] [analysis-core] (JENKINS-20185) Long pause after end of run
Joe Hansche
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-12313) Duplicate plugin options in project config.
Rob Petti co
[JIRA] [groovy-postbuild] (JENKINS-15210) Add variable resolution to "additional groovy class path"
Martin d'Anjou
[JIRA] [audit-trail] (JENKINS-15731) audit log: provide information who created/deleted a Jenkins job
Walter Kacynski
[JIRA] [audit-trail] (JENKINS-15731) audit log: provide information who created/deleted a Jenkins job
Michael Prokop
[JIRA] [matrix-project] (JENKINS-22863) All matrix jobs disappeared after upgrade to 1.562
Oleg Nenashev
[JIRA] [perforce] (JENKINS-11600) Implement Entry functions for email-ext support
Alex Earl co
[JIRA] [matrix-project] (JENKINS-22863) All matrix jobs disappeared after upgrade to 1.562
Yaniv Kaul c
[JIRA] [audit-trail] (JENKINS-15731) audit log: provide information who created/deleted a Jenkins job
Michael Prokop
[JIRA] [audit-trail] (JENKINS-15731) audit log: provide information who created/deleted a Jenkins job
Walter Kacynski