[JIRA] (JENKINS-16627) Fail to parse jmeter report

2013-03-19 Thread simon.schlach...@ergon.ch (JIRA)
Simon Schlachter

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17280) Display number out of bounds, no way to reset

2013-03-19 Thread 1990.a...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Alex Vese

Re: [JIRA] (JENKINS-17262) Remotely triggered build with parameters failing with extended choice parameters

2013-03-19 Thread vimil saju
Hi, Can you send me the stacktrace if any? Thanks Vimil On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 3:19 PM, shaun.kru...@gmail.com (JIRA) < nore...@jenkins-ci.org> wrote: > Shaun > Krugercreated > [image: > Bug] JENKINS-17262

[JIRA] (JENKINS-16197) Job run via cli with -s is not aborted on client abort

2013-03-19 Thread 1990.a...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Alex Vesely

[JIRA] (JENKINS-16563) "Build on every online node" builds on nodes marked as offline

2013-03-19 Thread 1990.a...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Alex Ves

[JIRA] (JENKINS-16563) "Build on every online node" builds on nodes marked as offline

2013-03-19 Thread 1990.a...@gmail.com (JIRA)
  Alex Vesely edited a co

[JIRA] (JENKINS-16563) "Build on every online node" builds on nodes marked as offline

2013-03-19 Thread 1990.a...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Alex Vesely

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17186) Linux: if there is a recursive directory within the git repo you're building, the initial checkout will fail badly

2013-03-19 Thread mar...@falatic.com (JIRA)
Martin Falatic

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17251) No parser appear when click Add button

2013-03-19 Thread yufei....@alcatel-sbell.com.cn (JIRA)
yufei Q comm

[JIRA] (JENKINS-8082) git plugin multi-repo can't work

2013-03-19 Thread da...@walend.net (JIRA)
David Walend

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17204) GIT plugin fetch failing since update Git Plugin to 1.2.0+

2013-03-19 Thread jenkins.li...@sailmaker.co.uk (JIRA)
Richard Buckle

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17279) I need better documentation for how to use the SVN parameter

2013-03-19 Thread d...@mirthcorp.com (JIRA)
Daniel Ka

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17278) getting NPE exception with test trends chart not showing up on jenkins v1.505

2013-03-19 Thread ravin...@chegg.com (JIRA)
Ravinder Batra

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17278) getting NPE exception with test trends chart not showing up on jenkins v1.505

2013-03-19 Thread ravin...@chegg.com (JIRA)
Ravinder Batra

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17278) issue with test trends chart not showing up

2013-03-19 Thread ravin...@chegg.com (JIRA)

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17278) issue with test trends chart not showing up on jenkins

2013-03-19 Thread ravin...@chegg.com (JIRA)
Ravinder Batra

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17265) Builds disappearing from history

2013-03-19 Thread harpreetn...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Harpreet Nain

[JIRA] (JENKINS-3265) Reload Configuration from Disk (or POSTing config.xml) loses info on running builds

2013-03-19 Thread dogf...@java.net (JIRA)
dogfood comm

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17277) Jenkins iOS job broken because “FATAL: Log statements out of sync: current test case was null”

2013-03-19 Thread cdisd...@hotmail.com (JIRA)

[JIRA] (JENKINS-7291) Flyweight jobs and zero executors

2013-03-19 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Glick

[JIRA] (JENKINS-7291) Flyweight jobs and zero executors

2013-03-19 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Glick

[JIRA] (JENKINS-7291) Flyweight jobs and zero executors

2013-03-19 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Glick

[JIRA] (JENKINS-7291) Flyweight jobs and zero executors

2013-03-19 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Glick

[JIRA] (JENKINS-7291) Flyweight jobs and zero executors

2013-03-19 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] (JENKINS-7291) Flyweight jobs and zero executors

2013-03-19 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] (JENKINS-3265) Reload Configuration from Disk (or POSTing config.xml) loses info on running builds

2013-03-19 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17195) InvalidTagNameException with version 1.0.4 of git client

2013-03-19 Thread d...@venabledomain.com (JIRA)
  David Venable edited a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-3265) Reload Configuration from Disk (or POSTing config.xml) loses info on running builds

2013-03-19 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17195) InvalidTagNameException with version 1.0.4 of git client

2013-03-19 Thread d...@venabledomain.com (JIRA)
David Venable

[JIRA] (JENKINS-3265) Reload Configuration from Disk (or POSTing config.xml) loses info on running builds

2013-03-19 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Glick

[JIRA] (JENKINS-7280) run parameters show builds that have not completed or have failed / unstable

2013-03-19 Thread jenk...@gcummings.com (JIRA)
  Geoff Cummings edited a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17276) Downward configuration of executor count on master delayed in effect

2013-03-19 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Gli

[JIRA] (JENKINS-7291) Flyweight jobs and zero executors

2013-03-19 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Glick

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17275) Use Environment Variable when triggering downstream jobs.

2013-03-19 Thread muellerk...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kevin Mue

[JIRA] (JENKINS-14526) NPE in greenballs

2013-03-19 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Gl

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17274) Join Plugin to use Environment Variable when triggering downstreeam job

2013-03-19 Thread muellerk...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kevin Mue

[JIRA] (JENKINS-14336) Too many open files upon HTTP listener init or shutdown

2013-03-19 Thread l...@tikalk.com (JIRA)
Liya Katz co

[JIRA] (JENKINS-15518) Jenkins Cobertura-1.7 fails to get the coverage result

2013-03-19 Thread l...@tikalk.com (JIRA)
Liya Katz co

[JIRA] (JENKINS-16979) "Discard old builds" broken in 1.503

2013-03-19 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Gl

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17204) GIT plugin fetch failing since update Git Plugin to 1.2.0+

2013-03-19 Thread olegtem...@yahoo.com (JIRA)
Oleg Temnov

[JIRA] (JENKINS-13412) Gradle plugin fails to quote parameters without whitespace when containing input/output redirection symbols, e.g. in XML strings

2013-03-19 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Glick

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17251) No parser appear when click Add button

2013-03-19 Thread ullrich.haf...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Ulli Hafner

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17273) Polling fails attempting to set an invalid tag before build

2013-03-19 Thread jsotu...@java.net (JIRA)
jsotuyod upd

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17255) Dropdown not compatible with cloudbees folder

2013-03-19 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Glick

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17273) Polling fails stating an existing tag is invalid

2013-03-19 Thread jsotu...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] (JENKINS-2556) Use svn switch where applicable

2013-03-19 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Glick

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17204) GIT plugin fetch failing since update Git Plugin to 1.2.0+

2013-03-19 Thread ac...@java.net (JIRA)
acdha commen

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17272) Shelve project requires an executor on the master

2013-03-19 Thread leo.sa...@fmr.com (JIRA)
Leo Sager

[JIRA] (JENKINS-13835) E175002 in org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.io.dav.http.HTTPConnection.request

2013-03-19 Thread panc...@java.net (JIRA)
pancake comm

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17198) Caused by: org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.CheckoutConflictException: Checkout conflict with files

2013-03-19 Thread jhans...@meetme.com (JIRA)
Joe Hansche

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17198) Caused by: org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.CheckoutConflictException: Checkout conflict with files

2013-03-19 Thread scar...@vmware.com (JIRA)
Scott Carter

[JIRA] (JENKINS-13835) E175002 in org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.io.dav.http.HTTPConnection.request

2013-03-19 Thread dewayne_lave...@mentor.com (JIRA)
dlavelle com

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17271) Util.deleteFile should give a concrete reason for failure

2013-03-19 Thread dogf...@java.net (JIRA)
dogfood comm

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17251) No parser appear when click Add button

2013-03-19 Thread eric.tho...@seca.com (JIRA)
Eric Thomas

[JIRA] (JENKINS-7056) On test specific page attachments should be filtered by the test name

2013-03-19 Thread luke.da...@gradleware.com (JIRA)
Luke Daley c

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17269) 10 Testcases fail on Windows with error: hudson.util.IOException2: Failed to clean up temp dirs

2013-03-19 Thread johansson.k.pat...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Patrik J

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17127) Pass DISPLAY as environment variable to Maven builds

2013-03-19 Thread y...@schli.ch (JIRA)
Marc Günther

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17271) Util.deleteFile should give a concrete reason for failure

2013-03-19 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17271) Util.deleteFile should give a concrete reason for failure

2013-03-19 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17271) Util.deleteFile should give a concrete reason for failure

2013-03-19 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Gli

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17256) Unexpected error in launching a slave (NegativeArraySizeException)

2013-03-19 Thread bogdan.dumitr...@altom.ro (JIRA)
bogdan d com

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17256) Unexpected error in launching a slave (NegativeArraySizeException)

2013-03-19 Thread bogdan.dumitr...@altom.ro (JIRA)
bogdan d upd

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17127) Pass DISPLAY as environment variable to Maven builds

2013-03-19 Thread zregv...@java.net (JIRA)
zregvart com

[JIRA] (JENKINS-12207) get warnings in log

2013-03-19 Thread tak...@java.net (JIRA)
taksan comme

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17270) Division by zero when checking xunit thresholds with empty test report

2013-03-19 Thread daniel.d.wri...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Daniel Wr

[JIRA] (JENKINS-10912) Memory leak (?) in dashboard

2013-03-19 Thread hans-juergen.haf...@nsn.com (JIRA)
Hans-Juergen Hafn

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17269) 10 Testcases fail on Windows with error: hudson.util.IOException2: Failed to clean up temp dirs

2013-03-19 Thread johansson.k.pat...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Patrik Johansson

[JIRA] (JENKINS-13554) Re: Matrix jobs does not automatically remove old artifacts for configurations

2013-03-19 Thread stevencrel...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Steven Crellin

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17269) 10 Testcases fail on Windows with error: hudson.util.IOException2: Failed to clean up temp dirs

2013-03-19 Thread johansson.k.pat...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Patrik Jo

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17186) Linux: if there is a recursive directory within the git repo you're building, the initial checkout will fail badly

2013-03-19 Thread japgo...@gmail.com (JIRA)
David Barri

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17186) Linux: if there is a recursive directory within the git repo you're building, the initial checkout will fail badly

2013-03-19 Thread japgo...@gmail.com (JIRA)
David Barri

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17268) Post build task plugin: Passing arguments does not work as documented

2013-03-19 Thread marco.eckst...@gmx.de (JIRA)
Marco Eck

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17251) No parser appear when click Add button

2013-03-19 Thread ullrich.haf...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Ulli Hafner

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17267) Git clean or wipeout workspace follows symlink on Windows slaves

2013-03-19 Thread laurenter...@hotmail.com (JIRA)
Laurent E

[JIRA] (JENKINS-3907) Mercurial updates on matrix projects aren't synced properly

2013-03-19 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] (JENKINS-3907) Mercurial updates on matrix projects aren't synced properly

2013-03-19 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] (JENKINS-3907) Mercurial updates on matrix projects aren't synced properly

2013-03-19 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17266) "Build now" link from context menu no longer works for parameterized builds

2013-03-19 Thread ra...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] (JENKINS-13128) Artifacts Permissions Stripped

2013-03-19 Thread ever...@free.fr (JIRA)
evernat comm

[JIRA] (JENKINS-4950) NPE when trying to remove a dead node

2013-03-19 Thread ever...@free.fr (JIRA)
evernat comm

[JIRA] (JENKINS-13135) Very large console logs will cause Jenkins to crash or behave erratically

2013-03-19 Thread ever...@free.fr (JIRA)
evernat comm

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17174) Javascript proxy failes when sending html/xml formated messages

2013-03-19 Thread m...@hanabi.se (JIRA)
Marcus Jacobsson

[JIRA] (JENKINS-16810) CLI: java.io.EOFException

2013-03-19 Thread m.coe...@netbiscuits.com (JIRA)
Manuel Coenen

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17251) No parser appear when click Add button

2013-03-19 Thread yufei....@alcatel-sbell.com.cn (JIRA)
yufei Q comm

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17256) Unexpected error in launching a slave (NegativeArraySizeException)

2013-03-19 Thread bogdan.dumitr...@altom.ro (JIRA)
bogdan d com

[JIRA] (JENKINS-16979) "Discard old builds" broken in 1.503

2013-03-19 Thread mweb...@java.net (JIRA)
  mwebber edited a commen

[JIRA] (JENKINS-16979) "Discard old builds" broken in 1.503

2013-03-19 Thread mweb...@java.net (JIRA)
mwebber comm

[JIRA] (JENKINS-15156) Builds disappear from build history after completion

2013-03-19 Thread 1990.a...@gmail.com (JIRA)
  Alex Vesely edited a co

[JIRA] (JENKINS-15156) Builds disappear from build history after completion

2013-03-19 Thread 1990.a...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Alex Vesely

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17265) Builds disappearing from history

2013-03-19 Thread 1990.a...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Alex Vese

[JIRA] (JENKINS-15518) Jenkins Cobertura-1.7 fails to get the coverage result

2013-03-19 Thread l...@tikalk.com (JIRA)
Liya Katz co

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17251) No parser appear when click Add button

2013-03-19 Thread ullrich.haf...@gmail.com (JIRA)
  Ulli Hafner edited a co

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17251) No parser appear when click Add button

2013-03-19 Thread ullrich.haf...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Ulli Hafner

[JIRA] (JENKINS-10266) Set grails.work.dir to something unique by default

2013-03-19 Thread agander...@cantab.net (JIRA)
  Alex Anderson edited a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-10266) Set grails.work.dir to something unique by default

2013-03-19 Thread agander...@cantab.net (JIRA)
Alex Anderson

[JIRA] (JENKINS-17204) GIT plugin fetch failing since update Git Plugin to 1.2.0+

2013-03-19 Thread hbruin...@xs4some.nl (JIRA)
Hendrik Bruinsma

[JIRA] (JENKINS-12827) api should return the build number that was queued.

2013-03-19 Thread arangamani.kan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kannan Manickam

[JIRA] (JENKINS-10266) Set grails.work.dir to something unique by default

2013-03-19 Thread agander...@cantab.net (JIRA)
Alex Anderson