Jan Høydahl created SOLR-16657:
Summary: Admin UI should refresh after editing security
Key: SOLR-16657
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-16657
Project: Solr
Issue Type: Bug
Jan Høydahl created SOLR-16658:
Summary: List of permissions returned to Admin UI is not complete
Key: SOLR-16658
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-16658
Project: Solr
Issue Type:
janhoy opened a new pull request, #1359:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1359
It's a trappy design to allow "null" keys in maps like this. And to define a
"null" role in a permission in Admin UI security editor you need to acti
janhoy commented on code in PR #1359:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1359#discussion_r1106858436
@@ -339,7 +341,10 @@ public SimpleOrderedMap
getSecurityInfo(SolrQueryRequest req) {
Jason Gerlowski commented on SOLR-16599:
I'm like ventilated prose, personally.
Jason Gerlowski edited comment on SOLR-16599 at 2/15/23 12:36 PM:
def onion created SOLR-16659:
Summary: DistribPackageStore.distribute may alter node name
Key: SOLR-16659
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-16659
Project: Solr
Issue Type: Bug
janhoy commented on code in PR #1359:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1359#discussion_r1106858436
@@ -339,7 +341,10 @@ public SimpleOrderedMap
getSecurityInfo(SolrQueryRequest req) {
janhoy merged PR #1359:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1359
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ASF subversion and git services commented on SOLR-16658:
Commit 6
Jan Høydahl resolved SOLR-16658.
Fix Version/s: 9.2
Resolution: Fixed
> List of permissions returned to Admin UI is not compl
ASF subversion and git services commented on SOLR-16658:
Commit 3
janhoy commented on PR #1342:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1342#issuecomment-1431457396
Going to merge this on Friday if no more comments from @risdenk , @dsmiley
or @gus-asf
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Jason Gerlowski updated SOLR-16488:
Summary: Migrate ZookeeperReadAPI to JAX-RS (was: Create a v2 equivalent
for /admin/zookeepe
Jason Gerlowski updated SOLR-16488:
EDIT: This description originally described creating a plan for creating v2
Jason Gerlowski reassigned SOLR-16488:
Assignee: Jason Gerlowski
> Migrate ZookeeperReadAPI to JAX-RS
> -
mkhludnev commented on PR #1324:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1324#issuecomment-1431495141
Hi, @andywebb1975 . I pushed commit replacing switch to closure in doc
scoring loop. Please have a look. WDYT?
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To respond to
Vinayak Hegde commented on SOLR-16542:
I would like to work on this.
> Remove Over
janhoy commented on PR #1118:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1118#issuecomment-1431533348
This PR is no longer needed when we have the upgraded CaffeineCache version,
or not?
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Jason Gerlowski commented on SOLR-16488:
Alright, [I have a PR here|https://githu
ben-manes commented on PR #1118:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1118#issuecomment-1431546094
PR is not necessary but was the underlying bug fixed? The issue was
corrupting the cache by modifying the key’s equality while inside of a
ConcurrentHashMap. The upgrade just yells if dete
Jason Gerlowski commented on SOLR-13942:
Revisiting this ticket again recently, a
Jason Gerlowski edited comment on SOLR-13942 at 2/15/23 3:43 PM:
Michael Gibney commented on SOLR-16642:
Ah, yes; looks like we will need to adjust
gerlowskija commented on code in PR #1332:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1332#discussion_r1107323124
@@ -16,8 +16,12 @@ out/
# Eclipse
Review Comment:
[Q] Did you intend to add this gitignore change to the PR?
Vinayak Hegde commented on SOLR-16642:
Okay. will do the modification that is neede
Jan Høydahl commented on SOLR-13931:
Bumped into this issue. I see that you got absol
Jan Høydahl created SOLR-16660:
Summary: Deprecate analytics component
Key: SOLR-16660
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-16660
Project: Solr
Issue Type: Sub-task
Ishan Chattopadhyaya reassigned SOLR-16659:
Assignee: Ishan Chattopadhyaya
> DistribPackageStore.distribute may alter no
ASF subversion and git services commented on SOLR-16660:
Commit d
Kevin Risden commented on SOLR-16457:
An alternative is of course to har
Houston Putman commented on SOLR-16116:
Hadoop 3.4.0 still hasn't been released, s
Michael Gibney commented on SOLR-16642:
Up to you -- if the branch is compiling, t
gerlowskija commented on PR #1196:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1196#issuecomment-1431697781
Alright - thanks for the PR @bszabo97, it's perfect. My apologies again for
the huge delay with the SOLR-16531 blocker, but I'm happy to say that should be
cleared away at this point.
gerlowskija merged PR #1196:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1196
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ASF subversion and git services commented on SOLR-11029:
Commit 7
Jason Gerlowski commented on SOLR-11029:
Much later than hoped (due to the SOLR-1
Jason Gerlowski reassigned SOLR-11029:
Assignee: Jason Gerlowski
> Create a v2 API equivalent for DELETENODE API
> --
David Smiley commented on SOLR-16116:
No comment on the Hadoop stuff; not my area of
Jesse Gorzinski commented on SOLR-16619:
Updated PR to use a singular ps invocati
Ishan Chattopadhyaya commented on SOLR-16659:
Good catch, thanks. Would you
ThePrez commented on code in PR #1287:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1287#discussion_r1107504662
@@ -716,7 +716,11 @@ function solr_pid_by_port() {
# extract the value of the -Djetty.port parameter from a running Solr process
function jetty_port
stillalex commented on code in PR #1332:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1332#discussion_r1107505494
@@ -16,8 +16,12 @@ out/
# Eclipse
Review Comment:
don't worry about this one, I have opened a different PR for Eclipse t
vinayakphegde opened a new pull request, #1360:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1360
draft PR
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Vinayak Hegde commented on SOLR-16642:
Hi [~magibney] sure
here is the draft PR: [h
risdenk commented on code in PR #1360:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1360#discussion_r1107551800
@@ -277,15 +277,15 @@ public void process(ResponseBuilder rb) throws
IOException {
Jason Gerlowski reassigned SOLR-16462:
Assignee: Jason Gerlowski
> Create v2 equivalent of v1 'CREATESNAPSHOT', 'LISTSNAPSHOT
vinayakphegde commented on PR #1360:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1360#issuecomment-1431886125
@magibney you are right. I will revert that change.
at this moment I am not sure what causes these test failures
`Thread[searcherExecutor-320-thread-1,5,TGRP-TestJoin] and consumed
magibney commented on PR #1360:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1360#issuecomment-1431890777
Sounds good! Definitely happy to take a look at the test failures, that's
part of why I was thinking that a draft PR would be helpful (thanks for opening
it btw!).
This is an automate
David Smiley commented on SOLR-13931:
I like deprecating first because we auto-detec
vinayakphegde commented on PR #1360:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1360#issuecomment-1431899551
Thanks @magibney
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mkhludnev commented on code in PR #1344:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1344#discussion_r1107662640
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
risdenk commented on code in PR #1344:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1344#discussion_r1107671815
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
Mikhail Khludnev commented on SOLR-13931:
Some time ago I've seen a projec
Houston Putman commented on SOLR-13931:
+1 deprecate, then we can move missing fun
risdenk commented on code in PR #1344:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1344#discussion_r1107684547
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
mkhludnev commented on code in PR #1344:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1344#discussion_r1107699943
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
gerlowskija commented on code in PR #1126:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1126#discussion_r1107644285
@@ -1095,26 +1095,21 @@ protected void configure() {
risdenk commented on code in PR #1344:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1344#discussion_r1107751456
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
magibney commented on PR #1360:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1360#issuecomment-1432117591
Sharing early here (not immediately sure about the _right_ way to fix this);
it looks like there's a problem with `Terms` caching in
`SlowCompositeReaderWrapper`; tests pass (aside from the
Jan Høydahl commented on SOLR-16116:
Moving hadoop module to a separate build with se
Jan Høydahl commented on SOLR-16457:
Yea, a trick or two with Dockerfile is probably
[ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-16660 ]
Jan Høydahl deleted comment on SOLR-16660:
was (Author: jira-bot):
Commit d98b09e6b3b2e00be23871ed86c9f4995921067e in solr's branch
refs/heads/SOLR-16660-deprecate-analytics from Jan Høydahl
janhoy opened a new pull request, #1361:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1361
This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
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Jan Høydahl commented on SOLR-16619:
[~colvinco] Is this something you'd be intereste
Jan Høydahl commented on SOLR-13931:
See sub task SOLR-16660
> Decommission Analytic
Jan Høydahl reassigned SOLR-16660:
Assignee: Jan Høydahl
> Deprecate analytics component
> -
Jan Høydahl updated SOLR-16660:
See description in parent issue.
By deprecating in 9.2, we get more feedback from users
Jan Høydahl created SOLR-16661:
Summary: Remove analytics component in 10.0
Key: SOLR-16661
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-16661
Project: Solr
Issue Type: Sub-task
Jan Høydahl created SOLR-16662:
Summary: Determine feature gap between analytics and json-facets
Key: SOLR-16662
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-16662
Project: Solr
Issue Type:
Jan Høydahl commented on SOLR-13931:
I know it has been discussed, but could not find
Shawn Heisey commented on SOLR-13931:
{quote}what a horrible name, time for a name c
David Smiley commented on SOLR-16116:
Is the move to Hadoop client libraries easy de
Michael Gibney commented on SOLR-13931:
[This comment|https://lists.apache.org/thr
Michael Gibney edited comment on SOLR-13931 at 2/16/23 4:31 AM:
David Smiley commented on SOLR-16488:
Not trying to be heavily involved here but I t
vinayakphegde commented on PR #1360:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/1360#issuecomment-1432592878
that's nice!
let me also look into it
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