answer "I wouldn't to it in that language"
or if they will give a long convoluted explanation of how you could do it.
He'll also ask (for example) Java programmers about stuff that is totally
not on their resume (FoxPro, for example) to see if they'll try to
bullshit him. De
amount of
crossover between Sphere and LinuxChix, we probably do have
a good group of mixed-gender people... as well as plenty of women
and men.
But I don't think that's what you meant. ^_^
A Kozic| The way
On Thu, 31 May 2001 James Sutherland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yep. Your employer is paying you to do a job. As long as you do that job
> properly, without breaking the law etc, they can't complain - and
> monitoring behaviour not directly related to your performance is BAD.
> Ultimately, that