LiuJi commented on FLINK-7916:
Agree, I think move these tests to _org.apache.flink.test.ma
KurtYoung commented on issue #8102: [FLINK-12087][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce over window operators to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8102#issuecomment-480705151
I don't think it's an optimization. I would say it's intuition every reader
will have in the first pla
dawidwys commented on a change in pull request #8062: [FLINK-11884][table]
Implement expression resolution on top of new Expressions
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8062#discussion_r272903193
File path:
hequn8128 commented on a change in pull request #7196: [FLINK-10974] [table]
Add support for flatMap to table API
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/7196#discussion_r272878771
File path:
hequn8128 commented on a change in pull request #7196: [FLINK-10974] [table]
Add support for flatMap to table API
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/7196#discussion_r272875577
File path: docs/dev/table/tableApi.md
@@ -1847,6 +1847,22 @@ Table table = input
hequn8128 commented on a change in pull request #7196: [FLINK-10974] [table]
Add support for flatMap to table API
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/7196#discussion_r272877997
File path:
hequn8128 commented on a change in pull request #7196: [FLINK-10974] [table]
Add support for flatMap to table API
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/7196#discussion_r272899748
File path:
hequn8128 commented on a change in pull request #7196: [FLINK-10974] [table]
Add support for flatMap to table API
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/7196#discussion_r272878971
File path:
hequn8128 commented on a change in pull request #7196: [FLINK-10974] [table]
Add support for flatMap to table API
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/7196#discussion_r272877780
File path: docs/dev/table/tableApi.md
@@ -1847,6 +1847,22 @@ Table table = input
hequn8128 commented on a change in pull request #7196: [FLINK-10974] [table]
Add support for flatMap to table API
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/7196#discussion_r272878215
File path:
dawidwys commented on a change in pull request #8062: [FLINK-11884][table]
Implement expression resolution on top of new Expressions
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8062#discussion_r272902524
File path:
dawidwys commented on a change in pull request #8062: [FLINK-11884][table]
Implement expression resolution on top of new Expressions
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8062#discussion_r272901252
File path:
JingsongLi commented on issue #8102: [FLINK-12087][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce over window operators to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8102#issuecomment-480702530
>> As I said before, you can immediately determine the left and right
boundary with currentIndex - pr
JingsongLi edited a comment on issue #8102: [FLINK-12087][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce over window operators to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8102#issuecomment-480702530
>> As I said before, you can immediately determine the left and right
boundary with currentInd
LiuJi commented on FLINK-9787:
Agree, it's a good idea to avoid NPE when invoke
ASF GitHub Bot updated FLINK-12120:
Labels: pull-request-available (was: )
> Support queries like "select sum(b), count(c) from
KurtYoung commented on issue #8102: [FLINK-12087][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce over window operators to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8102#issuecomment-480699105
I think the problem is the methods you proposed: `isLeftBoundRowInWindow`
and `isRightBoundRowInWindow
flinkbot commented on issue #8120: [FLINK-12120][table-planner-blink] Support
queries like "select sum(b), count(c) from T group by a" run in batch mode
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8120#issuecomment-480699193
Thanks a lot for your contribution to the Apache Flink project. I'm
LiuJi commented on FLINK-10437:
You mean we should check all classes which use _withDepre
JingsongLi opened a new pull request #8120: [FLINK-12120][table-planner-blink]
Introduce "select sum(b), count(c) from T group by a" in Blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8120
## What is the purpose of the change
Introduce "select sum(b), count(c) from T group by a
Kurt Young updated FLINK-12120:
Summary: Support queries like "select sum(b), count(c) from T group by a"
run in batch mode (was: I
Jingsong Lee created FLINK-12120:
Summary: Introduce "select sum(b), count(c) from T group by a" in
Blink batch
Key: FLINK-12120
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-12120
Project: Flink
zhijiangW commented on a change in pull request #8090: [FLINK-12067][network]
Refactor the constructor of NetworkEnvironment
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8090#discussion_r272894672
File path:
JingsongLi edited a comment on issue #8102: [FLINK-12087][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce over window operators to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8102#issuecomment-480694448
Consider a new `BaseSlidingOverFrame`:
It has two abstract method:
1.`public abstract boo
JingsongLi commented on issue #8102: [FLINK-12087][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce over window operators to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8102#issuecomment-480694448
Consider a new `BaseSlidingOverFrame`:
It has two abstract method:
1.`public abstract boolean is
KurtYoung commented on issue #8102: [FLINK-12087][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce over window operators to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8102#issuecomment-480690209
Isn't `(currentIndex - precedingCount, currentIndex + followingCount) enough
for RowSlidingOverFrame?
KurtYoung edited a comment on issue #8102: [FLINK-12087][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce over window operators to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8102#issuecomment-480690209
Isn't `(currentIndex - precedingCount, currentIndex + followingCount)`
enough for RowSlidingOve
Tao Yang commented on FLINK-8801:
Hi, [~till.rohrmann].
Could you please take a look at
Liya Fan commented on FLINK-4785:
Hi [~f.pompermaier], it seems the url is no longer val
Liya Fan commented on FLINK-11964:
Hi [~lzljs3620320], this is a good point, because t
JingsongLi commented on issue #8102: [FLINK-12087][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce over window operators to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8102#issuecomment-480671968
> Why `RowSlidingOverFrame` needs a comparator class?
Don't need a comparator class, but need a
JingsongLi commented on issue #8102: [FLINK-12087][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce over window operators to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8102#issuecomment-480671767
> Why `RowSlidingOverFrame` needs a comparator class?
consider sql:
`order by c range Unboun
JingsongLi removed a comment on issue #8102: [FLINK-12087][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce over window operators to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8102#issuecomment-480671767
> Why `RowSlidingOverFrame` needs a comparator class?
consider sql:
`order by c rang
KurtYoung commented on issue #8102: [FLINK-12087][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce over window operators to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8102#issuecomment-480670657
Why `RowSlidingOverFrame` needs a comparator class?
Kurt Young closed FLINK-12081.
Resolution: Implemented
Fix Version/s: 1.9.0
fixed in 518cf6a10ba105d655de738ce5fccc5fffc8e8a6
KurtYoung closed pull request #8099: [FLINK-12081][table-planner-blink]
Introduce aggregation operator code generator to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8099
This is an automated message from the Apache
KurtYoung commented on a change in pull request #8110: [FLINK-12098]
[table-planner-blink] Add support for generating optimized logical plan for
simple group aggregate on stream
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8110#discussion_r272871831
File path:
KurtYoung commented on a change in pull request #8110: [FLINK-12098]
[table-planner-blink] Add support for generating optimized logical plan for
simple group aggregate on stream
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8110#discussion_r272872792
File path:
KurtYoung commented on a change in pull request #8110: [FLINK-12098]
[table-planner-blink] Add support for generating optimized logical plan for
simple group aggregate on stream
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8110#discussion_r272871786
File path:
zhijiangW commented on a change in pull request #8090: [FLINK-12067][network]
Refactor the constructor of NetworkEnvironment
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8090#discussion_r272871749
File path:
zhijiangW commented on a change in pull request #8090: [FLINK-12067][network]
Refactor the constructor of NetworkEnvironment
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8090#discussion_r272871749
File path:
yankai zhang edited comment on FLINK-12113 at 4/8/19 2:43 AM:
yankai zhang edited comment on FLINK-12113 at 4/8/19 2:40 AM:
yankai zhang commented on FLINK-12113:
Interesting. I guess maybe java has some op
hequn8128 commented on a change in pull request #8062: [FLINK-11884][table]
Implement expression resolution on top of new Expressions
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8062#discussion_r272864780
File path:
hequn8128 commented on a change in pull request #8062: [FLINK-11884][table]
Implement expression resolution on top of new Expressions
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8062#discussion_r272864780
File path:
hequn8128 commented on a change in pull request #8062: [FLINK-11884][table]
Implement expression resolution on top of new Expressions
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8062#discussion_r272868599
File path:
hequn8128 commented on a change in pull request #8062: [FLINK-11884][table]
Implement expression resolution on top of new Expressions
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8062#discussion_r272863163
File path:
hequn8128 commented on a change in pull request #8062: [FLINK-11884][table]
Implement expression resolution on top of new Expressions
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8062#discussion_r272863996
File path:
hequn8128 commented on a change in pull request #8062: [FLINK-11884][table]
Implement expression resolution on top of new Expressions
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8062#discussion_r272863189
File path:
Liya Fan commented on FLINK-10684:
In my opinion, it may be reasonable not to print in
Liya Fan commented on FLINK-4859:
Hi [~aljoscha], would you please give more description
JingsongLi commented on issue #8102: [FLINK-12087][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce over window operators to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8102#issuecomment-480660556
I think that even with `RowSlidingOverFrame` and `RangeSlidingOverFrame`,
still need a
Kurt Young closed FLINK-12094.
Resolution: Implemented
Fix Version/s: 1.9.0
fixed in 63876fbedfa52e7e6d6439384bfaca5aa5137d8b
KurtYoung closed pull request #8107: [FLINK-12094][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce sort merge join operator to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8107
This is an automated message from the Apache Git Servic
JingsongLi commented on issue #8107: [FLINK-12094][table-runtime-blink]
Introduce sort merge join operator to blink batch
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8107#issuecomment-480657547
(To checks failed) I've passed the test in offline.
Myasuka commented on a change in pull request #8117: [FLINK-12115]
[filesystems]: Add support for AzureFS
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8117#discussion_r272844294
File path:
Myasuka commented on a change in pull request #8117: [FLINK-12115]
[filesystems]: Add support for AzureFS
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8117#discussion_r272843960
File path:
Myasuka commented on a change in pull request #8117: [FLINK-12115]
[filesystems]: Add support for AzureFS
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8117#discussion_r272843786
File path:
TisonKun commented on FLINK-10437:
[~tianchen92] it's still our case at least as descr
LiuJi commented on FLINK-10049:
It seems string functions in different SQL engines may ha
LiuJi edited comment on FLINK-10049 at 4/7/19 2:53 PM:
It seems s
LiuJi commented on FLINK-10684:
Hi,[~xccui] Is there any update on this issue? As you sai
LiuJi commented on FLINK-10437:
Hi [~Tison] Does the problem still exist? if so, I would
Guowei Ma commented on FLINK-12113:
I can't reproduce your problem.
Guowei Ma updated FLINK-12113:
Attachment: image-2019-04-07-21-52-37-264.png
> User code passing to fromCollection(Iterator, Class) n
GJL closed pull request #8119: Release 1.7
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8119
This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to g
Tim commented on FLINK-6263:
Any updates on this problem?
> Leader error in Kafka producer o
68 matches
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