a chance to do too much extensive testing but they seem
to work fine for me. Please let me know of any bugs or enhancements that
are required.
Alain Turbide
and IMAP::Admin for anyone wishing to use it.
Alain Turbide
Sounds like the email program that receives the replies does'nt like plain
new lines but prefers \r\n combinations. What email program receives the
replies? Does the response message look ok in the raw script (not the
basic mode..) if not then it's a different problem. I haven't seen it here.
ed email has no newlines
within it at all. Does sieve remove them? Have'tn had a chance to look at
the code. Did'nt find any references about it on the list either so figured
there is something I'm missing. The problem is not with Websieve though..
Alain Turbide
- Original Mess
Thanks Ken. I"ve made the necessary changes to Websieve to use the "text:
\r\n.\r\n" format for quoted strings. Cleaner and easier to use anyways.
It should be available on the server shortly.
> My suggestion would be to have Websieve use the multi-line string form
> (see section 2.4.2 of RFC
Hope I'm not asking for the impossible, just that this would make these
modules so much more useful. I'd rather stick to using the facilities
provided by Cyrus::Imap for all interfacing.
Alain Turbide
I posted a few version update messages on the list recently. The URL to
download the program is now:
- Original Message -
From: "Richard Gresek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 2:23 AM
Subject: Webseive
dules manually. By the way, Websieve no longer requires
IMAP::Admin-1.4.1 to function. If you download the latest version and use
funlib.cyrus instead of the default funclib.pl (You must rename
funclib.cyrus to funclib.pl)., websieve will then use Cyrus::Admin for it's
r and pass the secrets there, it might be fine but I
don't know of any way to do that within perl..
For now I'll stick to using LOGIN for authentication with the Cyrus::Imap
Alain Turbide
To: "Cyrus Info Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Alain Turbide"
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: Imap and Sieve Perl API status..
> We'd like to make this work, but, as you might guess, we use Kerberos
> and this has yet
You must do an undef on the $cyrus object once you are done using it to
close the session properly.
Look at the cyradm code for an example.
example my $imap=new $cyrus::IMAP::Admin;
Once you're done using the $imap object. Close the session by:
-Original Message-
I've applied your patch to websieve-0.58h (as well as a few other bug
fixes..). Since I don't have alternate namespaces installed on my server,
could you test it and make sure it works ok.. There was a bug in your patch.
You used variable $alt_namespaces instead of $alt_namespace in one of your
. Note I also use the web cgi script to create
user accounts, aliases, etc and you'd have to make sure your synchronization
script does this as well if your accounts are created with said Ldap only
Alain Turbide
On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Devdas Bhagat wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Pru
Since IMAP::Admin requires the LOGIN auth method to be compiled into SASL,
that might be the problem. You need LOGIN auth for that.
The best check would be to telnet to the imap port as suggested by Jules.
- Original Message -
From: "Jules Agee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Warren Flem
work and will be his choice
as to how he wishes to release or license it. Another addon is auth-pop.pl
provided by Gary Mills which gives password management against a poppasswd
daemon. As always, if anyone has any suggestions for adding
morefunctionality or bugfixes to the script, let me know.
Alain Turbide
Try setting the "c" flag as well and making sure you are logged in as the
cyrus user ie cyradm -u cyrus
- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Bacon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 2:02 PM
Subject: Deleting mailboxes through cyradm
> Hi
as a
safety feature.
Alain Turbide
Check out www.amavis.org. It works with various linux/unix virus scanners.
I use it here in combination with postfix and it works like a charm.
Alain Turbide
- Original Message -
From: "James Courtier-Dutton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mond
Except now, you will not be able to access other namespaces or publicly
accessable directories. That's the one problem with doing this. The only
other way is to modify the registry entry to allow setting the sent items
folder to INBOX.Sent Items.
- Original Message -
From: "James
l probably release in a package. Still needs
testing so don't use it on a production server. Please see the
readme.procmail file for info.
Alain Turbide
Whups.. The correct link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/websieve
Alain Turbide
The fix that worked for me:
ln -s /usr/include/db3/db.h /usr/include/db.hif db.h is not there. Check
in /lib and make sure you have a libdb.so there
Check in /usr/lib/ and see if libdb.so is there also (it's a link to another
lib I believe). . Move it somewhere else or delete the link (after
that cyrus imap
included the proper headers.
Alain Turbide
- Original Message -
From: "Anderson Ferreira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 6:07 PM
Subject: temporarily unavailable
> I am running cyrus-imapd-1.6.19 al
The only thing I can think of that would cause that is the problem with
using version 1.5.1 of IMAP::Admin. It won't show quota's. Use an older one
or try a newer one. I hav'ent had time to see what the latest version of it
is but I know that Websieve works fine with version 1.4.1 of IMAP::Admi
Alain Turbide
- Original Message -
From: "Etienne Goyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: Perl-Cyrus-SIEVE-managesieve
> Are you talking about the Perl that come with we
ssumes that the Imap server authenticates
against an ldap server. It is a bit customized for our applications here
but can easily be modified for general use.
Alain Turbide
As far as I can see that should work fine.. I tried it it here and was able
to make it work fine in basic mode.. instead of the asterisk you can also
use a plain "." (period) since all valid email addresses contain that within
Alain Turbide
- Original Message -
making it available because some users have enquired
about such tools, and I hope they can find some use with it. It is
available with no warranty whatsover. Have fun with it..
Alain Turbide
There are various tools to migrate existing passwd or other accounts to
ldap. See the following link.. http://www.padl.com/tools.html
- Original Message -
From: "The Hermit Hacker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Alain Turbide" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> appear to be any perl modules that I can find for doing this, so would
> have to do it with a system() call ...
> On Sun, 5 Nov 2000, Alain Turbide wrote:
> > There are various tools to migrate existing passwd or other accounts to
> > ldap. See th
Oulook express when using Imap tries to save the sent mail in the sent-mail
folder on the Imap server. This won't work with Cyrus Imap since users
can't save mail in the top level folder, only under INBOX. Since Outlook
does't allow the sent-mail folder to contain "." (periods) in the account
turn off features you don't need.
Then just run make. Don't forget to also install the Cyrus-Sasl library as
Alain Turbide
- Original Message -
From: "James Presley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 10:11 A
t's the MUA's local
cache that is wrong.
Alain Turbide
- Original Message -
From: "Marc G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jeremy Beker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Cyrus List (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Bill Cox"
g like "public" and create your shared folders under that. Since
"public" will exist in the mailboxes file then users will be able to view
and access it at all times. So far only Outlook Express is that stubborn
in this behavior from what I've seen.
Alain Turbide
Squirrel Mail is much easier to setup and install but it is much slower in
listing large folders or mailbox contents. They pretty well have similar
functionality including LDAP lookups. IMP does require an SQL server to
store user session data while SM uses flat files..
I would recommend that you
Can anyone shed some light on this problem I'm having. Whenever a message
needs to be delivered to more then one recipient in the same deliverdb
database file I get a "resource not available" message from the deliver
process (in LMTP mode) and the message remains queued. Seems like a db
If you're using Outlook Express as a mail client then this is a known
problem with Outlook Express. You might want to change the folder
synchronization settings to none if you want to prevent this behaviour.
Alain Turbide
- Original Message -
From: "Bitt Faulk" <[EM
The vacation reply will only be sent once during the period selected in your
vacation rule which in this case is once every 7 days.
Alain Turbide
- Original Message -
From: "Atif Ghaffar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 2:
Had to use the db1 one. All is fine now. If anyone has a better fix or a
better explanation, let me know.
Do intend to move to 2.0.12 eventually but am waiting for all db related
issues to be resolved.
- Original Message -----
From: "Alain Turbide" <[EMAIL
My "wonderful" service with @Home is down since yesterday. It should
hopefully be up later today...
What part of it do you need?
Alain Turbide
- Original Message -
From: "Derrick J Brashear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday
Yes it is down temporarily.. My @Home network is having it's occasional
hiccup!! Hopefully will be backup today..
Alain Turbide
- Original Message -
From: "Prune" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Derrick J Brashear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You can give drbd a try. http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/reisner/drbd/ It
is a network raid0 mirror. It works fabulously. I use it here to mirror 2
machines (mirrors the complete partition, not just a directory structure).
I don't think it will work work with more than 2 nodes but you can give i
Nice look. It's definitively a nicer
interface.. I'll give it a try..
Alain Turbide
Toshiba of Canada Ltd.
- Original Message -
Shawn Sivy
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 2:20
Subject: IMAP ACL Manager
The approach I've tested here is using a linux server with a ReiserFS
partition replicated between 2 nodes using DRBD. Heartbeat runs on both
systems and will switch the slave node to master in the event of a failure
in the Master. This scenerio is strictly failover and only one node has
write a
Check out this php based web admin interface
Alain Turbide
- Original Message -
From: "prune" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 8:13 AM
Subject: creating mailbox from php
> Hi,
Usually that happens if the script can't connect to the sieve server.
Obviously it can connect to the Imap server ok since it authenticates you.
I haven't had a chance on making the script more verbose for this type of
error. Make sure that your sieve server daemon is accessable and that you
I certainly will.. Will try to upgrade my staging server to Redhat 7.1 when
I get a chance and do a test upgrade from a version 1.6.25 to 2.0.12 . Once
I got this done I'll try out the scripts..
- Original Message -
From: "Patrick Lin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&g
That was a problem in an earlier version.. But i believe this time it's more
a protocol problem with the perlsieve lib.. Will check further..
- Original Message -
From: "Scott Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Alain Turbide" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
sage -
From: "Michael Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 7:24 AM
> Hi,
> I came across this same problem using w
For anyone interested, I've put up version 0.50 of websieve.pl on
- changed interface to split functions into seperate selections and screens.
(ie: vacation, acl, rules view, rules addition)
- script now uses http cookies instead of form variables to k
You can get the updated script at http://host1.dyndns.org/websieve
Alain Turbide
Try setting parameter "$quotemailbox=0" in the script and see if that
I'll check further.. Have'nt had a chance to do more testing on version
2.0.13 yet..
- Original Message -
From: "Dietmar Rahlfs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 8:
adds the
ability to include direct sieve syntax rules within basic mode rulesets.
These are still Beta so if you find any bugs please let me know and I'll do
my best to fix them..
Alain Turbide
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