Oulook express when using Imap tries to save the sent mail in the sent-mail
folder on the Imap server.  This won't work with Cyrus Imap since users
can't save mail in the top level folder, only under INBOX.  Since Outlook
does't allow the sent-mail folder to contain "." (periods) in the account
setup info, you can't redirect that folder to INBOX.Sent Mail  UNLESS you
make a change in the registry settings for the account info for Outlook.  I
can't remember where that setting  but I'm sure you can locate it on the
Internet if you do a search there.   To prevent the error, just uncheck the
"save special folders on the Imap server" checkbox in your account settings.
This will then save sent-mail and drafts to the local sent-mail folder.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Maquiling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "cyrus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 1:18 AM
Subject: help with remote folders

> Hash: SHA1
> I know this topic is probably too much for a mailing list but are there
> any resources on the web that shows how to configure remote folders with
> IMAP/Cyrus.  I'm getting errors from Outlook clients that they cannot save
> mail in the "save mail" folder.
> Their Outlook is trying to save to the remote folder on the Linux box
> running Cyrus and having no access.
> I would like to give them that ability.
> TIA!
> - --
> _emaq_
> No electrons were hurt in the making of this email.
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