On 10/22/05, Febo Aristots <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >The BerkeleyDB code in cyrus-imapd has a number of issues that I've
> >never been able to work out fully. I ended up switching to skiplist
> >(despite of its performance penalty for random lookups) which pretty
> >much solved all my
>The BerkeleyDB code in cyrus-imapd has a number of issues that I've
>never been able to work out fully. I ended up switching to skiplist
>(despite of its performance penalty for random lookups) which pretty
>much solved all my problems. I'd recommend that you look at doing the
Is it pos
On 10/17/05, Febo Aristots <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >From: Febo Aristots <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: Oct 17, 2005 6:16 PM
> >Subject: db4 problems with cyrus 2.1.16
> >To: info-cyrus@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
> >I have had a bad problem with a se
>From: Febo Aristots <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Date: Oct 17, 2005 6:16 PM>Subject: db4 problems with cyrus
2.1.16>To: info-cyrus@lists.andrew.cmu.edu>I have had a bad problem with a seemingly corrupted mailboxes.db with cyrus-imap 2.1.16
I seem to have solved the problem this w
I have had a bad problem with a seemingly corrupted mailboxes.db with cyrus-imap 2.1.16
the problem started with this log entries:
Oct 17 03:27:21 mail ctl_cyrusdb[9217]: DBERROR db4: DB_LOGC->get: log record ch
ecksum mismatch
Oct 17 03:27:21 mail ctl_cyrusdb[9217]: DBERROR db4: DB_LOGC->get: cat