I have had a bad problem with a seemingly corrupted mailboxes.db with cyrus-imap 2.1.16

the problem started with this log entries:
Oct 17 03:27:21 mail ctl_cyrusdb[9217]: DBERROR db4: DB_LOGC->get: log record ch
ecksum mismatch
Oct 17 03:27:21 mail ctl_cyrusdb[9217]: DBERROR db4: DB_LOGC->get: catastrophic
recovery may be required
Oct 17 03:27:21 mail ctl_cyrusdb[9217]: DBERROR db4: PANIC: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fata
l error, run database recovery

database recovery wouldn't work but recovering a mailboxes.db from a backup and zeroing /var/imap/db lets cyrus restart properly
and lets my users reread their mailboxes. I am left with new errors in the log while checkpointing the databases, ctl_cyrusdb is unable to flush page 0 with
mailboxes.db and other errors (see below). I have always used db4 4.1.25 for a couple of years now.
What can I do to resolve the problem ?? using ctl_cyrusdb to reconstruct manually the files brings me back to the original problem!!

Oct 17 17:46:29 mail ctl_cyrusdb[8112]: checkpointing cyrus databases
Oct 17 17:46:29 mail ctl_cyrusdb[8112]: DBERROR db4: DB_ENV->log_flush: LSN past
 current end-of-log
Oct 17 17:46:29 mail ctl_cyrusdb[8112]: DBERROR db4: /var/imap/mailboxes.db: una
ble to flush page: 0
Oct 17 17:46:29 mail ctl_cyrusdb[8112]: DBERROR db4: txn_checkpoint: failed to f
lush the buffer cache Invalid argument
Oct 17 17:46:29 mail ctl_cyrusdb[8112]: DBERROR: couldn't checkpoint: Invalid ar
Oct 17 17:46:29 mail ctl_cyrusdb[8112]: DBERROR: sync /var/imap/db: cyrusdb erro
Oct 17 17:46:29 mail ctl_cyrusdb[8112]: DBERROR db4: DB_ENV->log_flush: LSN past
 current end-of-log
Oct 17 17:46:29 mail ctl_cyrusdb[8112]: DBERROR db4: /var/imap/mailboxes.db: una
ble to flush page: 0
Oct 17 17:46:29 mail ctl_cyrusdb[8112]: DBERROR db4: txn_checkpoint: failed to f
lush the buffer cache Invalid argument
Oct 17 17:46:29 mail ctl_cyrusdb[8112]: DBERROR: couldn't checkpoint: Invalid ar
Oct 17 17:46:29 mail ctl_cyrusdb[8112]: DBERROR: sync /var/imap/db: cyrusdb erro
Oct 17 17:46:29 mail ctl_cyrusdb[8112]: done checkpointing cyrus databases
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