m numbers and entrophy if you need APOP other
> solution its to recompile saslauth to use /dev/random or to get a faster
> machine.
>>>> "L. Mark Stone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/03/05 3:59 >>>
> I'm running Cyrus 2.2.3 on SuSE Linux Ente
g to
troubleshoot this.
Any ideas/suggestions/pointers, etc. greatly appreciated,
A Message From... L. Mark Stone
Reliable Networks of Maine, LLC
"We manage your network so you can manage your business."
477 Congress Street
Is there a tool that will clean this up?
A Message From... L. Mark Stone
Reliable Networks of Maine, LLC
"We manage your network so you can manage your business."
477 Congress Street
Portland, ME