I'm running Cyrus 2.2.3 on SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, installed 
from SuSE's rpm packages.

The POP server component is giving us a problem.  It often fails to 
respond to connection requests in a timely manner, if at all.  IMAP 
shows no such problems; IMAP responds to telnet requests very fast 
indeed (like, within 60ms).  The server hardware is not heavily loaded, 
so we don't see this as a resource constraint issue.

See for example:
inside:~ # telnet localhost 110
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Sometimes the server responds with an "+OK..." immediately, sometimes 
after 5-10 seconds, more often not at all.  Nothing in the logs that we 
can see.  Googling and a review of the docs have yielded no hits, so we 
are posting here.

Basically, we are just trying to figure out where to start looking to 
troubleshoot this.

Any ideas/suggestions/pointers, etc. greatly appreciated,

A Message From...  L. Mark Stone

Reliable Networks of Maine, LLC

"We manage your network so you can manage your business."

477 Congress Street
Portland, ME 04101
Tel: (207) 772-5678
Web: http://www.rnome.com

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