Re: cyrus sync_client always refuses to run with an 'InvalidArgument'

2006-01-11 Thread Febo Aristots
> Have you tried synctest?  I would have liked it, I couldn't find it in the 2.3.1 release or elsewhere though.. Where can it be downloaded ? > Also, don't you want sync_log: 1? Yes, I enabled it later...   I more or less 'solved' the problem patching backend.c with another code snippet to open th

Possibly a bug in backend.c ?

2006-01-07 Thread Febo Aristots
Regarding   yesterday's message from me about "cyrus sync_client always refuses to run with an 'Invalid Argument'" I believe I've found a bug in backend.c, the module which is used by sync_client and other cyrus programs - at the very least is an inconsistent behaviour on my Fedora Core 1 servers..

cyrus sync_client always refuses to run with an 'Invalid Argument'

2006-01-06 Thread Febo Aristots
I have successfully compiled cyrus 2.3.1 and upgrade two servers from 2.1.6. By themselves they run fine. I've tried to configure replication with a 'master' and 'replica' server. The 'replica' seems to work, sync_server runs, if I telnet the replica on the csync port I get: * SASL DIGEST-MD5* OK 

Fwd: db4 problems with cyrus 2.1.16

2005-10-22 Thread Febo Aristots
>The BerkeleyDB code in cyrus-imapd has a number of issues that I've >never been able to work out fully.  I ended up switching to skiplist >(despite of its performance penalty for random lookups) which pretty >much solved all my problems.  I'd recommend that you look at doing the >same. Is it pos

Fwd: db4 problems with cyrus 2.1.16

2005-10-17 Thread Febo Aristots
>From: Febo Aristots <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Date: Oct 17, 2005 6:16 PM>Subject: db4 problems with cyrus 2.1.16>To:>I have had a bad problem with a seemingly corrupted mailboxes.db with cyrus-imap 2.1.16  I seem to have solved the problem this w

db4 problems with cyrus 2.1.16

2005-10-17 Thread Febo Aristots
I have had a bad problem with a seemingly corrupted mailboxes.db with cyrus-imap 2.1.16 the problem started with this log entries: Oct 17 03:27:21 mail ctl_cyrusdb[9217]: DBERROR db4: DB_LOGC->get: log record ch ecksum mismatch Oct 17 03:27:21 mail ctl_cyrusdb[9217]: DBERROR db4: DB_LOGC->get: cat