> I'm trying to get as much information as possible from the cyrus log.
> I've tried several modification of the syslog configuration
> filewithout success.
> I also create a folder at /var/log/.. per user getting as much
> information I want but... it's in different files and folders, and
> is p
>>> The other option I ran into some time ago... and it had to due to
>>> defining multiple authentication schemes in the SASL configuration.
>>> When you define multiple, it will try each one in order. I stripped
>>> it down to just PLAIN, which is what I wanted to use, and it was
>>> much quicke
Am Mittwoch 15 April 2009 14:56:32 schrieb Mathieu Kretchner:
> No answer !
> So could I say that there is no possibility to restore an old seen file
> for an user ?
What means "old"? What has changed?
Each Mailbox has a unique number which is in the seen-File and each Message
has a unique nu
Am Dienstag 31 März 2009 18:09:32 schrieb Jeff Blaine:
> Every year or so, a user of ours reports a discrepancy
> between on-disk usage for their spool compared to what
> 'FETCH' is reporting (as implemented via imapdu.pl)
What means "on-disk usage for spool" ?
Do you really compare the size of
Am Montag 30 März 2009 18:23:57 schrieb Jesse Ross:
> I'm having trouble getting my cyrus imapd server (version 2.3.10) to load a
> new partition I've created.
> I created the partition and the stores./ and user/ directories, and set
> their permissions and ownership to exactly match an already
> I'm in the process of adding another front end server to our cyrus email
> cluster. The new server is running RedHat ES5, and rpm shows the
> version of cyrus is cyrus-imapd-2.3.7. Our front ends provide imaps,
> smtp (via sendmail) and lmtp. Sendmail uses smmap to verify the
> recipients addr
> We recently upgraded cyrus-imapd in one of our production servers
> (debian btw) to 2.2.13-14+b3. After that, one of our programs stopped
> working complaining about not being able to fetch the messages, so I
> took a look at the traffic between our imap server and the program and I
> saw this:
> does anybody know, how ctl_cyrusdb works (how it should be used)? I've
> seen ctl_cyrusdb's man pages, but there is just few notes and nothing
> more.
ctl_cyrusdb has two modes to operate. One is checkpointing and archiving
the other one is recovering. There can only run one action at a time.
Am Sonntag 08 Februar 2009 20:29:52 schrieb Adam Tauno Williams:
> The cyradm "setinfo squat " command documentation says:
> Indicates that all mailboxes should have a squat indexes created for
> them (unless overridden by a mailbox annotation).
> It doesn't seem to indicate if the value
Am Sonntag 08 Februar 2009 20:26:45 schrieb Adam Tauno Williams:
> According to the man manpage the "setinfo admin " command sets
> the administrator e-mail address of the server. Is this value actually
> used anywhere or for any purpose?
Cyrus-IMAP itself does not use this, at least that I know
Am Sonntag 08 Februar 2009 20:23:32 schrieb Adam Tauno Williams:
> The description of "info" in cyradm is -
> info display mailbox/server metadata
> But how does one get it to display server metadata? It will display
> mailbox metadata, but I can't find any informa
Am Montag 02 Februar 2009 14:04:57 schrieb Mohamed Ali:
> > > when iam trying to access my mail from pop mail client i got only
> >
> > messages
> >
> > > that in the inbox and ignores all sub folders i created by squirrel
> > > mail
> >
> > or
> >
> > > even with Cyrus , how can i let cyrus to fe
> I have installed Cyrus 2.3.11 and it works fine together with Postfix.
> But there is something strange. I found these two things:
> 1. Cyrus doesn't seem to accept mailboxes with a dot in it, like
> "edwin.boersma". It then bounces the mail with a "Message contains
> invalid header" message:
> I have been facing this issue for quite some time now.
> We have a shared hosting server and cyrus-imapd-2.3.7-4. The issue is as
> below.
> 1. Most of the time some of our roaming POP service users connect to the
> server via a Data card on their laptops. Due to the travel they receive
> var
> I'm using cyrus with IMAPs and POP3s and would like to use different
> certificates
> Looking at the default imap.conf file I have different parameters for a
> global certificate
> As well as individual params for Cert/keys for IMAP/ POPs etc.
> When configuring the individual parameter pop3_t
Am Donnerstag 18 Dezember 2008 15:19:23 schrieb ram:
> I am trying to write a hack into pam and always pass authentication for
> a particular host
> So I modified pam_mysql.c , but the issue is for cyrus I am always
> getting rhost as null
> This is what I put in pam_mysql.c
>> I found one of your older posting which also covers this. Here is what
>> I did.
>> I added psotfixlmtp as a user to both the frontend and and then ran the
>> 'runuser - postfixlmtp -c "lmtptest mds01"' and used the password and it
>> authenticated just fine. So I added the entry to my lmt
> behalf of Andreas Winkelmann Sent: Thu 12/11/2008 7:29 AM
> To: info-cyrus@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
> Subject: RE: murder configuration issue final stretch
> > First off, thanks for all of the help. I've gotten pretty far I think.
> First off, thanks for all of the help. I've gotten pretty far I think. I
> ran into a couple problems and some notes on some list groups about dead
> options that were shown in examples.
> http://garysmith.pbwiki.com/Cyrus
> I have put all of my configs into a wiki (broken down by server/ty
> imapd.conf will accept an option:
>sasl_saslauthd_path: /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd/mux
> instructing it to connect to the saslauthd socket in a non-standard
> location (usually /var/run). This is very useful if e.g. you're
> running Postfix in a chroot.
> A recursive grep fo
Am Montag 03 November 2008 21:45:30 schrieb Steffen Vinther Sørensen:
> I recently updated a CentOS 4 installation using the CentOS package
> manager "yum". the cyrus imapd and the dbd packages was upgraded along
> with several other packages. After that there seems to be an issue
> with the Cyrus
Am Donnerstag 30 Oktober 2008 18:51:23 schrieb Wesley Craig:
> On 30 Oct 2008, at 12:54, Andreas Winkelmann wrote:
> > Service-Name itself is the given name of the Daemon from
> > cyrus.conf. It is not
> > the service Name from Cyrus-SASL. Separating Options between the
op3d" listen="pop3" prefork=0
Here it is "pop3". So Options for this Service begin with:
> On 30 Oct 2008, at 06:42, Ian Eiloart wrote:
> > Can I ask how you discovered the "well hidden feature" of
> > imapd.conf? Is
> > the
> I offer an IMAP service to 12000 users, but we don't offer POP3.
> However, we have a blind person who has a braille computer, with POP3
> client, but no IMAP client.
> I've configured a perdition proxy which can give him POP, but not IMAP
> access. However, we're moving toward using Cyrus pr
Am Donnerstag 23 Oktober 2008 21:48:44 schrieb Ralph Seichter:
> Jeff wrote:
> > Sieve scripts can mark messages as read, though I'm not an expert on
> > sieve.
> Thanks for your suggestion, Jeff. I tried the following:
> require "fileinto";
> require "imapflags";
> if address :contain
On Friday 14 September 2007 20:51, Joseph Silverman wrote:
> ALL other sieve functions work as described. Vacation simply doesn't
> work - mail is delivered, but no response is sent out. This is true
> in multiple versions of cyrus:
> * OK HOST Cyrus IMAP4 v2.2.13-Mandriva-RPM-2.2.13-4mdv2007.
On Friday 14 September 2007 10:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Just a quick question regarding accessing mailboxes via admin accounts. I
> have Cyrus configured with 4 admins named in the imapd.conf file but I
> can't find how to access users accounts which we have to do under certain
> circumstanc
On Friday 14 September 2007 08:42, Philipp Leusmann wrote:
> thanks for your help. it now works like a charm, though I still cannot
> find that topic on the FAQ.
> By the way, is there any further information on setting/using acls in
> the docs? Especially what the anonymous user is for.
Don't kn
On Thursday 13 September 2007 17:59, Philipp Leusmann wrote:
> I am trying to get a postfix+cyrus+dspam setup working. Everything is
> set up so far except, that mails classified as spam by dspam are not
> delivered to the username.quarantine mailbox as desired.
> I already traced the lmtp convers
On Friday 12 January 2007 10:35, Janne Peltonen wrote:
> Is it possible to configure Cyrus so that the server certificate it
> provides would depend on the IP used to connect to it?
> Our current system has users differentiated by faculty so that a user
> configures her imaps server according to
On Thursday 11 January 2007 23:35, Zachariah Mully wrote:
> We've been bitten by migrating some of our people from Outlook to
> Thunderbird, and then using Tbird to move their mail off their local
> machines onto the IMAP server where it belongs. Unfortunately we've not
> patched Cyrus to ac
On Friday 05 January 2007 09:51, Alex Prinsier wrote:
> I think I have the _exactly_ same problem as Mr. Gruber. This is my setup:
> (important part of) imapd.conf:
> virtdomains: userid
> defaultdomain: mail.internal.ejibe.net
> servername: mail.internal.ejibe.net
> admins: cyrus
> sasl_pwcheck
On Wednesday 03 January 2007 22:43, Marten Lehmann wrote:
> for common email users, I have a path like this:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED],ou=users,dc=mailservices
> so the search base is ou=users,dc=mailservices.
> Using this, authentication works fine. But I would like to include the
> admin user in
On Wednesday 03 January 2007 22:38, Marten Lehmann wrote:
> I would like to insert an admin-user without a domain/realm into an
> sasldb2. But saslpasswd2 always appends the hostname to the userid I
> provide.
> Example:
> echo "test" | saslpasswd2 -c admin
> sasldblistusers2
On Tuesday 02 January 2007 22:34, Uwe Kiewel wrote:
> > > I ran into a problem with an postfix-mysql-cyrus installation and i
> > > don't know what to do.
> > >
> > > I used the postfix-cyrus howto to set up the server. The postfix, the
> > > saslauthd and mysql server started without any problem,
On Tuesday 02 January 2007 15:12, Przemyslaw Gawronski wrote:
> Hi, how can I copy a mail received and send by a user to another users
> folder automatically in cyrus-imapd-2.2.12 ?
Cyrus-Imapd is not involved in sending a Mail from an User. This is the Job of
an MTA. Configure your MTA to do th
On Tuesday 02 January 2007 02:46, Carsten Laun-De Lellis wrote:
> I ran into a problem with an postfix-mysql-cyrus installation and i don't
> know what to do.
> I used the postfix-cyrus howto to set up the server. The postfix, the
> saslauthd and mysql server started without any problem, but whe
On Sunday 31 December 2006 00:07, RJ45 wrote:
> OS is FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE
> cyrus-imapd 2.2.12 installed
> this problem started accouring after a RAID5 reconstruction.
What means RAID5 reconstruction? A Rebuild of a failed Disk or did you
reinitialize/reformat the Raid 5? Is the rebuild runni
On Friday 29 December 2006 15:21, RJ45 wrote:
> Dec 29 13:11:59 postino ctl_cyrusdb[2922]: DBERROR db3: log_flush: LSN
> past current end-of-log
> Dec 29 13:11:59 postino ctl_cyrusdb[2922]: DBERROR db3: log_flush: LSN
> past current end-of-log
> Dec 29 13:11:59 postino ctl_cyrusdb[2922]: DBERROR d
Am Saturday 21 October 2006 19:08 schrieb Marten Lehmann:
> I have some users that are used to use POP3 and IMAP with STARTTLS. It
> was available in dovecot but it doesn't seem to be available in Cyrus by
> default. Can it be enabled somehow? Or isn't it implemented for certain
> reasons?
Am Monday 09 October 2006 19:04 schrieb Marten Lehmann:
> we are currently using dovecot for IMAP and POP3 and we would like to
> migrate to Cyrus. The email-address is the login, e.g.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] When I'm creating accounts in cyrus, I have to
> prepend "user." to the mailbox names (thus [
Am Monday 09 October 2006 20:20 schrieb Marten Lehmann:
> My shortened cyrus.conf:
>imap cmd="imapd" listen="imap" prefork=5
>lmtp cmd="lmtpd -a" listen="x.x.x.x:lmtp" prefork=0
> }
Is x.x.x.x an external IP? If yes, you should not use "-a".
Am Saturday 07 October 2006 23:02 schrieb Sebastian Schäfer:
> today i found a problem with the lmtpproxyd on my system...
> on my FE postfix delivers mails with lmtp to the frontend lmtp proxy... and
> the proxy delivers them to the backends... this works normally... but i
> have found one emai
Am Thursday 05 October 2006 15:49 schrieb Mike Husmann:
> Hey all,
> I just upgraded the avelsieve plugin in my Squirrelmail site install to
> 1.9.7 and have suddenly started receiving errors. Every time I make a
> modification using the sieve plugin, I get the following error:
> Oct 5 08:24
Am Wednesday 04 October 2006 00:15 schrieb Jo Rhett:
> > Maybe you should give us some more information about your setup?
> Nothing special. Virtdomains with unixhiersep, altnamespace and
> authentication via sasl auxprop-sql (mysql) out of the box FreeBSD
> ports.
> > And show a list of thes
Am Tuesday 03 October 2006 12:23 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> > sasl_mech_list: plain login
> >
> > is missing. Then test again with cyrus and "other" users. Do "other"
> > users work anymore?
> >
> > Then show how you start saslauthd.
> Sorry I've forgotten
> I start saslauth as following:
Am Tuesday 03 October 2006 11:40 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> After inserting:
> sasl_mech_list: plain login
> this is my telnet session:
> 0a010 login cyrus cyrus
> 0a010 NO Login failed: authentication failure
> 0a011 logout
> * BYE LOGOUT received
> 0a011 OK Completed
> Connection closed by f
Am Tuesday 03 October 2006 02:29 schrieb Jo Rhett:
> I know it's been a few years since I've been active here, but I think I
> remember this being an issue before. Sadly, there's no serious mention
> of reconstruct in the Wiki.
> This syntax is not working to recover a folder where I had to res
Am Tuesday 03 October 2006 02:09 schrieb Jo Rhett:
> It may appear that the answer is
> servername: name I want to use for local realm
> Any reason I shouldn't do it this way? Any better way?
The value of servername is presented after Connecting to your server. If you
move the Configura
Am Tuesday 03 October 2006 00:06 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> My imapd.conf is:
> configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
> partition-default: /var/spool/imap
> sievedir: /var/lib/sieve
> admins: cyrus
> allowanonymouslogin: no
> autocreatequota: 1
> reject8bit: no
> quotawarn: 90
> timeout: 30
> pop
Am Monday 02 October 2006 18:36 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> I was trying to make some test over backing up and recovery a simple IMAP
> server inside a LAN.
> First I have uninstalled cyrus-imapd and cyrus-sasl-saslathd RPMs from my
> SuSE 10.1.
> Second I've deleted cyrus user from my system.
Am Monday 02 October 2006 17:54 schrieb Georgy Goshin:
> My Cyrus server removes any UTF-8 characters and exchanges them with XX
> letters... Is there a way to allow unicode in headers?
Yes, encoding it. Headers are 7 Bit Ascii.
Am Friday 29 September 2006 00:02 schrieb Marten Lehmann:
> I'm using getpwent for admin authentication and salsdb for commoon
> mailbox users. I noticed a strange behaviour:
> I'm not using salsauthd. But when I'm just writing
> sasl_pwcheck_method: getpwent auxprop
"getpwent" isn't a valid
Am Thursday 28 September 2006 12:27 schrieb Ramprasad:
> I have a cyrus 2.3.7 server running on linux ( centos) with virtual
> domains
> If I have try to setacls to a virtual domain-id it is not working
> >From cyradm this is the error I am getting
> -
> cyradm -
Am Wednesday 27 September 2006 08:14 schrieb Neelu Dhiman:
> I am not able to login to Cyrus server. I had created some users on Cyrus
> server, but I am not able to login. I am getting following output:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] imtest]# telnet adlinux imap
> Trying
> Connected to
Am Wednesday 27 September 2006 14:40 schrieb Hardi Gunawan:
> It seems I've many problems with Cyrus on SuSE SLES10.
> My current problem is that there are many bounces on
> the server, but the LMTP returns an "ok". Here's the
> log on the server:
> Sep 26 20:12:29 mail2 postfix/lmtp[14840]:
Am Thursday 28 September 2006 17:28 schrieb Torsten Schlabach:
> Quick question:
> I have seen a setup of
> loginrealms: *
> in /etc/imapd.conf mentioned several times, but from what I can see, it
> does not work.
> Is there a wildcard to allow logins from any realm?
What, if you omit the
Am Sunday 24 September 2006 19:14 schrieb devel - Fashion Content:
> Is there any way to handle folders with names containing spaces in cyradm,
> or do I need to create my own tools for that?
localhost> cm user."Mailbox with Space"
localhost> sam user."Mailbox with Space" userxy read
For example
Am Sunday 24 September 2006 07:56 schrieb Josh M. Hurd:
> I found a total of 3 imapd.conf files:
> /private/etc/imapd.conf
> /private/etc/imapd.conf.default
> /private/etc/imapd.conf.personal
> none of which have my user as an admin
> and here is the mailbox dump:
> sudo -u cyrusimap ./ctl_mbo
Am Sunday 24 September 2006 17:55 schrieb devel - Fashion Content:
> I'm trying to figure out how to manage mail folders by testing out a fresh
> install and replicating the existing accounts over.
> It may be the fault of the replication script, but it does seem like the
> server allows creatin
Am Saturday 23 September 2006 00:42 schrieb Josh M. Hurd:
> this is what I get from lam now:
> localhost> lam user/%
> user/christen:
> christen lrswipcda
> user/jhurd:
> jhurd lrswipcda
> user/junkmail:
> jhurd lrswipcda
> junkmail l
Am Friday 22 September 2006 22:48 schrieb Josh M. Hurd:
> >> this is what I get from lam now:
> >>
> >> localhost> lam user/%
> >> user/christen:
> >>christen lrswipcda
> >> user/jhurd:
> >>jhurd lrswipcda
> >> user/junkmail:
> >>jhurd lrswipcda
> >>junkmail lrswipcda
> >> user/not
Am Friday 22 September 2006 22:06 schrieb Jean-Gabriel Duquesnoy:
> I have setup a small filter for testing that Sieve is working:
> require "fileinto";
> if address :is :all "From" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> {
> fileinto "INBOX.Fun";
> stop;
> }
> else {
> keep;
> stop;
> }
Is the Script activated?
Am Friday 22 September 2006 21:39 schrieb Josh M. Hurd:
> user/christen (\HasChildren)
> user/christen/Deleted Messages (\HasNoChildren)
> user/christen/Drafts (\HasNoChildren)
> user/christen/Junk (\HasNoChildren)
> user/christen/Sent Messages (\HasNoChildren)
> user
Am Friday 22 September 2006 20:49 schrieb Josh M. Hurd:
> >> user/christen (\HasChildren)
> >> user/christen/Deleted Messages (\HasNoChildren)
> >> user/christen/Drafts (\HasNoChildren)
> >> user/christen/Junk (\HasNoChildren)
> >> user/christen/Sent Messages (\HasNoChildren)
> >> user/christen/Tr
Am Friday 22 September 2006 20:29 schrieb Casper:
> find the lmtpengine.h or .c i do not remeber...
> edit and build...
> you are then done... the headers are gone...
Maybe it's better to just change this "murder" to something else. The Header
is not senseless.
{ "lmt
Am Friday 22 September 2006 04:50 schrieb Josh M.Hurd:
> In the effort to set up some Shared public mailboxes I somehow
> managed to give myself read permission on the root of my mail partition.
> i have no idea how this happened but would really like to fix it.
> Currently I see all my mailboxes
Am Friday 22 September 2006 18:17 schrieb Tomasz Chmielewski:
> Currently, I'm using Cyrus and Postfix on the same box, everything works
> fine.
> Due to the high load of the server, I'm going to split the server into
> several machines.
> Users are kept in MySQL database, each email has its own
Am Friday 22 September 2006 17:13 schrieb Kai Wang:
> One of our user does not the term murder in the message header. He
> questioned us that "Why does it contains the term "murder" in the email
> header? I don't think "murder...MYNAME" is the appropriate terms
> appears in my email header
Am Thursday 21 September 2006 20:43 schrieb Jean-Gabriel Duquesnoy:
> > > I have been following several threads concerning similar issues,
> > > but could not find the information which would have helped me
> > > solve the issue I am encountering. When using sivtest as follows:
> > > mail:/var/log
Am Tuesday 19 September 2006 22:02 schrieb Kai Wang:
> We are running cyrus-imapd-2.2.12-3.RHEL4.1. We found that if we set
> quota over 4194000, cyrus quota warning kicks in no matter how much your
> usage is. Is there a hard coded quota limit in the imapd daemon?
Cyrus-Imap 2.3.x has 64-Bit Quo
Am Tuesday 19 September 2006 20:35 schrieb Jean-Gabriel Duquesnoy:
> I have been following several threads concerning similar issues, but
> could not find the information which would have helped me solve the
> issue I am encountering. When using sivtest as follows:
> mail:/var/log # sivtest -a duk
Am Tuesday 19 September 2006 14:58 schrieb Bjoern Burger:
> i have trouble with sieve and hope someone can tell me a way out.
> Google is not my friend today.
> I have installed a Debian server with Cyrus, Sendmail and WebCyradm.
> The user authentication works against a mysql database.
> Almo
Am Monday 18 September 2006 19:00 schrieb Sam Smith:
> The saslauthd output when run in debug mode while I login - doesn't show
> any problems:
> saslauthd[2194] :do_auth : auth success: [user=sam]
> [service=imap] [realm=] [mech=pam]
> saslauthd[2194] :do_request : response: OK
Am Monday 18 September 2006 13:53 schrieb Thomas Vogt:
> Is it not possible to create a new folder for an existing mailbox with
> cyradm?
> cm user.foobar newfolder
> createmailbox: Mailbox already exists
cm user.foobar.newfolder
The Complete Path.
> It's correct that user foobar already exis
Am Monday 18 September 2006 10:31 schrieb Stefan Edevåg:
> I have an imap.conf and an imap-local.conf to be sure that cyrus admins
> only can login fron localhost. Now I want to allow cyrus admins to login
> from another host as well (to be able to script user administration), but
> I'm not sure i
Am Saturday 16 September 2006 13:16 schrieb Ramprasad:
> I am trying to design a custom mail archiving system for a cyrus
> mailbox.
> My scripts will login to the cyrus mailbox and depending on rulesets
> fetch the mails and store them to particular directories on a different
> server
> Now I
Am Friday 15 September 2006 04:52 schrieb Hardi Gunawan:
> My email server experiencing a delivery problem.
> Here's the log:
> relay=/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp[/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp],
> delay=0, status=deferred (remote protocol error in
> reply from
> /var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp[/var/lib/imap/so
Am Thursday 14 September 2006 22:18 schrieb Mike Husmann:
> > Show your configuration imapd.conf, cyrus.conf. Hmm, maybe
> > hosts.allow/hosts.deny, too.
> imapd.conf
> # server conf
> servername: rusty.morningside.edu
> umask: 077
> reject8bit:
Am Thursday 14 September 2006 18:23 schrieb Sam Smith:
> We've been using cyrus faithfully with pam->NIS for years, but I have to
> change to pam->LDAP.
> I'm using saslauthd -a pam, with a solaris 9 box that authenticates just
> fine using pam->ldap to a fedora directory server.
> I'm using cyr
Am Thursday 14 September 2006 20:25 schrieb Mike Husmann:
> I'm running cyrus-imap v2.2.12 on a Trustix Linux box with saslauthd
> configured to look to Active Directory via LDAP. It's worked great since
> we put it up in April.
> However, this morning, timsieved quit working out of the blue.
Am Thursday 14 September 2006 10:56 schrieb Attila Kiss:
> I use a POP3 server with mailbox. I would like to change it to Cyrus
> IMAP server. I installed a Cyrus server. How can I convert or add the
> mailbox file to cyrus maildir?
> Can you help me?
You can split the mbox-File with formail and
Am Thursday 14 September 2006 09:27 schrieb Warren Howard:
> On 09/14/2006 12:02 PM, Andreas Winkelmann wrote:
> > Am Thursday 14 September 2006 07:56 schrieb Warren Howard:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I've noticed that the size of the folders on disk can be much
Am Thursday 14 September 2006 07:56 schrieb Warren Howard:
> Hi,
> I've noticed that the size of the folders on disk can be much larger
> than the size reported by the mail client and I'm wondering why.
> I'm using Cyrus-imapd 2.2.12 and the mail client is Squirrelmail 1.4.8
> with the 1.5 ver
Am Wednesday 13 September 2006 17:57 schrieb Ramprasad:
>I have a cyrus setup with one primary domain and many virtual domains
> A) Saslauthd is running as
> saslauthd -m /var/run/saslauthd -a pam -r
> B) Username in ldap
> for primary domain
> uid=userid
> for virtual domain
Am Wednesday 13 September 2006 04:36 schrieb
> I added a second IP address to my Cyrus mail host:
> My error log shows the following:
> Sep 12 14:18:53 imap imap[17667]: badlogin: mailadmin.com []
> plaintext tqis SASL(-13): user not found: checkpass failed
Am Tuesday 12 September 2006 16:03 schrieb Walter Willmertinger:
> Is there someway to grep the user's mails by subject, content of mail or
> similar?
> I just found the way to do it by going to the spool directory what is only
> allowed to root.
> I would like to do it e.g. in shell scripts!
Am Tuesday 12 September 2006 15:16 schrieb AJ:
>I am using saslauthd 2.1.19 w/ RHEL4 and I am trying to
> authenticate to an ldap server via the user's mail attribute and
> userPassword. I am using the -r flag w/ saslauthd and here is my
> saslauthd.conf file:
> ldap_servers: ldap://148.4.5
Am Tuesday 12 September 2006 12:03 schrieb Rudy Gevaert:
> >sasl_minimum_layer: 1
> >
> >in imapd.conf.
> having put:
> allowplaintext: 0
> sasl_minimum_layer: 1
> sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
> still gives me that error.
> allowplaintext: 1
> sasl_minimum_layer: 1
> sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
> gives
Am Tuesday 12 September 2006 10:49 schrieb Rudy Gevaert:
> I've read through the previous posts about sieve, but couldn't come up
> with an answer. I'm having the following problem.
> If I have in my imapd.conf:
> allowplaintext: 1
> sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
> Connecting to imap with tls works,
Am Monday 11 September 2006 21:14 schrieb Andrew Morgan:
> > i have the same problem than u
> > but when i remove the LOGIN mechanism windows users can't logged anymore
> > :( is there a way to remove the LOGIN mechanism only for sieve
> > connection?
> The Cyrus-SASL docs state:
Am Monday 11 September 2006 15:41 schrieb Davin Flatten:
> I have a user that uses POP to retrieve their mail from multiple
> machines with the option of leaving the email on the server. Each time
> they retrieve their email on a new machine, the downloaded email is
> marked as unread. This seem
Am Monday 11 September 2006 16:19 schrieb Eric Doutreleau:
> >> Ok, please remove the "LOGIN" Mechanism from sasl_mech_list.
> >>
> >> # Authentication configuration
> >> sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
> >> sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN
> >> "LOGIN" is not able to do authorization (-a cyrus -u user)
Am Monday 11 September 2006 15:00 schrieb Forrest Aldrich:
> What does this mean (from Cyrus IMAP 2.3):
> imap[88386]: DBERROR db3: 4 lockers
Cyrus Home Page: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/
Cyrus Wiki/F
Am Monday 11 September 2006 09:32 schrieb Sebastian Jordan:
> > > I've problems setting up sieve cyrus imapd 2.2.12.
> > > I'm using saslauthd, pam, pam_mysql for authentification.
> > >
> > > POP3 and IMAP are working without problem, but if I want to login to
> > > sieve I have get a "Couldn't f
Am Sunday 10 September 2006 08:00 schrieb Andreas Winkelmann:
> > do I get some help about Sieve here too? Some days ago I've added
> > authentication by sasldb and today I saw that Sieve doesn't work
> > anymore. I can't login to sieveshell from root lik
Am Saturday 09 September 2006 12:38 schrieb Achim Lammerts:
> do I get some help about Sieve here too? Some days ago I've added
> authentication by sasldb and today I saw that Sieve doesn't work
> anymore. I can't login to sieveshell from root like "sieveshell --user
> mailuser --authname mailuser
Am Saturday 09 September 2006 11:37 schrieb Rudy Gevaert:
> Andreas Winkelmann wrote:
> > Am Friday 08 September 2006 14:51 schrieb Rudy Gevaert:
> >> I have this strange problem with sieveshell. (I'm using virtual
> >> domains, and unix seperator.) I can a
Am Saturday 09 September 2006 11:56 schrieb Achim Lammerts:
> after restarting cyrus I saw in the log these error messages:
> Sep 9 10:57:43 salamucha master[6160]: SLPRegister
> [service:imap://salamucha.:143]
> Sep 9 10:57:43 salamucha master[6160]: Error registering service with
> slp -20
Am Friday 08 September 2006 16:59 schrieb Rosenbaum, Larry M.:
> What does the following syslog message mean (and why is it an "error")?
> Sep 8 10:20:39 email imap[17952]: [ID 160154 local6.error] Doing a peer
> verify
It's been used in the Context of TLS while checking a Peer Certificate
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