> First off, thanks for all of the help. I've gotten pretty far I think. I > ran into a couple problems and some notes on some list groups about dead > options that were shown in examples. > > http://garysmith.pbwiki.com/Cyrus > > I have put all of my configs into a wiki (broken down by server/type). > The problem that I'm running into right now is that if I log into the > frontend box using cyradmin (as root or cyrus) I can see mailboxes but > when I go to create one on a backend server, cyradm prompts me for the > password for the corresponding account on the remote machine. I'm not > sure if this is by design or an issue. > > The other big issue is that I have lmtp configured on the frontend to > forward to the backend. The lmtp process is running on the backend as I > can telnet to it (telnet ip lmtp). On the backend I seem to be getting a > SASL2 auth error. > > badlogin: PLAIN SASL(-13): authentication failure: Password > verification failed
Did you test LMTP-Authentication at the Backend? Looks like a SASL-Configuration Issue. How did you configure SASL/saslauthd? Check if proxy_authname with *_password from the Frontend Configuration is able to login via LMTP. Maybe you are using pam and should configure the file for lmtp as well as for imap. > I believe this is the final problem. Now there is another crazy setting > in the mix (but it shoudln't be an impact). We use pam/nss mysql. This > has been working for some time and is working well on stand alone servers. > I have configured it on the frontend server as well. I can login to the > frontend just fine (which is a mysql account). > > That's my outstanding issues at this time that (as I can't get past > those). > > The last thing that I'm looking into is autocreatequota setting. We used > this on the standalone boxes and it worked well for us. When we attempt > to create an account on the frontend it fails as we don't have it enabled > on the frontend. When we enable it on the frontend the account is created > on the frontent and attempts to delete or move (rename) fail. Is there > any hope for autocreate? -- Andreas ---- Cyrus Home Page: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/ Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/twiki List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html