Re: [imp] Horde/IMP performance problems

2010-09-10 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, Quoting Jochen Roderburg : Hello IMP Users, We have been using the older generation of the system (Horde2/IMP3) for many years as our university Webmail system without needing any special optimizations despite a growing number of users. But when I now tried to offer the current gener

Re: [imp] Horde/IMP performance problems

2010-09-13 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Jochen Roderburg : Zitat von Michael Menge : We are running a HA/LB cluster of two servers (2x quadcore XEON E5420 2,5GHz, 16 GB ram each) ClusterIP is used to distribute the load between the servers. - eAccelerator to speed up php, - Memcache for caching, - tempfs and Memcache for

Re: [imp] Problems with translation and icons of four standard folders

2011-01-28 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, Quoting Manuel Gualda Caballero : I have two problems with four standard folders: 1.- Only one (Inbox) is translated to Spanish (Entrada). Other standard folders (Drafts, Junk, Sent and Trash) are not translated to Spanish. 2.- Only one (Inbox) shows his specific icon (inbox.png). Ot

Re: [imp] May be our horde installation was used for spam

2011-05-23 Thread Michael Menge
oint timestamp of the timeframe @NRCPT@ with the number of recipients to ignore To find the user you can try to search horde_prefs table for the spam content in the users signature (pref_scope='horde' and pref_name='identities'

Re: [imp] Spam Problem ... close to a solution ... may be you could help?

2011-05-25 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Götz Reinicke - IT-Koordinator : Am 24.05.11 21:40, schrieb Andrew Morgan: On Tue, 24 May 2011, Götz Reinicke - IT-Koordinator wrote: Hi, I did not find the compromised account yet, but I see a lot off messages like the following one in our logs: /var/log/httpd/ssl_request_log.1:[21

Re: [imp] Fwd: E-mail address spoofing with RLO

2011-05-25 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting ANANT S ATHAVALE : Hello, Thanks for the info. Regards, ANANT. - Message from - Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 13:55:23 +0200 From: Jan Schneider Subject: Re: [imp] Fwd: E-mail address spoofing with RLO To: So, basically what

[imp] problem with text/plain attachments and linebreaks

2012-01-03 Thread Michael Menge
erminators back to LF, so other mail clients handle this problem correct. Is there a option in IMP or the browsers i did miss? Regards Michael Menge M.MengeTel.: (49) 707

Re: [imp] broken attachments with IMP 6.0.4

2013-03-06 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, Quoting Laurent Mazet : Apologies about my 2 last messages, I never received the answer from Michael (probably an issue with my MX backup), I finally found it on mailing list archives. About incorrect report from the browser during uploading: * I've done my tests from Mozilla Firefox 1

Re: [imp] Which "trash" should we use?

2013-06-13 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Michael M Slusarz : Quoting Arjen de Korte : Citeren Maxime Pelletier : Hi all, In the process of configuring our server, we had to think about how to handle deleted messages. Basically, we found 4 ways: 1. Move deleted messages to a given IMAP folder (usually called "trash") 2

[imp] unable to see unsubscribed folders

2015-01-20 Thread Michael Menge
ot;show all mailboxes" is clicked again the unsubscribed mailbox will not reappear. Can some one confirm this? Regards Michael Menge M.MengeTel.: (49) 7071/29-70316 Universität

Re: [imp] unable to see unsubscribed folders

2015-02-04 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, Quoting Michael Menge : Hi, With imp 6.2.5, Horde_Imap_Client 2.26.0 I am unable to show unsubscribed folders. Show all mailboxes will not show unsubscribed mailboxes. Only folders unsubscribed while using "show all mailboxes" will be listed till "hide unsubscribe

Re: [imp] unable to see unsubscribed folders

2015-02-04 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, i think I found the root of the problem Quoting Michael Menge : Hi, Quoting Michael Menge : Hi, With imp 6.2.5, Horde_Imap_Client 2.26.0 I am unable to show unsubscribed folders. Show all mailboxes will not show unsubscribed mailboxes. Only

Re: [imp] Behavior of the virtual trash folder

2015-06-29 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Jens Wahnes : Hi, some of our users are using the "Use Virtual Trash" setting in IMP's "Deleting and Moving Messages" section and have had trouble using it effectively. Now I wonder how that virtual trash folder is supposed to work. When using that setting, messaged marked as deleted

[imp] drafts get deleted on session timeout

2015-06-29 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, we have discovered that auto saved new messages (drafts) get deleted on session timeout. I found the following comment which indicates that the saved messaged should stay in the draft folder if log out due to session timeout, but will be delete on

Re: [imp] drafts get deleted on session timeout

2015-06-30 Thread Michael Menge
Hi Jan, Quoting Jan Schneider : Zitat von Michael Menge : Hi, we have discovered that auto saved new messages (drafts) get deleted on session timeout. I found the following comment which indicates that the saved messaged should stay in the draft

Re: [imp] drafts get deleted on session timeout

2015-06-30 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Jan Schneider : Zitat von Michael Menge : Hi Jan, Quoting Jan Schneider : Zitat von Michael Menge : Hi, we have discovered that auto saved new messages (drafts) get deleted on session timeout. I found the following comment which

[imp] message selection in imp

2015-07-20 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, some of our users don't like how the message selection in imp is currently handled. If you click on es message to view it, the current selection is reset and the message gets selected. The following three "issues" are reported. 1. If you want to delete/move multiple other mails you h

Re: [imp] message selection in imp

2015-07-20 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Andy Dorman : On 07/20/2015 03:10 AM, Michael Menge wrote: Hi, some of our users don't like how the message selection in imp is currently handled. If you click on es message to view it, the current selection is reset and the message gets selected. The following three "i

Re: [imp] message selection in imp

2015-07-21 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Jens Wahnes : On Mo, Jul 20 2015, at 19:59:02 +0200, Michael Menge wrote: If no message is selected but one is shown (preview) actions like delete should work on the shown message. Maybe you can convince your users to double-click such a message first. When it is shown in a new

Re: [imp] message selection in imp

2015-07-21 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Jens Wahnes : Michael Menge wrote: We recently switched from horde 3.3 to horde 5.2, so the new dynamic interface is new to our users. On the one hand, there are always users that don't like the changes and want to keep the old. On the other hand, the reports indicate that the

Re: [imp] IMAP sessions not starting correctly

2015-11-25 Thread Michael Menge
Hi Jens, Quoting Jens Wahnes : We're using Horde along with the IMAP Proxy originally developed for the Squirrelmail project. While this works out quite well most of the time, there are, however, occasional problems with IMAP sessions not working properly. In the IMAP proxy's log file, t

[imp] Interest in Sponsoring "S/MIME signing and decryption using browser APIs"

2016-07-12 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, At the moment cryptographic signing and decryption of mails with imp requires that the private key is stored on the web server. Some years ago there was a attempt to implement S/MIME signing with browser capabilities for firefox ( But the implementatio

[imp] pref to display full from address in mailbox list / message view

2017-12-06 Thread Michael Menge
t be from interest The demos shows that IMP has no problem with \0 and \n and Injections, the tool-tip shows the "real" domain, but it is not displayed by default. Regards Michael Menge -

[imp] bcc heades not included in copy in sent mail folder

2020-07-14 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, in IMP H5 6.2.x the bcc header is not included in the copy of the mail that is saved in the sent mail folder. Is this a bug, or working as intended. If it is the later, what is the reason? Kind regards Michael

Re: [imp] bcc heades not included in copy in sent mail folder

2020-07-14 Thread Michael Menge
Hi Jens, Quoting Jens Wahnes : Michael Menge wrote: in IMP H5 6.2.x the bcc header is not included in the copy of the mail that is saved in the sent mail folder. Is this a bug, or working as intended. If it is the later, what is the reason? It's a bug, introduced by the rec

[imp] show rejected recipients

2020-08-31 Thread Michael Menge
addresses? class Horde_Smtp_Exception_Recipients (Horde/Smtp/Exception/Recipients.php) indicates that horde has a list of the failed addresses. Kind regards Michael Menge -------- Michael Menge Tel.: (4

[imp] IMAP flags not created by IMP

2021-02-11 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, is it possible to by imap flags that where set/created by other clients, or other users (on a shard folder). Or is it possible to import/sync these flags Kind regards Michael Menge Michael Menge

[imp] horde log flooded with rewind()/feof()/fread() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given

2022-08-30 Thread Michael Menge
$part->getName(true), $part->getType() ); } But I am unsure if the Exception should go into the new if-Block and we throw a new IMP_Compose_Exception or the "$size === false" would also be triggered if $stream is null. Kind Regards

[imp] mimp login problems

2007-03-21 Thread Michael Menge
e making the trouble. But we could not discover where we could switch these parameter of. regards Michael Menge M.Menge Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316 Universitaet Tuebingen

Re: [imp] WG: Clearing Subject line memorized messages

2007-05-10 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, i think this is a feature of your browser to fill forms. Where to delete these data depends on your browser. Till now i have only seen the posibility to delete ALL data, but not to select the data to delete. Regards Michael Quoting Jan Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: - W

Re: [imp] SMIME Opaque Sign+Encrypted Messages cannot be displayed

2007-06-04 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, this may be connected to I tried to debug this bug and found that it is only a problem in displaying. what was the MIME structure of the E-Mail? Quoting Harakiri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: The following problem occures with imp 4.1.4 horde 3.1.4 An SMI

Re: [imp] problem with the reminders.php

2007-06-25 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, we have the same problem see Bug #5240 and Bug #3046 Quoting LEVEAU Stanislas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi, I've got a problem with the reminders.php which is launched every 5 minutes by cron Every 70 minutes, reminders.php is abnormally long : more than 5 minutes, so the following one beg

Re: [imp] Removing Country Flags

2007-08-28 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, in horde/lib/Horde/NLS.php it checks if the flag icon exist in horde/themes/graphics/flags so you could disable this check, or remove the icons. But i don't know in which other places these icons are used. Quoting Dale Britt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi Does no one know how to remove the

Re: [imp] Go to next unread, when threaded

2007-09-26 Thread Michael Menge
If you use Virtual Inbox you will see only unread mails Quoting Phil Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Is there a way, when reading mail in IMP in threaded mode, to go to the next unread mail? It is possible to go to the next mail but that seems to include the read ones. -- Phil Reynolds o

Re: [imp] Go to next unread, when threaded

2007-09-27 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Phil Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Quoting Michael Menge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: If you use Virtual Inbox you will see only unread mails Yes, but that's across all polled folders. Is there any way to achieve this within a folder? Yes you can search for unread

Re: [imp] mark as read on delete (move to trash)

2008-02-28 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, don't check your trashfolder for new mail and it won't show up in your "virtual inbox" Quoting Mark Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > Hi I would like to know if there is a way to make horde mark > messages as read when deleting them via the move to trash route ? > >I find the

[imp] Login Faild with IMP 4.2

2008-06-02 Thread Michael Menge
packages to the imap server. Regards Michael Menge test.php Horde Version * Horde: 3.2 Horde Applications * Dimp: H3 (1.0) * Horde: 3.2 * Imp: H3 (4.2) (run Imp tests) * Ingo: H3 (1.2) (run Ingo tests) * Kronolith: H3 (2.2) (run

Re: [imp] Spam issues, need help.

2008-06-10 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Dos Wizard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Hello, > > I am running a free webmail service based on IMP, and while I had > successfully controlled incoming spam on the mail server level, I have > issues of outgoing spam, thus someone attempts to use an automated bot > process to send outgoing spam v

Re: [imp] Public mail folders

2008-10-31 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, Quoting tom burkart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi all, I just had a request for a feature in IMP as follows: A need has come up to store all emails for a project in a common/public mail folder so that if a query comes up, anyone on the project can answer the query. Is this possible and/or

Re: [imp] imp problem displaying "To" column

2008-11-08 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, it's a feature. Normaly IMP will display the from address in an normal folder (not send folder). If the from address is associated to the account of the user it will display the to address. In the send folder IMP reacts the other way round, it will display the from address if from addre

Re: [imp] reset sort order of a folder

2009-01-22 Thread Michael Menge
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes"; format="flowed" Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi, Quoting Steve Paras-Charlton : Ok, got an odd question here. I have a very large mailbox (2+ messages) served to imp via imap with a Ma

Re: [imp] Problem: Maintenence work

2009-03-13 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, Quoting Thomas Berger : Hi Freaks, we use the Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 1.2 with the following mail option: Rename sent-mail folder at beginning of month By this action is the folder successfully renamed, but no new folder is created... output from horde: sent-mail folder being re

Re: [imp] Max attachment size

2009-03-26 Thread Michael Menge
't remember if the forwarded message had to be signed that the problem would be shown. See How will/should IMP5 handle Forwarding signed messages? Regards Michael Menge -

Re: [imp] Max attachment size

2009-04-08 Thread Michael Menge
Hi again, Quoting Michael M Slusarz : Quoting Michael Menge : Hi, Quoting Michael M Slusarz : The MIME/IMAP/attachment code has been completely rewritten in IMP 5 and, regardless, the outputted message *is* valid MIME. However, you really shouldn't be using 'Forward Attach

Re: [imp] Admin can't read users email

2009-04-21 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Michael Rubinsky : Quoting Pete Masse : It seems to me that the admin account has the ability to read all of the user's email from his/her login screen. At least that's the way I thought I saw it at one time. If this is true and I'm not mistaken, how is this made possible? Th

Re: [imp] Possible bug ?

2009-09-13 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting so how i can send email truth horde webmail when the email address don't exists? If you don't lock from_addr in imp prefs, the user/spammer can change the from addres. how make this , if no possible that horde have a possible security breach, a bug? If you

[imp] is Bug 8123 fixed in imp 4.3.4 and horde 3.3.5

2009-10-21 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, I upgradet to imp 4.3.4 and horde 3.3.5 and I still see this problem: I wonder if this bug should be fixed in these versions and if, what upgrade step I have might have missed? Regards Michael Menge

Re: [imp] is Bug 8123 fixed in imp 4.3.4 and horde 3.3.5

2009-10-21 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Jan Schneider : Zitat von Michael Menge : Hi, I upgradet to imp 4.3.4 and horde 3.3.5 and I still see this problem: I wonder if this bug should be fixed in these versions and if, what upgrade step I have might have missed? Yes, it's fixe

Re: [imp] is Bug 8123 fixed in imp 4.3.4 and horde 3.3.5

2009-10-21 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Jan Schneider : Zitat von Michael Menge : Quoting Jan Schneider : Zitat von Michael Menge : Hi, I upgradet to imp 4.3.4 and horde 3.3.5 and I still see this problem: I wonder if this bug should be fixed in these versions and if, what upgrade

Re: [imp] S/MIME with attachment

2009-10-26 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, Quoting Zitat von Hello when using S/MIME to encrypt a mail and display it in IMP/Horde the message is unreadable as sonn as some attachment is present. I suspected size limits but this is even true for 5kB attachments. I found a reference

Re: [imp] is Bug 8123 fixed in imp 4.3.4 and horde 3.3.5

2009-10-26 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Jan Schneider : Zitat von Michael Menge : Quoting Jan Schneider : Zitat von Michael Menge : Quoting Jan Schneider : Zitat von Michael Menge : Hi, I upgradet to imp 4.3.4 and horde 3.3.5 and I still see this problem: I wonder if this bug

Re: [imp] Automatically moving Spam to related folder

2009-10-26 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Bruno Costacurta : Hello, using IMP, how to automatically move email marked as spams to related Spam folder ? Take a look at INGO M.MengeT

Re: [imp] reconfiguring how IMP communicates with the IMAP server

2009-11-04 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, Quoting "Robert P. J. Day" : as a short followup to my earlier post, i just copied over the previous imp/ directory (very old version of IMP, but that will be sufficient for now) and installed it under the current horde, at which point the Mail icon now appears under horde, but no one ca

Re: [imp] Imp and Spamassassin

2010-02-02 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Jon Lewis : I'm curious if anyone has done any patches for integration of spamassassin (to be used for checking mail as it's sent) with Imp? Checking outgoing E-Mails with spamassassin is of limeted use, as most headerbased rules can't trigger or would trigger also for regular emails,

Re: [imp] Tracking a webmail user

2010-03-26 Thread Michael Menge
Quoting Paul Stewart : Hi there. New to the list and apologize in advance if this is something I missed when hunting around. We do quite a bit of webhosting and run the Plesk platform which in turn runs the IMP webmail system. We're having a problem where on a very busy server one of the

Re: [imp] logs getting filled up repeatedly with same error and filling up space.

2025-02-19 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, sorry for replying to an old thread, but we hit the same problem today. I found a bug report and have added a patch. As I am unable to reproduce the problem i would appreciate it if someone could review my patch. Kind regards Michael Menge