Hi Jan,
Quoting Jan Schneider <j...@horde.org>:
Zitat von Michael Menge <michael.me...@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de>:
we have discovered that auto saved new messages (drafts) get
deleted on session timeout.
I found the following comment
https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13108#c8 which indicates
that the saved messaged should stay in the draft folder if log out
due to session timeout,
but will be delete on normal (aka "user clicked on the log out
button") log out.
We use Imp as Authentication.
horde 5.2.5 stable
imp 6.2.8 stable
I tried debugging and found the following call graph
Can someone confirm this behavior? Is this a new bug, or did I miss
something in my configuration?
This is an explicit logout. If you really had a session timeout,
there won't be any user credentials available anymore to do the
drafts deletion.
In my test I didn't click on logout. I was in the imp
automatic/dynamic mode, and after
an ajax request (checking for new mail) I was logged out with the
following error message
"Ihre Sitzung hat die maximal erlaubte Dauer überschritten. Bitte
melden Sie sich erneut an.".
Which indicates the the session is older than the max session lifetime.
M.Menge Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung mail:
Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen
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