Hi *,
as suggested by mailman, I configured my mailing list membership to
send out digests in MIME format ("Your mail reader may or may not
support MIME digests. In general MIME digests are preferred, but if
you have a problem reading them, select plain text digests.").
Unfortunately, I h
Zitat von Michael M Slusarz
MIME Digests are preferred to help you *read* the list traffic. They
aren't designed to be easy to reply to.
Plain text digests are harder to read, but easier to edit when replying.
Not much you can do about that. A good MUA should only ever generally
Hi *,
I'm looking for a way to associate a "default identity" with a
specific contact.
Background: As there is no way to edit signatures in IMP, not even a
visual feedback what the sig will be like, I always have to remember
to select the proper identity (with/without signature) when send
Hi Michael,
Zitat von Michael M Slusarz
Quoting Jens-Uwe Mozdzen :
I'll take this back to the list if you want.
Yes... I will move to the list.
I don't see this. When I create a new message from a template (or
save the unwrapped text as a draft and then resume), I don't see any
Hi Michael,
Zitat von Michael M Slusarz
I can't reproduce this either.
thanks to your earlier pointer, I could start debugging this. Evidence
is pointing at the IMAP server as the root cause.
The short version is: To re-flow the lines, they need to end with
blanks. In case of pure
currently I'm using latest IMP from PEAR. For my account, I've set the
"delete" preference to "move messages to the trash folder".
Accessing a shared email folder, I see plenty of messages marked as
"deleted", as other users have different "delete" preferences,
obviously at least one
Hi Michael,
Zitat von Michael M Slusarz
Quoting "Jens-U. Mozdzen" :
currently I'm using latest IMP from PEAR. For my account, I've set
the "delete" preference to "move messages to the trash folder".
Accessing a shared email folder, I see plenty o
Zitat von Jens-U. Mozdzen :
Hi Michael,
Zitat von Michael M Slusarz
Quoting "Jens-U. Mozdzen" :
currently I'm using latest IMP from PEAR. For my account, I've set
the "delete" preference to "move messages to the trash folder".
Accessing a share
Hi *,
in order to support maximum encryption, I've experimentally set the
default to always (S/MIME) encrypt outgoing emails.
Unfortunately, not all recipients do actually have an encryption key,
thus I have none in my address book for them. When sending e-mails to
such recipients, I'm pr
Hi Michael,
Zitat von Michael M Slusarz
Quoting "Jens-U. Mozdzen" :
Unfortunately, not all recipients do actually have an encryption
key, thus I have none in my address book for them. When sending
e-mails to such recipients, I'm presented with an error message that
no S/MIME k
Hi *,
I'm running IMP 6.1.2, according to "pear list-upgrades" mostly current code:
--- cut here ---
/horde # pear list-upgrades
pear.horde.org Available Upgrades (stable):
ChannelPackage Local Remote Size
Hi Michael,
Zitat von Michael M Slusarz
Quoting "Jens-U. Mozdzen" :
I am logged in using the "dynamic" UI.
When forwarding an e-mail, in the then opening editor window, I see
the message to add the forwarded e-mail as an attachment (in
addition to the inline forwarding
Hi *,
I have an IMAP folder where all incoming mailing list traffic is
stored (via Ingo filters). I can view all correlating messages nicely
by opening the first message of a thread and selecting the "show
thread" option in the "other functions" of that mail's header section
(webmail dyna
Hi all,
due to reasons currently beyond our control, an AJAX call used to
upload an attachment is aborted by the web server.
When using Firebug to watch the network requests, I see it report that
the request was aborted.
Unfortunately, the (dynamic view) message compose window still shows
Hello Michael,
Zitat von Michael M Slusarz
Quoting "Jens-U. Mozdzen" :
Hi all,
due to reasons currently beyond our control, an AJAX call used to
upload an attachment is aborted by the web server.
When using Firebug to watch the network requests, I see it report
that the r
using Horde IMP 6.1.3 dynamic view, I moved a message to another
user's folder. At least I tried - missing the posting permission for
that folder, the move failed with an according red message box.
But I noticed that the original message was marked as deleted -
although my account is
running latest Horde/imp (per PEAR upgrade yesterday) and am still
seeing the following:
- logged in via dynamic mode into IMP
- with any folder I can access, reading the first message marks the
message as read in the list (of messages in that folder), but doesn't
decrement the "unrea
Hello Michael,
Zitat von Michael M Slusarz <[hidden email]>
Quoting "Jens-U. Mozdzen" <[hidden email]>:
Hi all,
due to reasons currently beyond our control, an AJAX call used to
upload an attachment is aborted by the web server.
When using Firebug to watch the netw
Zitat von Michael M Slusarz
Seems like this result (AJAX aborted) is somehow not caught?
Works for me. Aborted AJAX responses trigger the
'HordeCore:ajaxFailure' event, which is handled in compose-dimp.js.
(HordeCore:ajaxFailure is itself triggered by prototypejs' internal
xmlhttprequest cod
Hi *,
I have dug deeper into this problem, as it seems to affect several
areas of operation. Looking at the list of tables, I noticed that
there's "horde_imap_client_message" with nearly 36000 entries - 13 of
which have a "messageid" of zero:
--- cut here ---
mysql> select count(*) from h
Hi Arjen,
Zitat von Arjen de Korte
Citeren "Jens-U. Mozdzen" :
Might it be that not handling of new horde_imap_client_data entries
is the root cause, but those 13 entries above? How would I proceed
to clean up the entries (with messageid==0) in
Hi *,
Zitat von Arjen de Korte
Confirmed. When caching is enabled in IMP, you'll need to truncate the
horde_imap_client_(data|message|metadata) tables to reload the
messages from the IMAP server.
shouldn't "horde-clear-cache" take care of this? If it's agreed upon,
I'll open an according en
Hi Jan,
Zitat von Jan Schneider
Zitat von Arjen de Korte :
Citeren Jan Schneider :
Is there a way to make IMP refresh the data from the IMAP server?
Other than just bluntly truncating the tables?
The imp-query-imap-cache executable can emptry the cache.
learning something new every d
Hi *,
for some time, the auto-search list for recipients is always fully
populated from our back-end (Kolab), rather than just the matching
entries. Matches in that list are bold, but I need to scroll though
pages of entries.
I'm talking about creating a new mail in dynamic view:
- open
Sorry for the noise - the following (unrelated?) message gave me the
right pointer:
Zitat "cyx"
I finally found the user setting, which caused the error. If I set in
Imp/addressbook - show all contacts, it causes the error. Removing the
setting solves the problem.(the symptom)
that us
Hi *,
not nice, but not "high priority" either:
When looking at ML digest emails (i.e. from the IMP mailing list), IMP
tries to assist by formatting the output (both in preview and message
If it encounters a signature below an individual message, it validly
switches to displaying
Hi Mike, hi Simon,
Zitat von Michael J Rubinsky
Quoting Simon B :
Is it possible to sync identities in Imp with the aliases in the Nine
android app?
Any plans to do so?
This is already done via the SETTINGS command. Email addresses from
each identity are sent to the client - which nin
27 matches
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