
running latest Horde/imp (per PEAR upgrade yesterday) and am still seeing the following:

- logged in via dynamic mode into IMP
- with any folder I can access, reading the first message marks the message as read in the list (of messages in that folder), but doesn't decrement the "unread messages" count for that folder in the left tree view. - When I then manually set unset that message's "read flag", the counter isn't incremented - When I then manually set that message's "read fleag", the counter is decremented

switching to other folder and back doesn't correct the count, neither does refreshing that folder. When logging of and logging in again, the message count is correct again. Seems like a client-side counter problem.

Steps to reproduce:

- select inbox folder

- mark all messages in inbox as read

- send yourself a test message (the message is "unread" in the message list, unread count in tree is "1")

- click that message to preview it in the lower window pane (the message is marked "unread" in the message list, but the folder list still shows one unread message in inbox

- unset the message "read" flag (the message is "unread" in the message list, unread count in tree is "1")

- set the message "read" flag (or re-preview the message) (the message is "read" in the message list, no unread message for inbox in tree view)

I had this with 6.1.3 already, but wanted to wait for 6.1.5 to test...


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