Kalle Foggy wrote:
Yes, I can login to my imap with thunderbird.
Yes, I can login to mysql with phpmyadmin and see the database of horde.
I had to reboot because the server hangs by trying to install F-Secure
Linux Security.
Then I removed the source of error (rpm / alien was required by
Hi gimili, hi Martin
thanks for your fast answers!
Yes, I can login to my imap with thunderbird.
Yes, I can login to mysql with phpmyadmin and see the database of horde.
I had to reboot because the server hangs by trying to install F-Secure
Linux Security.
Then I removed the source of error (
Kalle Foggy wrote:
since a required server reboot, it's not possible to login to the
Horde/IMP Interface.
When correct username/password is entered it takes about four minutes
till the message "login failed" is shown.
The Horde Log shows only:
Dec 09 13:08:21 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN fo
It's failing to login to the imap server, not the SQL database.
Can you login to the IMAP server from a normal client?
Are you using SQL auth or imap auth?
Good luck.
Kalle Foggy wrote:
Hi all,
since a required server reboot, it's not possible to login to the
Horde/IMP Interface.
Hi all,
since a required server reboot, it's not possible to login to the
Horde/IMP Interface.
When correct username/password is entered it takes about four minutes
till the message "login failed" is shown.
The Horde Log shows only:
Dec 09 13:08:21 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN for Info [