Hello Guys,
I hope you can help me. I am going to setup an Icinga2 monitoring and was
looking for a reporting solution.
Everything I found online was either for Icinga 1 or outdated. And the official
reporting package is going to be EOL by end of this year.
JasperReports seems to be not really w
On Wednesday 07 November 2018 at 12:35:18, Struska Raphael wrote:
> Hello Guys,
> I hope you can help me. I am going to setup an Icinga2 monitoring and was
> looking for a reporting solution.
To get useful answers to this, I think you need to specify in a bit more
detail what you mean by "rep
On Wed, 07 Nov 2018, Antony Stone wrote:
> On Wednesday 07 November 2018 at 12:35:18, Struska Raphael wrote:
> > Hello Guys,
> >
> > I hope you can help me. I am going to setup an Icinga2 monitoring and was
> > looking for a reporting solution.
> To get useful answers to this, I think you n
My idea is that I can select a host, the time period and get the availability
over the last 30 days., all Warning, all critical states and so on.
And put all that information in a pdf file and automaticly send it via email.
So I can create SLA reports.
Best regards,
Yes that is what I am looking for. Is it possible to put all the information
about a host into a pdf fiel and send it automaticly over email?
Best regards,
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: icinga-users Im Auftrag von
Alexander Wirt
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. November 2018 13:47
An: I
On Wed, 07 Nov 2018, Struska Raphael wrote:
> Yes that is what I am looking for. Is it possible to put all the information
> about a host into a pdf fiel and send it automaticly over email?
There isn't such a solution for icinga2. At least nothing out of the box, you
can of course use Jaspereport
Do you may know, if there indepent modules to write informations from icinga2
to pdf and send automatic emails?`
If it is maybe possible to combine that.
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: icinga-users Im Auftrag von
Alexander Wirt
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. November 2018 14:00
An: Ic
On Wed, 07 Nov 2018, Struska Raphael wrote:
> Do you may know, if there indepent modules to write informations from icinga2
> to pdf and send automatic emails?`
> If it is maybe possible to combine that.
Not that I am aware of.
icinga-users m
Okay, thanks a lot.
Best regards,
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: icinga-users Im Auftrag von
Alexander Wirt
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. November 2018 14:19
An: Icinga User's Corner
Betreff: Re: [icinga-users] Icinga2 working reporting solutions
On Wed, 07 Nov 2018, Struska Raphael