Hi Peter,
there is openduty on github, but it really doesn't look like an active
project: https://github.com/openduty/openduty.
Hopefully the icinga guys are working on a new "Notification manager" ;-)
The major company behind icinga is also offering some hardware with easy
integration: https://ww
Hey Peter,
Am 07.10.2016 um 12:02 schrieb Peter Eckel:
Is anyone aware of such a solution? Any hint is appreciated.
I don't know how much of this [1] is Open Source, but these little boxes
work really well and have a small nagios instance running to monitor the
monitoring server.
Hi Michael,
I know, you wrote, that you don't want to assign a dummy check - but
why not? You could use the built-in "dummy"-check for this:
object Host "unchecked-host" {
import "generic-host"
check_command = "dummy"
vars.dummy_state = 0
vars.dummy_text = "This host
I want to use the icinga2 api. I am querying all services with problems
like so:
This returns services objects like so:
"attrs": {
"__name": "somehost.mydomain.com!apt
I'm looking for an alerting system to be used as the notification backend for
Icinga 2.
The solution needs to be local, i.e. non-cloud-based (which unfortunately rules
out my favourite candidates iLert and OpsGenie), and it needs to support at
least the following functionalities:
- Can