In my experience DB2 WLM environments are stopped because the associated
started task failed - Eg abend or JCL error. Check the output and syslog. I
also once forgot to copy the STC JCL from the proclib which I use for dB2
installation to a system proclib library so no STC output just a syslog
ADRDSSU DATASET DUMP with the CONCURRENT(VIRTUALREQ) option will flash copy the
dataset to a work dataset and then dump (backup) the work dataset. I have not
tried this myself. You have to pre-define work datasets with a particular
naming convention. See “virtual concurrent copy working s
The download server supports FTP over SSL (FTPS) and HTTPS. See SMP/E User
guide Zos 2.5 section “Preparing for secure Internet delivery”. That document
states that you need at-tls because Tls 1.2 is used. This would be for pts
ordering and download via SMP/E. When I have ordered PTFs outside of
A z/OS CBPDO a good alternative ?. Really ?. I would say a good alternative to
z/OSMF on one of your systems to install z/OS is to get the customised offering
driver system, although I have not used that for many years.
> On 5 Mar 2023, at 03:54, Peter wrote:
> Thanks Kurt
Did you define your file system as extended addressable so that it can be
bigger than 4GB ?. (If you define it as type ZFS rather than LINEAR this is
implied). I cannot remember what happens if you do not define it as EA.
> On 7 Mar 2023, at 18:53, Steve Beaver wrote:
> I hav
Does gsk_export_certificate do what you need ?. It is documented in z/os
Cryptographic Services System SSL Programming. There are several functions for
handling certificates.
Sent from my iPad
> On 14 Apr 2023, at 20:07, Isabel wrote:
> Hello, thanks for your answers, but I think I was not c
> Behalf Of Isabel
> Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 1:17 PM
> Subject: Re: PKCS #7
> Hello and thanks Keith. Do we have to use C language for the gsk functions?
> thanks in advance
> On Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 4:2
iles with the
operational ETC file system for a specific system. If Serverpac changes /etc
for a new release I compare its files with those of the operational /etc and
adjust the new operational /etc if appropriate.
Keith Gooding
Sent from my iPad
> On 18 Apr 2023, at 19:48, Marna WALLE
Do you mean that you have an ATTLS rule which ‘converts’ your SMP/E job to an
SSL client ?. Ie ATTLS acts as an SSL proxy, converting the data stream into
and out of your SMP/E step to SSL ? But SMP/E implements SS itself so you must
not convert that to SL using an AT-TLS rule.
> On 1 May 2023
A AT-TLS rule consists of a number of tests and pointers to actions which are
performed if all of the tests are true. One of the actions specifies if TLS is
to be enabled or not. You can test on local and remote port numbers , local
and remote IP addresses, connection direction (inbound
As far as I know RACF cannot import from a z/os unix file. It has to be VB. I
think there is an RFE/Idea requesting unix file support.
Also you said that the source file is ISO 8859-1 which suggests to me that is
base-64 encoded. If so you will see “—— BEGIN” near the start and a similar
assumes that the server is on the same subnet as the adapter -
change - to the router IP address if not.
No guarantees.
Keith Gooding
Sent from my iPad
> On 25 May 2023, at 16:41, Pommier, Rex wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question about routing FTP traffic. First
development systems. I have no experience of
using this in a real production world although I would expect it to be similar
to the ISPF dialogue method.
Keith Gooding
Sent from my iPad
> On 25 May 2023, at 19:03, Marna WALLE wrote:
> Gadi,
> You can learn about the z/OSMF Software M
The relevant documentation seems to be the section ‘Determining PTKTDATS
profile names’ in the RACF security admin guide. This has a list of rules for
determining the name for APPC, CICS,IMS, batch jobs, TSO etc and ends the list
with ‘Other applications’ . That last paragraph states that if the
IIRC the Liberty server that comes with z/OS was first bundled with z/OSMF,
then it became a separate feature but limited by licence to use with z/OSMF and
then those restrictions were relaxed allowing limited internal use with other
applications. I do not know the rules now or how to find them
Some sites do not have dfdss.
A common non-SMPE method is to use the XMIT command to convert each library
into a sequential file, copy all of these XMIT datasets into a PDS and then run
XMIT again to convert the PDS into a sequential file. To unpack you run RECEIVE
to create the PDS of XMIT fil
For my first z/OS 3.1 IPL (under z/VM) I got WAIT 006. After a long search I
There is no PTF as yet but there is a work-around (turn off mini-disk caching).
Those PTFa are the validated boot PTFs for z/OS 2.5 - the fun
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of
> Keith Gooding <>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 1:27 PM
> Subject: Heads up: z/os 3.1 WAIT 006 under z/VM + DS6800 question
> For my
Thanks Jim - it is always good to get an answer from an expert.
> On 24 Oct 2023, at 20:43, Jim Mulder wrote:
> The Validated Boot enhancements to z/OS made a change to a channel program
> that we
> use to build the nucleus. The changed channel program is used regardless of
> whether you
was to make
sure that I had not missed anything that I should have read and eventually I
started searching on IBM Support.
Keith Gooding
> On 27 Oct 2023, at 03:09, Peter Relson wrote:
> We intend to add WAIT006 and WAIT074 to the VM66721 APAR description to help
Should be OAx. I missed the memo too.
> On 3 Nov 2023, at 16:33, Shaffer, Terri
> <> wrote:
> Hi,
> So I should know this but apparently I missed the memo along the way, Can
> anyone give me the secret decoder
> I know AHx went to PHx
more complicated dss filters such as
Keith Gooding
> On 23 Nov 2023, at 17:32, Radoslaw Skorupka
> <> wrote:
> Well, First, I DON'T WANT TO DELETE datasets. I wan to dump them to archive
> file.
> S
). It certainly
should not be the case that dss routinely ignores migrated datasets unless a
patch byte is set.
Keith Gooding
> On 23 Nov 2023, at 19:23, Jon Perryman wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Nov 2023 18:18:23 +0000, Keith Gooding wrote:
>> I do not know why IBM do not
In TCPIP messages and codes socket return code 122 is ECLOSED but that may not
help much either.
Is the client relying on ATTLS ? If so have you looked on z/os Unix syslog and
MVS syslog for at-tls messages ?
> On 29 Nov 2023, at 13:51, Robin Atwood wrote:
> #define EIO
Am I missing something or is there ‘proper’ cloud technology, such provisioning
of middleware using cloud provisioning like AWS etc.
Keith Gooding
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email
At the risk of being contacted by an IBM salesperson I have attempted to get in
touch with a “zCloud” person for information.
Keith Gooding
Sent from my iPad
> On 29 May 2021, at 15:13, Colin Paice wrote:
> I remember about 20+ years ago there was "dial a vm" from
Stephen Potter books (who wrote about
“Gamesmanship etc in the 1950’s).
Does anyone else remember this and have details of the source ?
Keith Gooding
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to
catalog is used with indirect cataloging. On the ISPF version there was a step
to validate the entries in the master catalog and create new entries as
required. On the Catalogs page, should I catalog the datasets or not ?
Keith Gooding
documentation is that
, after some initial confusion, the dialogue is intuitive . In general I am
impressed - it is, or will be, better than the system it replaces.
Keith Gooding
> On 12 Oct 2021, at 16:39, Kurt J. Quackenbush wrote:
> - I have attempted to model the configuration on a 2.4
to avoid clashing with existing datasets of the same
name I rename them as SYS!.CPAC.* and indirectly catalog them on sysres.
> On 26 Oct 2021, at 18:05, Shaffer, Terri
> <> wrote:
> Okay I am going to retract
alias and
associated catalog. That is because we use OMVS.ZOS250 as the qualifier for
target zone file systems, and OMVS for most other file systems.
Not necessarily all logical or the best practice but we are where we are.
Keith Gooding
volser as the HLQ but we have to maintain and run several
back levels of z/os and I am reluctant to change. I may however do that even
though it is a minor ‘post install’ step to move the entries out of the ‘OMVS’
catalog to a catalog
Keith Gooding
Is anyone using the HICS storage admin dialogue from the CBT overflow tape ? .
It was installed on one of our systems several years ago but not used. I saw
that it was a version from 2003 so I installed the latest CBT version - it is
dated 2006. My problem in particular is that it is not clear h
on Z eg
Windows or Linux on other platforms ?. Are these implementations compatible
with z/os - I think I remember that one of the IBM implementations was not
initially compatible but I may be wrong about that.
Keith Gooding
This is a ‘newbie’ question (from someone who has forgotten a lot about z/OS).
On a development system our WLM service definition does not get much attention.
I wanted to make a simple change to classification rules and also to a service
class definition. I used z/OSMF but I think I would have t
I meant to say of course that only one service definition can be installed in
the couple dataset, not coupling facility.
Sent from my iPad
> On 26 Jul 2022, at 12:34, Keith Gooding
> <> wrote:
> This is a ‘newbie’ question (fr
I did not get any replies here but I did get an excellent reply from someone in
IBM on the IBMTCP-L list. For some reason my initial post there had not been
echoed back to me.
Sent from my iPad
> On 18 Jul 2022, at 17:10, Keith Gooding
> <034af3894af4-dmarc-requ...@listse
and am confused now.
Keith Gooding
> On 26 Jul 2022, at 12:38, Keith Gooding wrote:
> I meant to say of course that only one service definition can be installed
> in the couple dataset, not coupling facility.
> Sent from my iPad
>> On 26 Jul 20
Is anyone able to use JS cross-system or is this working as designed?. I am
able to use others commands such as JT (Job Tasks) so I know that the SDSF
address spaces are talking to each other.
Keith Gooding
2 z/OS 2.4 ACTIVE
> CM02 JES2 z/OS 2.4 ACTIVE
> PR03 JES2 z/OS 2.4 ACTIVE
> PR02 JES2 z/OS 2.4 ACTIVE
> PR01 JES2 z/OS 2.4 ACTIVE
> Paul Feller
> GTS Mainframe Technical Support
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainf
Got it. The ‘special dataset’ is presumably $JOURNAL. I found that I had only
tested with STCs. It works ok for JOBs where the jobclass has JOURNAL=Yes. It
does not seem possible to set JOURNSL=YES for STCs. Back to the drawing board.
> On 11 Aug 2022, at 19:06, Keith Gooding wr
I am
fairly sure that security is not related to the problem.
> On 11 Aug 2022, at 19:37, Mark Zelden wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Aug 2022 13:32:46 -0500, Mark Zelden wrote:
>>> On Thu, 11 Aug 2022 15:34:20 +0100, Keith Gooding wrote:
Sent from my iPad
> On 23 Aug 2022, at 23:45, Bob Bridges wrote:
> Comment from another knowledgeable cove:
> "In number theory, Euler's totient function counts the positive integers up
> to a given integer n that are relatively pr
installation has been
positive - I would not want to go back to the ISPF dialogue method.
Keith Gooding
> On 30 Aug 2022, at 13:37, Carmen Vitullo wrote:
> I don't recall ever having to work or needing to use a product to install or
> maintain a product that required a
Why would anyone use CBPDO + SMP/E to install z/OS ? (Not a rhetorical
Z/OSMF Serverpac installation is good but you may not want to use a Serverpac
to install a single product such as z/secure.
> On 31 Aug 2022, at 13:09, Carmen Vitullo wrote:
> thanks for that info A
same target zone.
Keith Gooding
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
having a
separate target zone for JES3 upsets our cloning procedures.
> On 6 Oct 2022, at 13:00, Keith Gooding
> <> wrote:
> I installed z/os 2.5 using z/OSMF in October last year and noticed that the
> installa
Thanks Paul.
We still need to have JES3 because as an ISV we do have to do some testing on a
JES3 system. It would probably be safer to change our cloning jobs rather than
ZONEMERGE the zones just in case an element with the same name as a JES3
element is added to z/OS.
> On 6 Oct 2022,
TCPIP invokes z/os System SSL so if there is any documentation provided by IBM
it will be in System SSL documentation but I could not find the record formats.
System SSL provides the gsk trace command and it is possible that this will
format the records for you. You will find the definitive expl
Although not a solution to your problem you may know that the z/os AMAPDUPL
utility solves this problem by automatically tersing the data, splitting it
into chunks, and transmitting the chunks to the IBM support site in a number of
overlapping ftp or https streams. I think it uses pipes to ove
In a previous reply I mentioned that I recalled that there were some diagnostic
enhancements for AT-TLS in z/os 2.5. They are described in the z/os 2 .5
education articles on GitHub :
In a previous reply I mentioned that I recalled that there were some diagnostic
enhancements for AT-TLS in z/os 2.5. They are described in the z/os 2 .5
education articles on GitHub :
My understanding is that a policy agent refresh only reloads the definitions if
something has changed in the policy. I have certainly had a problem when a
keyring had been changed - policy agent did not recognise a change so the
cached keyring remains. The solution was to increment the connectio
It may also depend on whether you have any new OSA or FICON cards which are not
supported by z/os 2.1. For instance the Z16 does not support the 8 Gb FICON
cards which could be carried forward to z14 and the new ones are 32Gb and PTFs
are required for these . Under z/Vm it may depend on whether
> the z16.
> Thanks,
> Grant
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of
> Keith Gooding
> Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 1:02 PM
> Subject: Re: zOS and z16
> !---
TSO is then running the TSO Run command rather than a DB2 command - taking
“PROGRAM(DSN2)” - which it expect to be a DSN - to be a PDS member and
objecting to the PLAN parameter which is not a valid parameter for the TSO
> On 6 Jun 2024, at 14:52, Wayne Driscoll
> <05791921
Hi Radoslaw.
Yes, you have to rename most of the datasets but it is not as bad as it sounds.
I think I mapped the datasets volumes and then filtered on the volume
to get a list of all sysres datasets. Then you can change the CB.
ST123456 prefix to null for all of those datasets in one
Hi Peter
Remember that if you are expecting the ZFS to be automatically expanded into
secondary extents after initial formatting you must mount it with the AGGGROW
> On 27 Aug 2024, at 15:36, David Spiegel
> <> wrote:
> Hi P
n may have been
Does anyone have any thoughts on this problem. I can of course work around the
problem but I would like to understand what is going wrong.
Keith Gooding
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / arc
IOCDS build program would ignore the time stamp
information in modified IOCDS source but I think there should be an option to
preserve the processor ID.
> On 28 Aug 2024, at 12:24, Keith Gooding
> <> wrote:
> I have a IEA
Is anyone using this to maintain AT-TLS policies or any other policies ?
Any views on NCA vs manual editing of the policy file ?
When I first encountered AT-TLS I used the Windows version to generate a simple
policy file for one type of application and thereafter did manual edits to the
Thank you all for your replies.
It appears that z/OSMF NCA is, as we say, the best thing since sliced
bread, but many do not like sliced bread.
Our configuration is not typical because the system is used to test a
SSL/TLS application and developers need to test z/OS servers and clients
were set by
At-Tls (if the rule was triggered) . The debug messages are sent to syslogd. .
Keith Gooding
> On 16 Nov 2020, at 14:24, Joe Monk wrote:
> Error 100B:
> 100B Unexpected SSL handshake encountered.An SSL handshake header was
> encountered on a basic port or the
algorithms because ICSF is used.
BTW why would you not want to use ICSF? I think there has been some confusion
in the past that ICSF requires crypto hardware but that is not the case.
Keith Gooding
> On 17 Jan 2025, at 20:22, Peter
> <> wro
64 matches
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