Our filesystem layout (albeit on cf2, so no "bundles" or anything...)
./cf.strategies - pseudo-random class definitions
./cf.classes - global classes
./cf.control - global macros and settings
.//cf.siteclasses - site-specific classes
.//cf.sitecontrol - site-specific macros and settings
promises.cf (contains agent configs)
classes.cf (setting global classes).
cf-serverd.cf (also contains runagent)
library.cf (custom resusable bundles and bodies)
Then I break things down based on what the policy does for example.
hardening.cf for misc h
* site.cf
I use this to set global classes that control what actions needs to be
taken in a particular environment/server. I also set global vars in here,
such as the slist which is passed to bundlesequence - that way all the
stuff that varies depending on what classes are defined is consoli
Hi all,
I'm curious about what good practices people have developed for
organizing their local configuration files, bundles, bodies, special
files, etc. as well as naming conventions for bundles, bodies,
variables, etc. to prevent conflicts with defaults. I checked
www.cfwiki.org but it doesn't se